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Blame the USA for the earthquake....its always our

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    Originally posted by deevergote View Post
    Eh, that would actually make it easier to pull it off. If those in charge are in chaos, those under them have more power and more control.

    Not that I really buy into the conspiracy theory crap, saying our government is merely a figurehead with others pulling the strings... but it's not entirely impossible for certain things to go on under the radar.
    "Certain things" are not going under the radar.

    We are talking about a weapon with the capability of destroying whole countries. It is a cockamaimy bunch of propaganda bullshit by a dictator in a 3rd world country. Really.
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      Originally posted by owequitit View Post
      "Certain things" are not going under the radar.

      We are talking about a weapon with the capability of destroying whole countries. It is a cockamaimy bunch of propaganda bullshit by a dictator in a 3rd world country. Really.
      Oh yeah, I certainly don't believe that a weapon of that magnitude could possibly go unnoticed. Even if it existed, it couldn't possibly be used without people knowing.

      But when shady things happened, looking to see what the leaders are doing isn't always the only way... Sometimes you have to see what it is that the leaders aren't looking at (for one reason or another).


        Originally posted by nine_deuce View Post
        Another thing about this "weapon" is, why would we use it to destroy their country, then send aid to rebuild it? It seems a lot smarter and cheaper for the US to just leave it alone.

        Kinda like Michael Jackson, wouldn't it be cheaper and less detrimental to just not touch those little boys butt holes?

        And the money the US is sending to help Haiti and the billions we're spending on a war that we have no reason being a part of, that could help out millions of people in this country. I don't understand how we can be broke, have no money to do shit with, yet when we need another 20 billion for the war, there it is??
        $20 billion doesn't go nearly as far as you think it does.

        Even WITH the war expenditures, we spend almost 5 times as much on Social Security and Medicare, and that INCLUDES all DOD needs, not just the war.

        We could perpetuate the wars in Iraq and Afganistan for another 40 years, before we even got to the 10 year cost of this healthcare elephant they are trying to make us swallow.

        The fact is that people like to point to the war as an unnecessary expenditure when they have absolutely no clue what we are actually spending our money on. Justified expenditure or not, the "war" is a drop in the hat compared to some of the other shit we waste money on. Yeah, it SEEMS to be an obvious target for cost cutting, but it is a poor one.

        If we want to fix the issue, we need to come to one of two realizations, and we need to target 3 singular agendas.

        1) We can't pay for everything for everyone for free. We must either raise our taxes to match our expenditures (probably about a 50% increase in tax on EVERY individual, not just one demographic group).

        Or we can reduce our expenditures to match our revenues. When you start about cost cutting, it doesn't make nearly as much sense to cut from something that makes up 12% of the budget, when 2 programs account for over 50% of the budget. Like it or not, idealogical beliefs aside, it just doesn't work.

        The only other option is a compromise. Raise taxes AND reduce expenditures. Until the American public is willing to swallow one of these 3 certain realities, we are screwed. Simple as that.

        2) We just borrowed $787 billion from China. We are thinking about an additional $170 billion. That brings that total to $957 billion, of which about 10% is actually going to be used as promised.

        That alone would fuel the war for an additional 48 years.

        Couple that with the healthcare cost of 800 billion and you are looking at almost 90 years of warfare before we spend as much as we have vaporized/ or suggested vaporizing in the last 9 months.

        When you work out the incredibly marginal return on investment for that nearly 2 trillion dollars, it makes or politicians and leadership (from both sides) look incredibly stupid, which is about their current level of cognitive ability as a collective unit, and I haven't even talked about the financial or automaker bailouts yet, which both simply add to our ability to wage war and end up at the same point we are now.

