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Street Racing stories...SHARE STORIES!!!

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    Street Racing stories...SHARE STORIES!!!

    i was just curious what the most useless race anyone has done....mine was against a civic(d15 i think) i was in my truck....i see a civic with no hood go by on the road next to i was just like " might as well" i follow him for just a lil bit and we get next to each other....and...HE JUMPS THE GUN!!!! i just floor it and go right past him....and then after i get about 10 cars ahead i slow down....and he trys to fly by me.... i go right past him again ......anyway just share your stories with me...thanks!!!

    Thats why there is a racing thread to read. Get your 30 posts and you can post as many stories as you want. Its a civic...and it had a d15 as you mentioned. Those are weak motors the D15 vtec has some balls still weak.

    The New-ish Ride
    My old Ride
    Hear my Vtak!!!
    MK3 Member #3
    I piss off people for fun.
    IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


      Eh, racing stories are still welcome in here... OT posts don't count, so it's not like it's doing anything but chatting with members!

      I've raced plenty of people in my day... my favorite of which was an older V8 Camaro. I waited to see if he'd launch, and he did... so I went for it. I caught up, passed him, and then dropped down to a safe speed (65 in a 45 is as fast as I'll go...) then he did the flyby. I pulled up to the next light and asked him if he was really racing... he said "no, that was just a normal takeoff... plus, I missed like two shifts"... making excuses for being a lousy driver His car was probably more powerful than mine, but my driving was definitely superior! Schmuck.


        my favorite was my most recent with the monte carlo where they wanted to buy my car after i beat them lol that right there makes my car priceless lol


          i was cruisin late night on a two-lane 55mph zone minding my own business with a friend in the car and happend to pace a chick in a bone stock late 90s celica to a red light. all of sudden she launched on green, i guess she didnt want to pace me nemore? i was hurt -- so...i was like, goddamnit, i guess i have To-and downshifted. shes floorin it, tryin her hardest to (i could tell it was auto) and i easily caught up then left her behind (5spd). she assumed a little cute 2door coupe celica (nonGT) should beat a big-ass 4door sedan accord?, idk, but then i see her 5car lengths back and hear her floor it and try to speed up again (that celica had no high-end and took forever to downshift), so i put it in 3rd took it up to 6-7krpm and it wasnt even close. she backed of around the bend and made a turn soemwhere...i was probably up to 85-90 in the 55...the victory isnt much to brag about, but it was so funny cuz this clueless girl was probably baffled. lol i have her props. she got more balls than most posers on the road

          Member's Ride Thread | DMV Summer Meet 2011
          Q: Why is your pants around your ankles? Answer


            my most useless race was on the highway about 7 years ago when i got my first cb7 ex coupe . I was going about 50mph then i hear a fartcan coming from behind. then i hear it pull up,at first i thought it was a civic ef hatch then i take a second look and lol i see a geo metro. back then gas prices werent as high as they are now,so i said to myself "this guy must have something if he thinks that p.o.s can keep up with me". we do the 3 beeps and i let him go for about 2 cars
            then i gun it,get next to him.then hear his rev limiter kick in while im next to him (we were doing about 85 mph)lol. I then slowed down back to 60 mph and this time we did 3 beeps i didnt gun it ,i just rolled with him then waited for him to max out then gunned it.. lol

