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Read the rules:

Myself, and the other mods have been very nice and lenient with the rules. We have been deleting threads, and giving out warnings. Some members didn't get the clue and re-posted over and over... Now ANY member buying or selling in this section will be banned... No IF's AND's or BUT's.
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1) Absolutely NO flaming! "Flaming" is an outright attack on a member. ALL questions are encouraged to be asked here, no matter how basic. Members with over 30 posts will be subject to a ONE WEEK ban if caught flaming in this forum (and yes, moderators can read deleted posts). Members with under 30 posts will be subject to a ONE DAY ban.

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what's with this forum?

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    what's with this forum?

    So I've been searching this site for a week and I'm pretty disappointed. There doesn't seem to be a vast amount of How tos/DiYs on this site, just a few. Links no longer work or pics in some posts. And it seems every time someone asks a question the immediate response is go search it's posted already. Do you guys ever go back and make sure everything still works in the old threads? I'm here to tell you, you guys are pushing away a new generation of Accord enthusiasts, people that could be making new posts that can take the place of ones no longer working. I'm not putting down the site, don't get me wrong, I'm only saying, put yourself in the shoes of someone that doesn't know anything about Accords or this site and try searching and seeing how user friendly it is.

    Natural selection

    C-3PO's MRT USDM yo!

    then i see my baby, suddenly I'm not crazy,
    It all makes sense when i look into her eyes


      i dont always have problems with search but when I do, I use google and start with "cb7" or "cb7tuner" and some describing words, maybe even a sentence and find stuff that way. Some things are evencovered on prelude forums but those links usually go cold. Your bitching seems a little pretentious, everyone needs to figure shit out on their own accord.


        Check out the Facebook page that goes by a similar name to this site. You'll see exactly the type of new member we're trying to keep out.

        But you're mostly wrong. The type of member that comes to this site and stays is one that does not come here expecting to be told any information he or she demands at the slightest whim. I'm reminding myself of this process right now, actually. A year ago I bought a CG2 Accord, and recently I bought two 6-speed 3.2CLs. I'm a new member on 6thgenaccord, v6performance, acurazine and I don't have 15 posts on any of them yet. You know why? Because I am using every spare moment to read everything I can. I want to get current on what the forum knows before I start asking questions. Otherwise I'm like your late friend that shows up to movie night 35 minutes in and asks people to get him up to date.

        The broken image links are another matter. The words themselves don't go away. Any DIY guides out there still have the actual instructions for the work described. That's just a matter of older or current members cleaning up their image hosting site profiles. It's super easy to mess up without realizing you've done so.

        The bottom line is that we've managed to keep a forum dedicated to an old, usually worn-down, often rusted-out car very relevant in the import tuning community. Any searches you do for F/H-series information will almost always lead you to this site. That's saying something. To keep it where we have we've had to maintain order by keeping the retards at bay. Retards hate not being able to be lazy and they also get very offended by big words. So, that's our tactic. Take it, or leave it.

        If you take it, then feel free to contribute as you've suggested. Also, enjoy the benefits of having an entire community dedicated to a specific car that will, no doubt, save you thousands on repair costs over the years. Keep in mind, though, that the people providing these benefits will largely go unappreciated for their efforts.

        If you leave it, we'll be sad to see you go as you actually use complete sentences, but we'll get over it. Hopefully you're an adult an understand why we expect certain tiny gestures from our members. For no cost whatsoever you get a wealth of knowledge, free help, access to classified threads, vendor discounts and a community of users that likely wants to meet up and hang out with you from time to time because of shared interests. If it takes forgoing the spoon-feeding to achieve those things, I don't think that's all bad.

        But, if you decide this is too much, please feel free to join the Facebook group. See how much accurate help you actually get there.
        My Members' Ride Thread - It's a marathon build, not a sprint. But keep me honest on the update frequency!


          Originally posted by Jarrett View Post
          But, if you decide this is too much, please feel free to join the Facebook group. See how much accurate help you actually get there.

          Never have such true words been spoken.


            I agree with Jarrett. Ive been searching this site for 2 weeks and found just about everything i needed to know and then some. Take your time and search the info is here.


