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peevs ( what are yours)

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    peevs ( what are yours)

    here is one. i hate it when someone has a nice car but treats it like a crapy appartment.

    i love cars and baby my ride so thats one of mine.
    My 92 accord

    people who drive like assholes
    people who drive UNDER the speed limit (talking 15-20 under)
    people who dont use turn signals
    people who cut me off in traffic


    people who dont yeild to pedestrians in the crosswalk
    moody girlfiends
    pissy girlfriends

    nevermind on the flowers, they make me happy

    n00bs that dont search

    When people say they are getting/have headers when their vehicle is a 4cyl...

    People that HAVE to cut me off on a busy road to be infront of me (and drive slower than I was), instead of behind me (especially when I'm the only one on the road)

    people who are in the oncoming lane who cross the double yellow lines and into your lane.

    people who ride their brakes.

    People who drive slow in the "fast" lane.
    Last edited by CustomLowz; 01-23-2008, 06:12 PM.


      The "man"


        People chewing gum
        Stupid people who, well aware of their condition, seem proud of it.
        Stupid cliches
        Crappy slang


          Originally posted by alifeva
          The "man"

          people who brag about drinking or drugs, as if they think they are the only ones ever to do it.

          people who talk about a topic they are completely ignorant on

          having to gaurd someone on the basketball court who is a lot faster than me
          Current 2016 Ford F150 XLT Sport
          Past 1990 Accord EX Sedan
          Past 1990 Accord LX Sedan
          Past 1991 Accord LX Sedan
          Past 1993 Accord LX Wagon
          Current 1991 Accord EX Wagon



            people who think they know everything

            girls with big/ugly feet

            ricers around here that will race anything with wheels

            guys that give tuners bad names

            loud mouth people

            fake ass people

            people that aint bout shit

            bad drivers

            people that talk shit, an dont back it up


              Everything customlows said


                Plain and simple IDIOT DRIVERS


                  How many times will you honk your horn and say fuck you?
                  Now what the fuck does that do?
                  Ya feel better now? I didn't let ya pass
                  How 'bout I stop my car, and beat your fuckin' ass?
                  How many times will my neighbor beat his wife?
                  Somewhere in that house there's a butcher knife
                  Fuckin' drunk, swingin' his fists about
                  Why don't she wait till he sleeps then take him out
                  How many times will I sit in a hot car?
                  Traffic jam, been sittin' for a fuckin' hour
                  Must be an accident, I hope nobody died
                  Finally get there, and the crash is on the other side
                  The gawkers roll and they creep slow
                  Hoping they can see a mangled body show
                  Some park, and stand there and watch it all
                  With their kids, they point, and fuckin stare (and just look)
                  I remember one time I was pulled over
                  Handcuffed, the cop was like, show's over
                  People watching, hoping that he shoots me
                  I just wanted to choke the fucking head
                  How many times will I wait in a line?
                  It's three-thirty, I fuckin' got here at nine
                  I'm finally up to the front, can't wait another minute
                  Why am I here? to pay a fucking parking ticket
                  The lady at the counter acts like a fuckin bitch
                  No smiles, no help, you're just a piece of shit
                  I'm gettin' pissed, calm down, fuck it, forget it
                  Back to my car, and there it is, another ticket
                  How many times will a crackhead smoke crack
                  And ask me for some money cuz he wants crack
                  Give him money, again, he's coming back
                  Walk away, and here's another, "Gimme some crack"
                  How many time will a kid give a dirty look?
                  A little punk-ass bitch tryin to be a crook
                  I wrote the book, I was out robbin' liquor stores
                  When you were just a nut stain in your momma's drawers
                  How many times will you steal my car stereo?
                  It don't even work, ya feel like a bitch, don't you?
                  I vacuum all the fuckin' glass off from my seat
                  I sit down, and got a piece stuck in my butt cheek
                  How many times did I walk in, and just sit?
                  And have to listen, and learn all this bullshit
                  Learnin' history and science, fuckin' wait
                  Knowin' that, will that put food on my plate?
                  Yeah, can I walk into McDonald's, up to the counter
                  And tell 'em you can make limestone from gunpowder
                  Will they give me a cheeseburger if I know that shit?
                  Fuck no, fuck you, and shut your fuckin' lip
                  How many times will a judge decide my fate?
                  Who is he? A bitch, nothing great
                  He takes shits, and fucks his old floppy wife
                  Plays with his balls and judges my life!

                  KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                  Originally posted by Jarrett
                  Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                    -idiots online who want to correct everyones spelling and grammar
                    -drivers who drive below the speed limit in the fast lane
                    -ricers who think they're fast regardless of what factory specs say
                    -people who think they're better than everyone else
                    -rich people because they have all that money and do nothing but spend it on crap and then complain about the country.


