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paint for interior, stripping paint...etc..

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    paint for interior, stripping paint...etc..

    So i painted my interior black a while back, with some spray paint from fred meyer, it works on vinyl and shit. anyways, it scratches off sometimes..but not too bad, the main problem is stuff sticks to it when it's hot out. it looks really dirty cause all the dust and shit is stuck on my dash cause the paint. anyways, i took the whole inside apart, all i have in there is my drivers seat and drivers door panel now. no carpet, seats, center consoles, cdplayer, subs, door panels, dash...

    now first, i need to get this paint off, what's a good stripper to use, i got this tsp, or tbs, or some shit...but it doesn't work very well. any ideas?

    after this, how can i go about painting the interior to where its all shiny and stuff but doesn't get on pimp my ride they painted interior peices with no problems. i don't care if i have to pay more for paint, i just need to know what to buy. i'm gonna sand the dash, door, sand, prime, sand, paint, clear coat. last time i didn't sand or use primer, but it shouldn't of made that big of a difference, it was soo sticky.

    thanks for any help.