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Ever thought about joing the ARMED FORCES?

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    Ever thought about joing the ARMED FORCES?

    I was just wondering if any of you thought of serving your country...

    Its a great career joice, job trainig that can also be used in the civilian world.

    College, the will pay your tuition for most colleges, many people want to go to college these days to do things, to be Educated, have Dreams & etc...

    Medical, You and your loved ones can go and be treated by the best physicians, trained in each area expertly.

    Travel, for you or your family, free or at hardly no cost at all and do it all on your 30 day vacation.

    Vacation, for every twelve months you recieve 30 days of paid, yes PAID vacation! Really good for families!

    The training to become a leader, to take authority in very hard situations, handiling any task, if not, the Army can help you in many ways!

    The best of all: Retirement, continual medical for life, Thrift Savings Plans...and many other things!

    Become a soldier/citizen, go to drill one weekend a month & two weeks a year, and still recieve all of the above!

    Protect the country you live in, so your kids can be safe an their kids can be safe for generations to come!

    I am an American Soldier, with the Army National Guard, I am proud to serve!

    Just wondering if anyone gave it any thought....

    O yea, plus they are handing out some unbeliveable re-enlistment $$$$

    Accord for sale: check classifieds!
    4x100/4x114.3 Wheels: Check Parts for sale!

    No High School Diploma, No GED, No Problem, the MIssouri National Guard will pay you to study for the test and pay for you to take the test!
    Accord for sale: check classifieds!
    4x100/4x114.3 Wheels: Check Parts for sale!


      for awhile, i was thinking about the national guard reserve.

      its just not the right option for me right now..i do support troops, and will bow down and clap for those who serve, but its just not for me. Not to mention that my eye sight is horrible and most enlistments wouldn't take me.
      Audi A4 2.8 Quattro Sport


        i never thought about it because to me, being a dad every day is more important than being anything else........military dads aren't around enough and IMO, it's a very selfish move for people who have kids.........the "i'm serving my country" shit is just that, shit, because you're serving yourself and that's why you don't do it for's a job like any's just one that can take you away for long periods of time while your kids grow up and that's a cop out are more important than america and until we're actually under attack, i'll not be a part of it......if anything put my kids life in danger, i'd be the first to play war, but that's not happened in our lifetime and won't....we're the bullies everyone else worries about......we're the 14 year old in 5th grade on the playground......


          Glad to see that we "play" war!

          Thanks for supporting our troops, regaurdless if we are in situations that we may not need be in, but when the Commander & Chief call we go!
          Accord for sale: check classifieds!
          4x100/4x114.3 Wheels: Check Parts for sale!


            Dont take this personally at all I am so for our soldiers and what there for and what they have accomplished. But I just dont agree with our president and dont agree with certain decisions regarding this current war and because of that I could never join personally


              Originally posted by accordfrizzeek
              Glad to see that we "play" war!

              Thanks for supporting our troops, regaurdless if we are in situations that we may not need be in, but when the Commander & Chief call we go!

              war is a game played by the people who never even hold the think old "W" would be so trigger happy if he actually had to jump in their and fight with ya'll? if HIS ass was on the line?

              why fuck no......that's a huge long as people "believe they're doing the right thing and doing it for god and their country" and continue to be as dumb as they are, the war games will keep happening......

              it's not that i don't support our troops, i just don't see it as anything but a job you choose to's not even one of the more life-threatening jobs even during combat.....i've lost friends to wars and it's just stupid to start with, but some have no options and it's a gamble they wanna take....the benefits are better than average, the pay is better than average and like you said, travel is nice, but when you have a family and your'e moving your kids all the time, it sucks....i went to 23 schools.......moving isn't nearly as fun for the kids as it may be for you....that's why i think that when a kid has a parent in the military, they're getting fucked "for the sake of their country"

              i had to quit a $200,000/year job to stay home and be daddy........i'm working just as hard but only making about $35,000/year but it's worth's a WHOLE lot harder to be a real dad than to wield a gun and shoot people who are mirror images of yourself........

              i'm not one to believe what i'm told to believe......i don't think heroes are made on the battle field......WWII posed a threat to us but that wasn't even really on OUR soil.......pearl harbor was an accident that japan never ordered to happen, a rogue commander caused that and it was as much of a terrorist attack as anything else we've experienced.....just like the iraq thing.......we were simply bullying them around.....they posed no threat to us and that's fact.......we've yet to justify any of it....we don't have the right to impose democracy on them......who are we, the fattest most warmongering country ever, to tell anyone how to run their country............

