My girlfriend just bought a '93 10th anniversary with about 130K on it. Anyway, since buying it she has noticed that it idles extremely rough in gear with the brakes on (like at a light). I think she said it goes away after the car warms up though. I've driven it and it does vibrate pretty exessively (you can see the hood shaking) compared to any of my accords. I've seen many threads and a common check is for a vaccum leak. Is there any good way to check for this? The fact that it does it when the brakes are applied makes me think that the booster might have something to do with it (although the brakes work fine). Maybe it is just because the booster is taking more vaccum away. I know other suggestions are bad motor mounts and the IACV. Most people suggest vacuum leaks though and I wanted to rule that out first. Of course, any suggestions would be appreciated.