I was thumbing through the site and came across this DIY for Ruby Red Tail Lights. My other tails were breaking so I decided to give it a whirl. I used red stainglass paint made by Krylon (I bought it at Michael's Art's and Craft's for $4), 1000 grit sand paper, some masking tape, an automotive clear coat, and some plastic polish made by Meguiar's ($5). My first step was to buy some cheap rice cooker lights off of ebay. Once I received them I test fit them to my car. *Surprise Surprise* they didn't fit all too well. Any way, following the DIY posted by InvaderTrax I painted them red, cleared them, and gave them a rub down with the plastic polish. Overall they came out all right. They are a little bit hazy, probably because when I sprayed the layers of color the lights were in the sun, but they are smooth to the touch (thanks to the sand paper). From far away they look amazing. They are a definate upgrade from the blingy altezza lights. What follows are some before, during, and after pics. I still have to put them back on the car and take some pictures of the finished product.
On the car pre-paint
Here is a side by side
Finished Product