        The thing that floors me the most is that in their infinite financial wisdom, which is proven by our economic success, the American people still don't grasp the fact that just because the $ has 13 zeros behind it still doesn't mean it grew on trees. Everybody wants what they want, but nobody wants to pay for it. The rich think the poor should pay. The poor think the rich should pay. Add them together and nobody is paying for anything anymore. It is just want, want, want. As it is, we are on a collision course with government bankruptcy and financial, political, social and lifestyle oblivion. As soon as the government collapses, it is all over folks. Everything. All of it. The protection, the services, the roads, the water, the defense, the education, the money. All of it. Gone. We are talking Soviet Union style economic collapse. The really scary part? If we keep spending the way we are, it will happen by 2020 (most estimates put the government deficit reaching 100% of GDP by about 2014).

        You can also politically target the wars all you want, but the fact is that while the debate on Iraq is questionable given known public information, the war in Afghanistan is not. $20 billion dollars a year would not even BEGIN to cover the costs associated with keeping thriving terrorist cells out of our country. $20 billion a year is a lot of money, but the fact is that it is far cheaper to send our fighting troops over there to remove Al Qaida's ability to do business than it would be to try to keep them off of our busses, and out of restaurants, shopping malls and supermarkets. Like it or not, that IS the other avenue of protection. It isn't like they are going to just stop and give us a hug anytime soon. We spend more than $20 billion a year just defending our ports, airports and railroad lines from a threat that is merely a tiny shadow of what it once was, because we ARE spending $20 billion a year on the wars.

        Reality is a cold hard bitch, but frankly it doesn't give a shit if you like it or not.

        Now, from a purely human perspective, we have well less than 5% of the people in this country living in poverty. No matter what you do, you will NEVER entirely erradicate poverty. In fact, once you get to the law of diminishing returns, attempts to reduce poverty actually increase it. You can see this clearly evidenced by the fact that in the ultimate "share the wealth" economies, the only ones who DON'T live in poverty are the dictators at the top of the command economy. You can "share the wealth" right up to the point there is no longer any incentive to produce wealth, in which case human nature takes over and economic productivity ceases to exist, and everything goes down hill quickly. However, I digress.

        The point is that a country like Haiti has MOST of its population living in poverty and squalor, so as a fellow human that preaches taking care of their own, how could you NOT want to help them? Plus, the people here that live in poverty actually have a better standard of living on average than you would think. For the relatively nominal sum of $100 million, we can pretty much help them rebuild and provide the care they need, until they return to whatever it is they want to return to. It is fairly hipocritical IMO, to preach human togetherness on one hand, and then to reject practicing it when the time comes.

        For the people in Haiti, the time has come.

        But, I am just as asshole, so I could be wrong.
        Last edited by owequitit; 01-23-2010, 07:17 PM.
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          1st thing i thought about Haiti's earthquake was the US testing weapons on Haiti 2nd thing was that movie 2012


            Uh, if more people would get some edumacation and learn a little bit about Geology there wouldn't be stupid ass ignorant statements like this.

            Yeah, the U.S. is the cause of all disasters. There is no such thing as nature anymore. We control it all

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              Chavez is using the power of emotion and ignorance to rally his people.

              Ignorance thrives everywhere... so of course people are going to believe it.



                Scott pretty much summed up a lot of shit.

                I just want to touch on the homeless here.


                Of all the people who are living in this country in conditions like pre-earthquake Haiti, oh wait there are none.

                Ok so for all the people who are poor and homeless, half of that group most likely chooses to be.

                A lot of them have mental disorders(At least here in NYC) and were released to the public when the Asylums closed years ago. They are an unfortunate group that should never have been released.

                However, half the people i encounter here that are homeless could afford to get their shit together and get a job.

                The most basic job here should at least pay $5.50 or more for MW.

                You are lucky if you make $10 a day in Haiti. Most people don't.

                It's not even comparable to the people here.

                I disagree with the idea that the US never takes care of its own. Do you feel safe when you hang out at the mall?

                Do you enjoy driving your cb down the street with your loud ass muffler?

                Do you enjoy fucking your gf in the back of the movie theater?