              If you are referring to the new generation of Accord enthusiasts as those who have no idea how to learn on there own or do their own research. They are the ones who we are trying to keep out. So if you were unable to find what it is you were looking for and no one would help you find it. You could be in that category.

              When your first thread on a forum is requesting an exact parts list and a step by step on how to do a swap that has been done thousands of times. You probably aren't going to get anyone to help you.

              then your second thread is telling that forum how useless it is. You are definitely not going to get any help from the older crowd. I would suggest you go to facebook and join the younger generation there. they can have fun rediscovering stuff that has been discussed on this site for over 20 years.

              MR Thread
              GhostAccord 2.4L Blog

              by Chappy, on Flickr


                Originally posted by Jarrett View Post
                If you leave it, we'll be sad to see you go as you actually use complete sentences, but we'll get over it.
                This made me smile. Lol.

                Though I do have to add this... I have been "creeping" on the site for years and I did wish that the images did work. But in another aspect, I understand that everyone can not keep track of every forum, image hosting site and other references in their life. If I had to list all the sites that I use and visit, as well as subscribe to... I think my brain would be fried. And to be honest, I am hardly simple when it comes to intellect.
                Last edited by Rezz; 03-18-2014, 04:51 PM.


                  There are 929 separate threads in our DIY section. I'm not sure how many you require... but that seems to be more than "just a few" to me, considering the very specific focus of this site.

                  This site is not a corporate-run business. It is (and always has been) a community owned and operated by enthusiasts. The site is not run for profit (and believe me... it makes no profit...), and the people that operate this site do so in their own free time. Of their own generosity. Without them, this site would crumble VERY quickly.
                  The people that ensure this site's continued operation have jobs. They have lives. They have project cars of their own. They do not have the time, energy, or desire to regularly sift through the literally THOUSANDS of threads that have been made over the last decade to ensure every link works, and that every image still exists. Many links point to other sites that have since shut down. We cannot control that. ALL the images posted on this site (save for most of the images I post myself) are hosted elsewhere. If the original poster of those images decides to delete them, close his account with his image host, or the host simply shuts down (as ImageShack did a few years back... which resulted in MANY images disappearing from this site) there's absolutely nothing we can do about it.

                  If there is a specific thread that you have in mind that has broken links or missing images, visit the profile of the person who posted the thread. If they've been active recently, send them a message. If they haven't, try contacting a moderator to see if there's anything they can do to help you.
                  If the thread you're looking at can't be fixed, you could always contribute to this community by rewriting it yourself.

                  Complaining about it publicly is never a good idea. I, or the other staff members, would gladly answer any questions, or respond to any suggestions, if presented with them in a private message. By calling us out publicly, you're basically insulting the people that make this site possible for YOU.

                  There is, of course, one option that is ALWAYS available to you: Leave.

                  Also, just so you quit yer bitchin'... try setting your Display Options to show posts from the beginning, rather than the last 30 days. You'll find that option at the bottom of each forum section.
                  Additionally, the vBulletin search function is a pain to use (and without the "advanced search", you'll be lucky to find anything relevant.) Go to Google, type what you want to find, and follow it with It will return search results only from this site, with the ease and accuracy of Google.


                    Okay, so you guys have taken what I've said as bitching about the site. I wasn't, but after rereading my initial post I can see where it comes off that way. I apologize and was not looking to do this. I have nothing but the utmost respect for any group that maintains a site dedicated to a car, or anything for that matter, that is as old as the cb7. I was just trying to stress the number of post I've come to in my searches that state search the forum. You guys are right, the google method of searching this forum is far easier than using the site's search function. Again, I'm sorry to have offended you all.

                    Originally posted by GhostAccord View Post
                    When your first thread on a forum is requesting an exact parts list and a step by step on how to do a swap that has been done thousands of times. You probably aren't going to get anyone to help you.

                    then your second thread is telling that forum how useless it is. You are definitely not going to get any help from the older crowd. I would suggest you go to facebook and join the younger generation there. they can have fun rediscovering stuff that has been discussed on this site for over 20 years.

