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tcu repair

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    tcu repair

    http:// <- awesome diy!!

    heres where i got my info^^^. im on the re-solder step with the cap. so my question is, do caps have a polarity? if so, how do i place the cap to solder? and yes, i know i should just buy a jy tcu, but its already broken, so i cant make it too much worse than the current state its in. lol, its a good way to learn. thanks
    Last edited by hmchaos; 07-27-2010, 10:01 PM.
    " the only thing that stands between a Marine and God, is a Corpsman "

    "Don't shoot your mouth off unless your brains are loaded"

    Does one side of the cap differ from the other? I don't believe they have a polarity, but I'm far from an expert. If you can't tell the difference from one side to the other, then there's likely no way to determine which is which anyway... which suggests no polarity.


      It depends if you purchased a CAP with polarity or not. Like I just purchased a 470 CAP with 35V and it shows a negative sign on one side of the CAP. This would infer there was a negative side. As for how to determine which side goes at what point on the board, I am still wondering that myself and hope someone can give you an answer so I can do it in a couple of days. LOL.



        you can see a line on one side of them... mean anything? anyone?
        " the only thing that stands between a Marine and God, is a Corpsman "

        "Don't shoot your mouth off unless your brains are loaded"


          From what I gathered in my research if one side has dashes like that, it means it has polarity. I just purchased that same CAP that is shown in the picture. I am trying to find the CAP that is on C30 so I can replace it as well. Once I have the replacement for C30, I will be replacing R41, R47, C30, and C32.


            so the line side it the +? mine has no +/- marked on it. btw, im replacing c33 only, mine wasnt too bad.
            " the only thing that stands between a Marine and God, is a Corpsman "

            "Don't shoot your mouth off unless your brains are loaded"


              Did you get a cap that looks identical to the one you're replacing? I'd just put the new one in exactly as the old one is... then again, I really don't know what I'm doing!

              This thread will be good, though, once we get more info in here. There's clearly a lack of knowledge on here about such things, and it'll be good to have it on hand for the future! Someday, there won't be an abundance of junkyard TCUs to choose from... so fixing them is a good thing.


                nope.... i jacked it from an old pc motherboard i had in the like the guy from the info i got, its as close i could get to stock, but a bit higher. ill just solder the line side like the picture and hope for the best

                im sure theres some gurus on here that can break it all down "barney style" for us.
                Last edited by hmchaos; 07-27-2010, 09:38 PM.
                " the only thing that stands between a Marine and God, is a Corpsman "

                "Don't shoot your mouth off unless your brains are loaded"


                  That's cool. I didn't think about taking ones out of old electronics. I don't know if any of the electronics I have laying around would have C30 though. It's the weird yellow rectangle capacitor which is labeled 222K on it. I purshased the exact CAP(the blue one) that is shown in the picture.


                    did you solder yet? did you see the little "+" signs on the board itself? do those mean any thing to you?
                    " the only thing that stands between a Marine and God, is a Corpsman "

                    "Don't shoot your mouth off unless your brains are loaded"


                      I havnt soldered yet but based off the picture above the negative side is on the left hand side as your looking at the picture. Don't know if it means much but if you look at the picture, you can see all the capacitors have the gray band going to the left of the picture including the pretty blue one with its negative side to the left.


                        youre right. theres little + signs marked on the board itself.i just had to wipe off the crap. im good to go now.ill solder in the morn and test it right after. ill post up when im done. good luck with yours and thanks for the clarification
                        " the only thing that stands between a Marine and God, is a Corpsman "

                        "Don't shoot your mouth off unless your brains are loaded"


                          No problem. I am glad a n3wb can help with something. I literally have no mechanical skills other than the standard maintenance and even then it is questionable


                            eh, im still learning too... hence the post in the beginner
                            " the only thing that stands between a Marine and God, is a Corpsman "

                            "Don't shoot your mouth off unless your brains are loaded"

