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Apexi WS2 Exhaust

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    Helping him out how, by saying he's asking too much, and showing where someone can get the same thing elsewhere? Yeah, real helpful.

    Buy the item, ask questions to help decide if you want to buy the item, or DON'T FUCKING POST!

    James, I'm locking this now, because people are obviously too stupid to understand polite business. Good luck on your sale. If I didn't love my dual tip muffler so much, I'd be all over this myself. The WS2 sounds amazing.


      Originally posted by djcaz_aom View Post
      Good luck to who ever wins the auction. You might win the item, but the seller will probably back out. Happened to me.
      Man I didnt back out intentionally....I put it up then shit went down in my life....forgot about it till I was told by your cousin (not you) and within minutes you had a refund....Its not like I stole your money

      And yes green this is type of shit is the reason why I dont really come around anymore....What good does it do anyone to comment on a month and a half old ebay auction to say its too expensive or its beat to hell.

      Also if anyones curious I sold the thing locally for about my asking price.....He didnt think he got ripped off...nor did I when I bought it.

      Also for those who are math illiterate....Pretty sure 250+150=400....I only put 350 up there to see if anyone would actually pay that....its called trying to make the most amount of money possible.
      Last edited by King James; 07-07-2010, 04:46 PM.

      Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life