                    GhostAccord, I just want to point out my exact post was
                    Originally posted by LewZur View Post
                    is there a write up/how to for this on the site? I'm new and have searched the site for a few days now and don't see anything about this. Mostly I'm finding H22 engine swaps. If you know where this is on the site will you please reply with a link? Thanks Lew
                    I never asked for a step by step or exact parts list. The actual thread I posted on was pretty straightforward on describing to the other user what he needed and I actually could have done this just by what you guys had said in the thread. However, I was unclear on the wiring aspect that was discussed and was hoping for a link to a DiY for some clarification. I'm sorry I upset the older members with this post and didn't mean to come of as bitching.


                      I have been on here and have had no trouble finding the information i need also if you ever run into any problems with some one on here contact a mod about it. Google search for the info you need if you cannot find it here it is a Honda there are a zillon forums for them out there and you WILL find info needed. Also these cars are getting older everyday so this forum will not be as active as in years past
                      " Insert funny quote here "


                        I think sometimes you guys are a bit harsh on noobies, but I wouldn't expect any less from frequent users that are always dealing with new people not searching and such. However, I don't think that people should be bashed for creating good new topics that have already been discussed and if new people bump existing threads, they're usually bashed for bumping old threads. It keeps new ideas flowing for new people that like to check the site regularly and it gives new users a chance to raise their post count. I'm not saying that we should just create new threads that have been discussed but I'm sure many of us find it hard to reach 30 posts to access the market.


                          Originally posted by dizzyw View Post
                          I'm not saying that we should just create new threads that have been discussed but I'm sure many of us find it hard to reach 30 posts to access the market.
                          This is supposed to be hard. It is to keep the members safe. If you cant figure out how to get to 30 posts- I don't want you near my money. I don't want you selling me anything, if you cant make 30 relevant posts.
                          Project wagon! Much excite! 2018!

                          That Sedan. Purchased '07-->Swap'd-->Tuck'd-->Wreck'd-->May '16


                            Originally posted by LewZur View Post
                            There doesn't seem to be a vast amount of How tos/DiYs on this site, just a few.
                            Change your viewing options at the bottom of the DIY forum. Instead of threads that have been updated in the past 30 days, you can change it to "All Time" and see an absolute ton of them.

                            Click for my Member's Ride Thread
                            Originally posted by Stephen Fry
                            'It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so fucking what?' —Stephen Fry
                            Eye Level Media - Commercial & Automotive Photography:


                              Originally posted by dizzyw View Post
                              I think sometimes you guys are a bit harsh on noobies, but I wouldn't expect any less from frequent users that are always dealing with new people not searching and such. However, I don't think that people should be bashed for creating good new topics that have already been discussed and if new people bump existing threads, they're usually bashed for bumping old threads. It keeps new ideas flowing for new people that like to check the site regularly and it gives new users a chance to raise their post count. I'm not saying that we should just create new threads that have been discussed but I'm sure many of us find it hard to reach 30 posts to access the market.
                              Making new threads is encouraged. Asking questions is encouraged. If a new member asks a question that has been answered a number of times, and illustrates how they have at least attempted to learn the answers on their own ("I searched and I learned *this*, but I don't quite understand *this*") they will be given all the help they need. Nobody minds helping people that are willing to help themselves.
                              When people post things like "can I put a H22A in my car?" people tend to get irritated... because that information is not only readily available, but in the "sticky" section of the relevant portion of this site. A thread like that screams "I DIDN'T BOTHER SEARCHING! FEED ME! FEED MEEEEE!" and irritated responses are well deserved! Usually, we just delete threads like that to avoid drama.
                              People who bump ancient threads to ask a question are "bashed" because those threads end up generating answers to the original question, not the question posed by the new member. It's a little more difficult for a new member to grasp that idea without being told, and I'm trying to devise a way to make that clear in the rules. It's not exactly against the rules to bump an old thread, but it's rude to your fellow members.

                              LewZur, just to reiterate... openly criticizing the way a forum runs, especially when you don't seem to have an understanding of said forum, is incredibly insulting to those that make that forum available to you.
                              If you'd like, once you get to 30 posts, I'll make you a moderator in the DIY section. You can go through those 929 threads and fix all the broken links.