              so yes, to those who wear suits and tell you and your peers what to do, this is all a game........if i were you, i'd be pissed that those above you care that little for your life and the fact you're willing to die for THEIR ideals.......

              so my opinion is that a life in the military is just your choice but when you bring kids into the equation, a life in the military means instability, shitty parenting and wasted time

              i support what i believe the death......i just do not believe in waging war on people simply because you can......i don't like when kids are killed for no reason.....the rest of the world looks at us in a VERY poor way now.....i have friends in italy and london and they see us as a threat.........someone will eventually take us down a notch
              Last edited by rickyduckworth; 04-15-2006, 07:37 PM.


                Originally posted by accordfrizzeek
                Its a great career joice
                hopefully that college plan includes an english class...

                absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


                  i've considered joining the marines a few times but my buddy is in and he hates it, bored almost out of his mind all the time he says.
                  who needs a manual anyway

                  JDM is the way to play, all day every day


                    I'm a military brat, never had a real relationship with my dad until I graduated
                    he was in the navy for over 30years. I guess I was lucky cuz I didn't have to bounce around everywhere. We just stayed in one place. Sucked cuz about every three years my buds would PSC out.
                    Thought about enlisting in the Navy but my wife was pregnant and the recruiters could not guarantee me that my family would be with me after boot camp so I said fuck it, don't want my family to go through what I went through when I was kid never seeing ma daddy

                    I support our troops


                      the reserves get medical? what else do they get


                        Anyone thinking of joining if you don't have a college degree pick the Air Force shorter boot camp, more of a relaxed in environment. Army tends to be more hung up on what rank you are. If you go in as an enlisted you will get treated like a piece of crap. So if you're think army make sure you go in as an officer.
                        It's a job that has it's benefits and it's drawbacks. Make sure you look into the diffrent areas guard, active duty, and reserve. I'm in the Air National Guard I love it. Make sure before you sign anything that you're makin the right choice; that the job you've picked is something you want to do, and you prepared to be away from your loved ones if there would be a need.

                        Just b/c U post more doesn't mean U know more!


                          The military isn't for everyone but I made the choice to join and I'm loving every minute. btw the nation guard sucks. Takes forever to get rank as a general whole.
                          Oil leak?What oil leak? That's just sweat from all that horsepower!

                          Applied knowledge is power!

                          NITROUS FOR YOUR BODY

                          BIRTHDAYS ARE JUST AROUND THE CORNER
                          registration is free


                            Originally posted by koolkoreanked
                            The military isn't for everyone but I made the choice to join and I'm loving every minute. btw the nation guard sucks. Takes forever to get rank as a general whole.
                            yeah man ...LOL...i loved every minute too..i just got out to use my GI bill and finish up my bachelors......if i come back in..ill be an officer...

                            yeah the gaurd and reserve suck donkey balls....accordfrizzeak..what are you a recruiter..LOL ...sorry mang..but everytime i read your sig im like...huh??? is the army suckin so bad on personnel they are recruiting on

                            if you want to be high speed...go active army..make sure you get your GI bill....make sure you get a bonus..make sure you top up your GI bill...and make sure you have the time of your life...make sure you jump out of moving aircraft...........and volunteer for 75th rgr rgt or Special Forces.....

                            if you go army guard..your gonna find yourself in college then yanked out of your civilian life and when bush decides to invade iran..your guard ass is gonna be bitchen..and moaning..cuz last week you were working on your final exam for your ass is worrying if your gonna make it back...and your unit gives 2 fucks about PT so half of your unit are fat asses...and have no tactical knowledge they have a big screen TV up in Iraq that proves a nice target for insurgents with my experience with the gaurd in combat...sorry mang

                            if you want to be smart with out any risk then join the air force... thats really the way to go...go join the air force gaurd..if you are really smart. then persue your degree....then go active duty..the AF is so laid you get to travel the world.......europe , asia...middle east..etc..etc...
                            Last edited by 93EXaesthetic; 04-18-2006, 01:19 PM.


                              Originally posted by koolkoreanked
                              btw the nation guard sucks. Takes forever to get rank as a general whole.
                              depends on what branch, and what your job is. btw it's national guard

                              Just b/c U post more doesn't mean U know more!

