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Need Some Pics Of This......

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    Need Some Pics Of This......

    I Did A JDM H22A Swap In A 90 Coupe.......Vtec Was Popping At 5Grand But Now It Doesnt Pop, I Know My ECU Is Garbage Because Its A 92 Automatic Civic P28 So Yeah LoL But Anyway.....Does Anyone Have A Picture Of The Wiring For The ECU And How Many Are Supposed To Be Ran??? Ive Got 2 Ran I Believe......Some Dude Did It For Me But Def Think He Messed Up Somewhere............Thanx

    Try typing with caps lock off.... it'll make it much easier to read, and we won't assume you're an idiot. Not beause of your typing, anyway...

    Are you saying that you're running an H22 on a stock P28? It might not "pop" anymore because you've done serious damage to the engine (it's not really supposed to "pop" anyway... it should be a smooth transition)
    The wiring information you need should be in there.


      Just Used To The Typing So Get Over It And Good Looking......Nah It Was Popping Literaly, Its A Street Term Supposely But Whatever Oh And Yeah A Stock P28 And Nah The Engine Is Fine......


        lol omgosh


          Umm... no. I'll ask you politely one more time, turn caps lock off.

          Or else you will be permanently banned from this site.

          And no... the stock P28 is not fine. It is made to run a 1.6L engine, not a 2.2L engine. The "popping" is probably detonation. I seriously doubt that your engine is fine if you were revving to VTEC with a stock P28.


            Ok Well Again I Tell You Its Not Caps Its My Typing So Ban Me If Thats What Tickles Your Pickle And Like I Said The ENGINE Is Fine, Running It With A P28 Is Not And The ECU Is Shot Anyway But Like The Thread Says All I Needed Was A Pic Or A Run Down Of The Wiring But Thanx For Being "Polite"


              You actually capitalize every letter? That's idiotic. As is insisting that your engine is fine running on a bone stock P28. You have the information you need. Good luck with your engine. You won't last very long around here.


                Never Said It Was Running Good On A P28 I Said It Was Fine Considering I Have Been.....I Said The P28 Was Shot So Yeah Anyway......Take Care And Good Looking I Think Ill Be Fine Being Off A Website With People As Sensitive As You





                    -New shocks
                    -New Tires/Wheels
                    -New Window Tint
                    -Alot more lovin'

                    My Panda:


                      i lol'd when he said "tickles your pickle" lol

                      I ♥/Miss My Coupe


                        i was going to say. "tickle his pickle deevergote"

                        but i did not.


                          Originally posted by 92jdm View Post
                          i was going to say. "tickle his pickle deevergote"

                          but i did not.
                          Dont think that would have been too good on your part. lol

                          I ♥/Miss My Coupe


                            thats why i refrained. lol

                            ive seen the wrath of an angry deevergote travel to someone else. i didnt want that to be me lol


                              I've been banned before. I dont like it so much.

                              And it almost happened again over a comment I made couple weeks ago, but i think that me and Mike came to an agreement about that.


                              I ♥/Miss My Coupe

