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Tips From Your Parts Guy.

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    Originally posted by H22artman View Post
    you must live near a Kragen or Autozone.
    those guys are bad for the parts business.
    Autozone, O'Reillys, CarQuest, and especially Napa. Somebody crapped in that guy's Fruitloops.

    My Custom BB6 Dash Swap Thread


      Originally posted by wherm View Post
      I can't stand 95% of the people behind the parts counter. They have no concept of how to be friendly or provide good customer service. I always feel like I'm bothering them when I'm there to buy stuff. Probly why I buy so much online.
      x2. Unless it's a store where I know the people, I just feel like I'm bothering them, which makes me just not want to go there again. Madison's kinda like that though, lol.

      Member's Ride Thread

      Originally posted by mercyboy
      I'd rather lose by a mile because I built my own car then win by an inch because someone else built it for me..your car is your story, so don't let someone else write the book!


        When people ask my questions i answer them as they want them to be answerd. I want to get my shit not chit chat to someone.


          Originally posted by Tippey764 View Post
          When people ask my questions i answer them as they want them to be answerd. I want to get my shit not chit chat to someone.
          thank you.

          Bought from: Bisimoto, FuncOvrForm, HondaGuy1212, wed3k, Konigstiger, 1st2run, BillKisme, k-mart, benjerman112


            Originally posted by H22artman View Post
            ohhh. that might even be worse than whippin parts.

            all you are is the delivery guy? no hand in the actual sale or anything?

            then i am sure you get blamed for every little thing that goes wrong/missing. and whats worse is that you have no explanation as to why something went wrong.

            my drivers get the same treatment everyday. and usually its due to customer error.

            its not like you can say: "hey fuckhead, maybe if you gave the guys the right info you'd have the part you wanted in hand. instead of yelling at me, the guy that knows nothing about the situation, just because im standing in front of you."
            Yup, I'm just the take shit and move it around lackey. Its my job to check everything is there while I load, but occasionally small...and big...things get missed.

            Biggest pain in the ass is when we drop off to a new house under construction and we run into the drywallers or painters who are behind schedule. We come in when WE are scheduled, and because the painters are behind, they look at us like we're inconveniencing them, when really they're slowing down our installation.


              Hey dude, you have a job. shush


                Originally posted by F22HB View Post
                Hey dude, you have a job. shush
                Bought From

                current s2k fund... $200


                  Originally posted by H22artman View Post
                  its not even a story.

                  its just what i would love to yell into these select customers faces.

                  the actual story leading up to this would take forever to type and would be far too confusing for you guys to follow.

                  and why the hell do you capitalize all your o's? (nevermind, i read your sig)
                  go buy a new keyboard, theyre not expensive.
                  1 baby,n0 j0b,rent 2ph0nes,2 car insurance bills,light bill,0il bil, cable bill=my br0ke ass.wife w0rks tw0 j0bs t0 supp0rt us.imean i d0 what i can like side j0bs f0r machanics but n0 0ne has the budjet t0 hire because 0f ec0namy.s0 t0 me a keyb0ard is expensive then again s0 is milk....but s0me h0w i always manage t0 get car parts!

                  my new turbo build


                    maybe you guys should get out of the automotive parts line. i remember i was at a autozone one time and my friend was like "they they are hiring you should work here". my reply was "wtf are you stupid these places are horrible!". the guy helping me, an older guy, just pointed at me and said "smart man" and we all lol'd. yea, everyone bitches and complains about heir job, but its not a my way or the highway sort of deal (unless you own the place lol). i'm one of those guys who will purposely bug you if you give me any sort of attitude or rolling of the eyes. i'll make you my bitch for an hour if i have to and not buy a single item rofl

                    Accord turbo kit under $2k here
                    $30 HID kits here Thread
                    "What a selfish bitch. She looks like one too. A smart-mouthed, facebook-ing, "i dont know if im straight, bi or *** yet" little brat." -greencb7inkc
                    "No Herra Frush, Slammed, tucked or frame dragging here. I'll leave that to the mini trucks...." -fishdonotbounce


                      Originally posted by Law Grandeur View Post
                      maybe you guys should get out of the automotive parts line. i remember i was at a autozone one time and my friend was like "they they are hiring you should work here". my reply was "wtf are you stupid these places are horrible!". the guy helping me, an older guy, just pointed at me and said "smart man" and we all lol'd. yea, everyone bitches and complains about heir job, but its not a my way or the highway sort of deal (unless you own the place lol). i'm one of those guys who will purposely bug you if you give me any sort of attitude or rolling of the eyes. i'll make you my bitch for an hour if i have to and not buy a single item rofl
                      i love customers like you.
                      they make every discount i give to the customers that deserve it worth the offset by the deep wallet raping i give folks like you.

                      independently owned stores rule.

