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Today is not a good day

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    Today is not a good day

    So, I just got back from a funeral. Buried a friend. The shitty part is, he was 26, healthy as hell, exercised, lifted weights. But I guess he had high blood pressure issues and from what I heard, he died of a heart attack. I didn't want to view the body, even though they had the casket open and they had him laying so his head and chest was visible from even where I was sitting, which was in the back of the parlor. I think that's probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Even sitting here typing this, I'm fighting back tears. I just don't know how someone in such great health can be taken like that.

    I've definitely looked at changing a lot of shit in my life. I've never been really "diagnosed" with high blood pressure, but, I've been to the dr and it's been elevated. I'm trying to eat better and exercise a little, but I've been dealing with lower back/sciatica issues for over a month, so walking kicks my ass. On a good note, I've lost about 20 pounds in the past 6 weeks. I'm shooting for 50 by the end of summer.

    Seeing the pain his family and friends were in from their loss, I don't want to put anyone thru that. Not anytime soon, anyhow.

    Well, I'm sitting home alone, which isn't good, it's making my mind wander and I want to cry, so, I'm going to go for a drive to try to clear my head, maybe go spend time with some friends and take my mind off it, or attempt to.

    Thank you guys for letting me vent, it means a lot.

    It takes time man, and I've been there. I lost a really close friend to cancer in High School. He started feeling sick and went to the hosipital and they told him he just had the flu and sent him home. It turns out he had a tumor on his rib bone, and by the time they found out, it was too late. Hang in ther and try to be strong for those around you. My prayers are with you
    Originally posted by nine_deuce
    What I'd do is this: spray brake fluid in her eyes, shoot her with a nail gun, while she's down, give her a "chili dog" or a "strawberry shortcake" a "rusty fish hook is always fun"
    91 ex auto-sold!
    92 lx wagon-sold!
    92 ex parts car-sold!



      Sorry for your loss. Its never easy losing someone close. Hang in there bud.

      psn: KoRn_LuVr


        I know it's tough. Sometimes it just happens. People are imperfect machines. Sad, though, when it's a friend.


          I'm truly sorry to hear that. Makes you realize how fast life can be taken away. But he probably wouldn't want you to cry, you should smile man and remember the good times.

          life is good.


            most of us wouldnt know how it feels losing someone,one thing is forsure its not easy. i hope you make it thru! its crazy but life dont stop for no one sometimes i think we all wish it would but keep your head up take care of yourself...


              Hang in there buddy. Time will cure and it hurts but life goes on and you need to cope with what ever comes your way. Vent as much as you want, we all ears for you


                Yesterday was pretty tough. Today seems to be a little better, I'm trying to keep my mind off of the whole day yesterday. I've been to town a few times today, run into people that were at the funeral, they come up, shake my hand, hug me and thank me for being there, I was driving thru town last night on my way home and saw his car parked on the side of the road with a bunch of his family and the pall bearers, it was tough, I almost started crying, but, like the pastor was saying about him, he hid his emotions no matter what he was going thru, so, I've taken those words and am using those to live by.

                I appreciate the words, and I'm sure I'll get thru this and be fine. It'll just take me a minute


                  damn dude sorry about ur loss high blood pressure is considered a silent killer you never have any symptoms of when its ready to get the best of you my dad is 61 yrs old has had high blood pressure for the past 10 years or so and not 1 day goes by where im not scared of losing my dad, everyday that passes im grateful to have him.. thats why people should spend everyday with there loved ones as greatly as possible cause life can be a bitch.. you have no control of it