                Well if you do, you can surely thank your parents and then the US government(in some form) for the right to do so.\

                Sure the Government has made mistakes in the past(local or federal) as i believe its not a perfect system, only one that is in a constant struggle to perfect its game.

                In the end there is a lot of behind the scenes shit that people either don't know about because they don't want to know, or because they don't know what a newspaper is anymore.
                Last edited by Ralphie; 01-23-2010, 09:00 PM.


                  No matter what we do, there will always be poverty. It happens. The government can't help every person, especially those that won't help themselves. It's unfair to criticize our government for that.

                  Yes, the economy sucks, and yes, a lot of people are in a difficult position. But honestly, India and China are just as much to blame. Why? They've both hit the global market very hard in terms of supply and demand... the effects are being felt worldwide, at least among any countries that are actively involved in the global economy.

                  One thing I can say about our government is this: we've responded faster to Haiti's crisis than we did to our own during the Katrina devastation.

                  Again, things happen. We don't have a perfect machine for a government. People DO screw up. It happens. Life goes on.


                    That's even better than the whole "Haiti made a pact with the devil to get themselves free from the french and that's what caused the earthquake."

                    R.I.P. Veronica - JDM F20A swapped 2.0 Si wannabe.


                      Originally posted by deevergote View Post
                      No matter what we do, there will always be poverty. It happens. The government can't help every person, especially those that won't help themselves. It's unfair to criticize our government for that.

                      Yes, the economy sucks, and yes, a lot of people are in a difficult position. But honestly, India and China are just as much to blame. Why? They've both hit the global market very hard in terms of supply and demand... the effects are being felt worldwide, at least among any countries that are actively involved in the global economy.

                      One thing I can say about our government is this: we've responded faster to Haiti's crisis than we did to our own during the Katrina devastation.

                      Again, things happen. We don't have a perfect machine for a government. People DO screw up. It happens. Life goes on.
                      In a world of limited supply, and infinite demand, there will always be someone who has less than someone else. It is the way of the Universe, and mother nature. To be brash enough to think we can undo the will of the Universe is about the time we get put back into our meager little place.

                      The primary cause of the US's problems right now are not China and India. In fact, in most of the rest of the world, the "recession" is much more moderate.

                      The reason we are feeling it so badly is because of our poor financial decision making skills. FYI, these are the same decision making processes occurring in our government right now. What you say?

                      1) We spend too much for shit that isn't worth it (i.e. paying 3 million dollars for a house that is worth 300,000 in intrinsic value in So Cal)

                      2) We don't want to do things the RIGHT way because it would "waste" too much of our time, and we want everything now, so we structure our financial deals to be a problem down the road, so that we can always avert disaster later, rather than preventing it in the first place.

                      3) When all else fails, we leverage ourselves to the hilt on the hope and faith that nothing in our house of cards will give way.

                      Only, it gave way.

                      Now, our economy is going to tank until everything returns to a proper state of equilibrium, and that state of equilibrium will be lower and lower, until we as a country get serious about fixing the issues that are endemic to our system, that we have systematically ignored and made someone else's problem for the last 50 years.

                      It is going to continue to suffer until our outgo matches our income, and we remember that a quality life isn't free, and must be WORKED for.

                      China and India are stealing our thunder because rather than think they are entitled to something, they are willing to work for it. Where we complain about "low pay" or harsh working conditions (something the average American really has no fathom of) they are doing the job.
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                        Originally posted by owequitit View Post
                        In a world of limited supply, and infinite demand, there will always be someone who has less than someone else. It is the way of the Universe, and mother nature. To be brash enough to think we can undo the will of the Universe is about the time we get put back into our meager little place.

                        The primary cause of the US's problems right now are not China and India. In fact, in most of the rest of the world, the "recession" is much more moderate.

                        The reason we are feeling it so badly is because of our poor financial decision making skills. FYI, these are the same decision making processes occurring in our government right now. What you say?

