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4 the fake bullet holes in ur car...

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    heres a recap..


      Originally posted by johnnyblaze2g View Post
      I asked the officer, (if i had my gun with me) he stopped me in mid sentance and said (u had every right) my thing is that endangers so many more people.. ive handled guns since i was about thirteen and the thing is unexperienced gunmen dont pay attention to wats behind a target..
      Questionable self defense situation. If you're in your yard or garage and someone pulls up and starts shooting, I would think you could fire in self defense. However, being in NY... a state which does not allow concealed carry... well, get a damn good lawyer. I don't know NY laws so you'd have to check into that.

      No, gunmen don't pay attention to ANY firearms safety rules. Criminals also don't give a shit about gun-free zones, legal concealed carry, legal ownership or any other ridiculous gun law. Gun laws limit the law abiding citizens... you know... the people who follow laws and the police don't have to worry about.

      Either way, well done on getting behind cover. I may suggest... don't hang out with people who A). may be in a gang. B). may sell drugs or C). has lots of enemies.

      Originally posted by JDMdreamz View Post
      I guess I agree with that to an extent, but most cops would just as soon 'umbrella group' you if you're into cars. Lower your ride, have wheels and exhaust and suddenly you're a street racing criminal, but I guess that that's also just as much the fault of some car enthusiasts. Their reputation preceeds us all... 'guilt by association' so to speak. Or maybe, that's just what I've seen... I guess it could be different in some areas.
      I'm going to write this big so you can see... writing small doesn't make you unique. It makes you a pain in the ass. Go ahead and keep writing in the smallest setting available. Nobody's going to read what you write. Might as well just leave now and save yourself some time if you refuse to write big enough to be read. Welcome to the site
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        Originally posted by JDMdreamz View Post
        That really sucks... but what's worse is that probably, the detectives involved might try to spin it into something that it isn't. I get tired of the media portraying car enthusiasts as criminals who have to do something illegal to afford to modify cars. I'm sure it happens and maybe quite a bit, but that doesn't mean that everybody is like that. Respect for keeping a cool head in a bad situation...

        Super annoying..thanks for pissing me off so early in the morning


          Glad you're okay! Scary stuff life is.

          And lol to you small font guy.

          Member's Ride Thread

          Originally posted by mercyboy
          I'd rather lose by a mile because I built my own car then win by an inch because someone else built it for me..your car is your story, so don't let someone else write the book!


            Glad to hear ur ok, ur Guardian Angel was watching ur back!


              wow thats crazy well at least you are ok.