                      Bought from: Bisimoto, FuncOvrForm, HondaGuy1212, wed3k, Konigstiger, 1st2run, BillKisme, k-mart, benjerman112


                        Originally posted by F22HB View Post
                        Hey dude, you have a job. shush
                        x3. FT I take it? yelling at certain customers or being difficult with them can be fun, but overall horribly handled customer service...

                        I'm only PT now in the department @ the dealership I work at. Hours got cut. If in fact you're a parts guy by trade receiving FT hours, more power to ya.

                        life is good.


                          Originally posted by crazymikey View Post
                          customer service. you don't have it.

                          Tips from your customer: Retail associates should not be dicks. Good customer relations brings back clients.

                          If I go into a store and I get served as if I'm just some number in line, you won't expect to see me back there unless you're the only place that carries what I need.

                          Case in point. Local autobody supply store here. One guy that works there is a complete dick. I just get a shitty vibe from him. He treats me like shit. He's ignorant, doesn't help me and just sits at the computer with a FML look on his face.

                          Now, I can walk in any other time and a couple of the other guys that work there are very helpful and friendy and go out of their way. But this one asshole makes me not like going there because if he's the only one there, I don't get what I want.
                          I completely agree. Just like you don't want to hear about my sick aunt/dog/mom I don't want to deal with your shitty attitude. I have a guy at my local advanced auto that I will just not deal with b/c he's not only fucked up my order so many times but he was a dick while doing it.

                          I've been on both sides of the counter and yeah it sucks when you get that chatty and dumb client... but it's your job to be nice. Suck it up.

                          And kind of off topic but ...Why can't auto parts stores only hire people who know a thing or two about cars. Or train them properly I don't expect them to know everything but If i say i'm looking for a starter for a Subaru Impreza... dont' ask me if I mean a subaru forrester. And don't question me when I say it's got a 2.5L engine in it. I know i'm a girl but if i'm going in and asking directly for the part and I can quickly answer questions about engine size...I probably have a clue whats going on.
                          "Auto racing, bull fighting and mountain climbing are the only real sports....all others are games."
                          - Ernest Hemingway


                            Autoparts store people deal with so many idiots, that I think it's their first reaction to assume that EVERYONE doesn't know what they're talking about.


                              Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                              Autoparts store people deal with so many idiots, that I think it's their first reaction to assume that EVERYONE doesn't know what they're talking about.

                              That and rude ass customers that get pissed that we dont have 5w30 valvoline oil.

                              Rip It Up
                              Sold to: nightime25, MyDianaz06, Accord214 and 408cb7

                              Bought from:Rob_is_Legend, MonoCB7, Fatboy1185, Flatline and busak87

                              i vouch for my Brothas


                                Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                                Autoparts store people deal with so many idiots, that I think it's their first reaction to assume that EVERYONE doesn't know what they're talking about.
                                true. most of the time.

                                i've been at this long enough to know within the first sentence or two whether a customer knows their shit or not.
                                only rarely am i wrong about someones depth of knowledge.

                                i live in a small town where everyone knows everyone elses business.
                                its so tight knit here that we've (the parts crew AND the loyal locals) pretty much weeded out the useless customers and left them to frequent kragen.

                                sure its revenue lost, but when you have every vineyard in the valley on superfleet programs it really doesnt matter. we can afford to tell the assholes and idiots to fuck off.

                                as my boss would say "thats just the cost of doin business, Cartman."
                                he calls me Cartman cause my name starts with a C and my last name is Hartman.
                                Last edited by H22Artman; 04-10-2010, 12:38 PM.

                                Bought from: Bisimoto, FuncOvrForm, HondaGuy1212, wed3k, Konigstiger, 1st2run, BillKisme, k-mart, benjerman112