                        1) We spend too much for shit that isn't worth it (i.e. paying 3 million dollars for a house that is worth 300,000 in intrinsic value in So Cal)

                        2) We don't want to do things the RIGHT way because it would "waste" too much of our time, and we want everything now, so we structure our financial deals to be a problem down the road, so that we can always avert disaster later, rather than preventing it in the first place.

                        3) When all else fails, we leverage ourselves to the hilt on the hope and faith that nothing in our house of cards will give way.

                        Only, it gave way.

                        Now, our economy is going to tank until everything returns to a proper state of equilibrium, and that state of equilibrium will be lower and lower, until we as a country get serious about fixing the issues that are endemic to our system, that we have systematically ignored and made someone else's problem for the last 50 years.

                        It is going to continue to suffer until our outgo matches our income, and we remember that a quality life isn't free, and must be WORKED for.

                        China and India are stealing our thunder because rather than think they are entitled to something, they are willing to work for it. Where we complain about "low pay" or harsh working conditions (something the average American really has no fathom of) they are doing the job.
                        You sir, are harvesting quite a bit of knowledge in your head. I have a great amount of respect for you because of this.
                        R.I.P. Veronica - JDM F20A swapped 2.0 Si wannabe.


                          Nikola Tesla created a earthquake machine.When he died some of his papers were never found. Its entirely possible we have a earthquake weapon. Wether we would use it on Haiti is questionable though.


                            money, why is it all about money? they have us all by the balls if we don't have money. When i mean "they" i mean the people with superior power paying government to do what "they" want. Like you all didn't know that Fluoride causes brittle bones and messes up your neurological system, and then it all in the water we drink. Its sad to see a sickness break out that is just a seasonal flu and call it H1N1, then they make a shot that is 10 times worse than actually having H1N1. Modern slavery is what it is, they have us by the balls....

                            Some people might not get what i am saying, some may be ignorant and its okay. in due time you will see what i see and know what i know.

                            I just live life, being cautious of the future because things either may get worse or better idk but just live life.

                            Rip It Up
                            Sold to: nightime25, MyDianaz06, Accord214 and 408cb7

                            Bought from:Rob_is_Legend, MonoCB7, Fatboy1185, Flatline and busak87

                            i vouch for my Brothas


                              Originally posted by Extacee View Post
                              money, why is it all about money? they have us all by the balls if we don't have money. When i mean "they" i mean the people with superior power paying government to do what "they" want. Like you all didn't know that Fluoride causes brittle bones and messes up your neurological system, and then it all in the water we drink. Its sad to see a sickness break out that is just a seasonal flu and call it H1N1, then they make a shot that is 10 times worse than actually having H1N1. Modern slavery is what it is, they have us by the balls....

                              Some people might not get what i am saying, some may be ignorant and its okay. in due time you will see what i see and know what i know.

                              I just live life, being cautious of the future because things either may get worse or better idk but just live life.

                              Did you know that Flouride is actually VERY good for you, but only in really tiny dosages?

                              Did you know that we put it in the water to make sure our children don't have flouride deficiency, and that EVERY child gets it? Did you know that is also why you are not supposed to use flouride toothpaste unless directed, and should ESPECIALLY not use toothpaste manufactured in China, because much of it is too high in flouride, and when combined with the flouride in our water system, it can be a fatal dose?

                              Did you also know that nobody has us by the balls, because when our currency becomes worthless, so does every other person holding our currency. It isn't like their currency will suddenly be good just because they are rich...
                              Last edited by owequitit; 01-24-2010, 03:05 AM.
                              The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                                hmm...interesting. Although HAARP is not used supposed to be used for warfare, I can definitely see how Chavez will take the opportunity to use HAARP as the cause of the earthquake. Of course he said that the U.S was also potentially responsible for the quake in China, but we heard nothing about that conspiracy until now when the devastation hits a little closer to home...seems very odd.

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