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i hate my neighbors

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    i hate my neighbors

    What's up everyone. Well, im over at my dads house just minding my business, when my mom calls and tells me the police are at her house for a "noise complaint". The police told her the lady a few houses down called the cops because my stereo was too loud. Wanna know the funny thing? First of all, my subs have been out of the car for about a week now since I need a new amp. Second of all, I've been at my dads since Thursday and she called about the complaint last night. So I wasn't even home. Anyway, my mom tells the police that exact thing and ofcourse they leave. So that's my little rant or whatever you wanna call it about how much I dislike my old neighbors. You guys ever have anything like this happen?

    Originally posted by hondakid1996 View Post
    What's up everyone. Well, im over at my dads house just minding my business, when my mom calls and tells me the police are at her house for a "noise complaint". The police told her the lady a few houses down called the cops because my stereo was too loud. Wanna know the funny thing? First of all, my subs have been out of the car for about a week now since I need a new amp. Second of all, I've been at my dads since Thursday and she called about the complaint last night. So I wasn't even home. Anyway, my mom tells the police that exact thing and ofcourse they leave. So that's my little rant or whatever you wanna call it about how much I dislike my old neighbors. You guys ever have anything like this happen?
    Okay well check it out if you have your music blasting all the time have some consideration to save face if not for yourself but for your family that's one. Two if the neighbor is a total asshat just ignore them remember old people are tuned entirely a tad sensitive compared to the younger more youthful generation so anything just about ruffles their feathers.

    If your cruising through and you have your music blasted just take it easy turn the radio down and when you get off the block blast your tunes up homey. I mean sooner or later the police will get tired of the complaintant crying wolf all the time. That will be worst on their end because say if something really serious went down they will think shes probably calling wolf all the time. Take it easy homie.


      old people respond more to lower frequency sounds..20hz bass test slow roll by..muhahahaha..file a report on them for harassing you with the police


        Yeah another thing about old folks too sometimes they can be spiteful not to be paranoid but they may try some stuff with your car if they know they can get away with it you just never know.


          IDK, is this the first incident with them? I would hope not since you went the length of hating them.

          I guess it all depends if you usually drive up the block bangin' Drake and Lil Wayne. If so then the old folks might be in the right to think any car that drives by bumpin is your inconsiderate ass.

          Or are you completely innocent of anything and very courteous and they just do this shit for no apparent reason?

          Or maybe a little of both?

          We might need the old folks to tell us their side...


            Lol thanks for the replies guys. I will admit, im generally a douche when it comes to blasting music and disturbing the peace. However, I rarely bump in my neighborhood because I don't want people around me knowing I have bumps and trying to steal my stuff. I dont live in the best part of town haha. So that's why it got to me that they called the cops when I wasn't even home and then my parents had to deal with it. When I get home tomorrow im probably going to try and have a talk with them (the neighbors) because they do call the police quite abit for silly things around the neighborhood.


              well thats a bit inconsiderate, you should be blasting music your neighbor like. that's probably why they called the cops


                If you've done it repeatedly in the past, enough for them to assume any loud music is coming from your car... then I'd say the fault is yours, even if it didn't happen to be you this time around.


                  Calling the police for noise complaints is the biggest waste of time and effort in my opinion.

                  It's one thing if you're parked outside with the radio obnoxiously loud, but if you drive around, how can they be that bothered for the ~2 seconds you're outside their house.

                  People drive all around my neighborhood with super loud exhausts, bass that shakes our glass, but if it's only for a minute as they drive by, I'm not going to get my panties in a bunch about it. Even if they live next door, I wouldn't get the police involved.


                    Originally posted by HondaB18 View Post
                    well thats a bit inconsiderate, you should be blasting music your neighbor like. that's probably why they called the cops
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                      Originally posted by zmanwit90accord View Post
                      Calling the police for noise complaints is the biggest waste of time and effort in my opinion.

                      It's one thing if you're parked outside with the radio obnoxiously loud, but if you drive around, how can they be that bothered for the ~2 seconds you're outside their house.

                      People drive all around my neighborhood with super loud exhausts, bass that shakes our glass, but if it's only for a minute as they drive by, I'm not going to get my panties in a bunch about it. Even if they live next door, I wouldn't get the police involved.
                      If I had a neighbor that woke me up in the middle of the night with pounding bass on a regular basis, he'd be lucky if all I did was call the cops.


                        Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                        If I had a neighbor that woke me up in the middle of the night with pounding bass on a regular basis, he'd be lucky if all I did was call the cops.
                        Word...Have some respect for your neighbors and they will do the same. I have a little punk boy that lives 2 houses up and he blast his music and rev's up his motorcycle all night long . He has no job so I don't understand why he can't do this during the day .I have called him out on this several times in the past and it does no good .About 2 weeks ago he was revving his bike up at 2am and I went up there and told him to stop or I was going to call the cops .Cops were called and came out , but the very next night he started again. I went up there again while he was doing the same shit and beat that ass real good for him . I was thinking I was going to have the cops called on me , but the next day on my way home his mom stopped me and thanked me for showing him a ass whooping.No problem since.

                        A man that keeps looking back can't see whats in front of him.


                          Originally posted by stretch Jdm View Post
                          word...have Some Respect For Your Neighbors And They Will Do The Same. I Have A Little Punk Boy That Lives 2 Houses Up And He Blast His Music And Rev's Up His Motorcycle All Night Long . He Has No Job So I Don't Understand Why He Can't Do This During The Day .i Have Called Him Out On This Several Times In The Past And It Does No Good .about 2 Weeks Ago He Was Revving His Bike Up At 2am And I Went Up There And Told Him To Stop Or I Was Going To Call The Cops .cops Were Called And Came Out , But The Very Next Night He Started Again. I Went Up There Again While He Was Doing The Same Shit And Beat That Ass Real Good For Him . I Was Thinking I Was Going To Have The Cops Called On Me , But The Next Day On My Way Home His Mom Stopped Me And Thanked Me For Showing Him A Ass Problem Since.


                            Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                            If I had a neighbor that woke me up in the middle of the night with pounding bass on a regular basis, he'd be lucky if all I did was call the cops.
                            Hey Mike didn't the police get called on you last time? This was when you were playing the band i believe? I mean it's music I would of atleast came through and listened to the music and whatnot some people dont appreciate that they rather have synthesized music rather than real music.


                              Nah, never had the police called for the band, but I've been told that the lady next door would stare at my house angrily when we practiced. She never said a word, though. We played 1 night a week, and we were sure to stop by 9pm, no later.
                              I started getting harassed by the police for my cars, though... something that never happened before. So I wonder if it's just coincidence, or if it's because the neighbor decided to be sneaky and say something to the cops.

                              I know my band was probably annoying as hell, but had my neighbors said something about it, I'd have figured out another time, or even place...
                              I think if you have a problem with someone, talk to them civilly FIRST... then call the cops. I that does no good... there are other options.