                      Substituting "I hate.." for "Fuck"...

                      Fuck you, fuck me, fuck us
                      Fuck Tom, fuck Mary, fuck Gus
                      Fuck Darius
                      Fuck the west coast, and fuck everybody on the east
                      Eat shit and die, or fuck off at least
                      Fuck pre-schoolers, fuck rulers
                      Kings and Queens and gold jewelers
                      Fuck wine coolers
                      Fuck chickens, fuck ducks
                      Everybody in your crew sucks, punk mother fucks
                      Fuck critics, fuck your review
                      Even if you like me, fuck you
                      Fuck your mom, fuck your mom's momma
                      Fuck the Beastie Boys and the Dali Llama
                      Fuck the rain forest, fuck a Forrest Gump
                      You probably like it in the rump
                      Fuck a shoe pump, fuck the real deal and fuck all the fakes
                      Fuck all fifty two states! Oh..and fuck you
                      Fuck Oprah, fuck opera, fuck a soap opera
                      Fuck a pop locker and a cock blocker
                      Fuck your girlfriend, I probably did already
                      Fuck Kyle and his brother Tom Petty, Jump Steady
                      My homie, fuck him, what are you gonna do?
                      Fuck the president, fuck your welfare
                      Fuck your government and fuck Fred Bear
                      Fuck Ted Nugent, like anybody gives a fuck
                      You like to hunt a lot, so fuckin what?!
                      Fuck disco, Count of Monte Crisco
                      Fuck Cisco, and Jack and Jerry Brisco
                      And fuck everyone who went down with the Titanic, in a panic

                      KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                      Originally posted by Jarrett
                      Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                        In all honesty, i hate the same things everyone else hates:

                        -douche-bags in BMW 3-series coupes with shitty, pink "euro" tail lights and a fart can
                        -douche bags in GT/Cobra Mustangs (and their Camaro-Lovin conterparts)
                        -douche-bags in general
                        -little punk-ass "gangstas" who think they hotshit and then have to catch a ride home in thier mommas mini-van
                        -old ppl who drive slow
                        -ignorant ppl in crosswalks (just cuz im goin 5mph dont mean i wont run you over..)
                        -deadbeat dads
                        -ppl who knowingly take advantage of friends and family
                        -outta state fuckers who forget where theyre at..

                        ya know...the usual

                        KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                        Originally posted by Jarrett
                        Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                          -people who get in the passing lane and decide to stay even with the car next to them
                          -people who tell you to slow down when you are going the speed limit
                          -prius drivers!!

                          93 Accord SE no tranny:Parting out

                          86 Ford Ranger fuel problem

                          Explorer Fund:$1595.23


                            -people that talk loud
                            -people that call me homie and I dont even know who the fuck they are
                            -people that dont know how to introduce themselves properly
                            -people that ask the same shit over and over again
                            -fat girls in clothes that dont fit them right
                            -people that take racism too seriously
                            -people that get mad when I tell them the truth (I am honest 98% of the time deal with it)
                            -street racers that think "they are the shit" and drive moms minivan
                            -people who have an e penis but are actually lil bitches on the other side
                            -any comment on youtube, streetfire, and so on saying they know this and that
                            -people that have to take innocent peoples lives because they are too much of a bitch to take their own
                            -people thinking they are "higher" than another person in class, wealth and so on.
                            -people that dont know the meaning of search
                            -people that keep on fighting a losing battle (arguements mainly)
                            -Institutions that keep on hating on race (KKK and other supremacy groups) That shit died ages ago let it go.
                            -peope that cant spell vtec correctly (For fuckin christ sakes its under your damn hood why dont you look at it)
                            -politics (because everyone starts becoming anal and bitchy)
                            -people that speak "hood"
                            -people that flaunt their "dolla bills" because they think its the cool thing to do
                            -people that decide to cut you off with no warning whatsoever
                            -pontiac aztek or any car that ugly I just want to fuckin burn down
                            -impatient people
                            -people thinking they know what your doing when you work on a car (thats why customers should stay in the waiting room not on the shop floor I hate that shit)
                            -people that dont come through (payments, deals, parts)

                            thats all i can think of for now.

                            The New-ish Ride
                            My old Ride
                            Hear my Vtak!!!
                            MK3 Member #3
                            I piss off people for fun.
                            IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


                              here is another.

                              out here in so. cal we have you call bros. white guys with lifted trucks and crappy clothes like famous fags and stripes. (incase you didnt know) to me since i was born south central LA and my bro was a gang member (retard) so i got used to see him in his crappy clothes. now i have to put up with all theese bros. dressing the same and acting all hard. for some dumb reason. it pisses me off so much i gave them a name (recycled cholos.)

                              another one is people and the lame ass ”tapout” logo when more than half cant even win at thumb wrestling. more like posers.
                              My 92 accord

