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Winter meet 2007 pre plan. TX

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    Winter meet 2007 pre plan. TX

    Alrighty then that time of the year is somewhat coming just a bit slowly lol. I am thinkin bout setting up a meet in December when most people are out of school and have a little more time. Location will be somewhere in Austin since that seems to be a good midpoint for everyone to meet up at. I would say waco but there isnt much to do there. There are a few locations that we are kinda lookin at. I want to get some austin people or people in that area to scope out some areas before so I can get a hold of whats up. We want a pretty decent road to drive on this time so we can get some action footage since out of all the meets we havent got decent video yet. Another thing that I am thinkin bout is maybe driving around the city area during night time in Austin and gettin some photos. I dunno my way around that area much so Austin people it would be great if you can help out. Lee also brang up an idea of a track meet. This place includes a place that setup for autox and quarter miles as I recall (so if you have beef you can settle it). As for how much they will charge I am not sure yet. The place is called Prairie View as I recall somewhere in the Austin area. That also sounds like a good idea but dunno how many of you all want to spend much plus we need a certain amount of people so people dont have to spend as much. Time when this will happen will be sometime in the afternoon 12-1pm. That would be the best time IMO and by that time everyone will want to grab some grub. It would be great to grill or restaurant. I just made this thread to see whats up, get a grasp on the situation, and see about how many people can make it if I set it up then. Dont be shy throw out some ideas haha I am always open to suggestions. After all that is what this thread is for! Oh yea I thought about sixth street but then there is some age restriction in that idea and people need to drive home lol dunno if its a wise idea with alcohol in there body unless they stayin there ha.

    Sorry for the long ass post but yea lemme know what you guys think!

    The New-ish Ride
    My old Ride
    Hear my Vtak!!!
    MK3 Member #3
    I piss off people for fun.
    IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1

    I'm down for this one if I am still in Houston, or Texas for that matter, when December rolls around.

    I was really looking forward to going to the last meet, but work was more important at the time. I was bummed.

    But yea, I am totally down for a meet!


      I'm up for it if I still have the CB around wintertime


        CB or not guys still welcome to come.

        The New-ish Ride
        My old Ride
        Hear my Vtak!!!
        MK3 Member #3
        I piss off people for fun.
        IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1

