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What's haunted?

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    What's haunted?

    I just spent the last hour or two researching the Amityville horror…supposedly based on a true story. What sparked this curiosity? I was going to watch the latest “The Punisher” and there was an ad for The haunting in Connecticut..also supposidley based on a true story (the only true part is that someone truly made it up)

    So what did I find…well for one it was long ago admitted that the “horror” stories were a hoax…made up by a lawyer and the Lutze family.

    Also, the house is CURRENTLY OCCUPIED!! And guess what…no one had EVER acknowledged ANY strange going ons in the house. I’m sure there may be (though I don’t know that there is) a greater turnover of home owners in relation to the surrounding houses but it has nothing to do with haunting…but more so that nut bags go there and “cut pieces of grass from the yard…stop and stare…gawk…try to break in”. If I owned a house that was constantly being bothered by fruitcakes I’d move to.

    The Connecticut story? Same thing, NO ONE that has lived there since notices anything odd. And the people living there at the time only say the haunted family made up stuff. I.E. demons cause the power to go out…it was a tree limb.

    Now…sure I come off and just being synical. Just someone who doesn’t believe and doesn’t WANT to believe. 100% WRONG! Let me explain, see my experiences have led me to believe the way I do, and the facts just pile up to back me up.

    A few stories of my own:

    As a youngster we lived in a house practically surrounded by woods, with 1 acre of clear land separating me from the woods behind the house. I had two windows, one face those woods, the other face the woods that were within spitting distance from my window. I felt that if I stared into the darkness I would eventually see a pair of red eyes beeming back. So what did I do? I stared. WHY? Well…if there was a demon out there or some spirit…what an ADVENTURE!! Plus you can’t deny red eyes staring at you now can you? WHAT PROOF that would be. I saw…nothing…except the occasional firefly. So I stared some more. Nothing.

    Our house had a hallway that was PITCH BLACK at night. Usually everyone gathered in the living room to watch tv at night. The living room had been added on by previous owner and was at the COMPLETE opposite end of the house. We usually had ALL the lights off. There was one bathroom…at the end of that dark hallway. I knew there were demons just lurking behind me…and that if I didn’t walk quickly they would tap me on the shoulder or breath down my neck…so what did I do? I walked slowly…and turned around. Nothing….NEVER anything.

    Now my scariest occurrence. I was asleep one night, had my fan on. I woke up for some reason, and had my head almost under the covers. It suddenly felt as if someone sat on the end of my bed. I thought it was the fan…is was on “swivel” mode…but the weight never let up. It just stayed there. I figured I could stay like I was…or go down fighting. I jumped up and flicked on the light…nothing.

    See folks…my dad has always told me…demons can only go were they are invited. I will take that a step away from the religious and towards the logical. People who find demons are those WANTING to be scared. There is NOTHING there. Just there imaginations...they are irrational and LOOKING for something (that isn't there) so they do whatever they can to find it.

    The mind in interesting, as a method of escape/protection from hidden rage it will actually cause debilitating pain (Dr. Sarno, healing back pain) and when you are scared, you brain does whatever it can to remove you from the fear...fight or flight. This response LOADS the body with hormones...NONE of which promote clear thinking. And it is on THAT mindset "these" people "experience" spirits.

    I have found that people who tend to “believe” in such nonsense are typically irrational people, and are easily controlled by their fears. Another story, while attending ETBU, and before old Hotel Marshal was rebuilt, it was a dump…every window broken, elevator shaft doors left open, etc etc. It is a 7 story building with roof access…very ominous looking really.

    Any hoo, popular thing to do was to break in and snoop around. I went twice, one time I took people with me. I don’t recall who they were…doesn’t matter. There was actually a room with pentagrams etc painted on every wall…candles…demonic etc etc. (I know not all pentagrams are demonic but these were) any hoo there are NO windows…there is constantly a breeze blowing. So naturally a door gets moved. One of these people was SO freaked out that hearing the door was the last strike and they bolted out exclaiming something evil was there.

    Come on. People go to these places and say they see wisps of smoke, shadows…etc etc. Let’s talk about the tv shows too. They follow the SAME formula…they go in, skeptical of course, set up equipment…take readings…which come back…not abnormal….but not…normal. Any hoo that night they go exploring and…proceed to scare THEMSELVES sh$tless. THEY DO IT ALL THEMSELVES! ON CAMERA they yell out SOMETHING TOUCHED ME…really?

    The ONLY people who “find proof” are those dimwits who allow themselves to be scared…by their imaginations…those who are irrational and unrealistic…folks who believe everything means something. Sorry…no it doesn’t. A ham sandwich isn’t evil just cause some famous person choked on it. Nor is a place haunted case YOU get scared when you go there. These people ignore EVERYONE else who goes to these places and debunks these “theories” they only listen to those who let themselves get scared…again…by their imaginations.

    Trust me I’ve been there…done that. But I am rational, and realistic.

    Typical situation…


    That would be the wind you moron…

    “these” people refuse to believe the rational and pursue the irrational and illogical and insist the wind you BOTH felt was really…a spirit.

    Another story. Late one night, same house as above, I heard what I could only describe as demonic horses fighting. Mind you our house was DEEP in the country, surrounded by woods. You’ve seen nature shows where stallions battle each other, or horses neigh a lot…just like that…but…like more echoed and…shrill. What did I do…you guessed it…grabbed by wooden training sword and my dog and headed out. Hell if there WERE really demons fighting THAT would be something to behold! Guess what I found after walking in the dark for 30 min? A BIG pond…full of frogs. THAT’S ALL IT WAS! My senses playing tricks.

    So whenever you tell me of haunted this or spirits that and how you’ve REALLY felt there presence etc…don’t be surprised if I give you a very odd look, then laugh, and just walk away. Cause you’ve just shown yourself to be the biggest irrational sucker ever. And I will GLADLY take you up on the offer to visit said haunted place so I can watch you scare yourself while I “attempt” to explain the psychology of “scaring oneself into belief”

    Does this mean I no longer have an eerie feeling when it’s dark…not a chance. But I KNOW where that fear stims from and it doesn’t control me…I control it. “these” people are controlled by their fear which exaggerates their imagination. I.E. it’s 4am and I’m writing this in an old creaky mobile home…pitch black outside and my eyes just played tricks on me…made me think the curtains moved out of the corner of my eye…what was it really? Well the laptop screen is bright and blinding, I’m using an Alltel wireless USB modem which blinks. The blink caught my eye and I didn’t look, just my peripheral vision…and my mind played a trick. Rational vs irrational.

    On second thought…best not to invite me…I’m a buzzkill for haunted places.
    Last edited by bcjammerx; 04-26-2009, 06:33 AM.

    So save your "proof" and "experiences"...I don't doesn't doesn't happen. sorry to bust folks' bubble...let's be rational and realistic

    I do apologize for the rant though
    Last edited by bcjammerx; 04-26-2009, 06:34 AM.


      Wow...i thought i was weird for being up this late.

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      Originally posted by Jarrett
      Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


        Originally posted by greencb7inkc View Post
        Wow...i thought i was weird for being up this late.
        HA HA HA...well I work the night shift so I'm up from 5pm-9or10am

        ALSO like to add...I'm sure I'll catch a lot of flack for this thread...oh to say...leave religious comments out thanks...I don't want to get banned cause someone took this the wrong way.


          I believe in scary stories....

          in my little imagination. Everything is real to me!


            I know what your gonna say but I'll still ask on this one. One simple question for you. Do you believe in Jesus and God? If you do then you are saying he is lying when he said that he was exorcising demons. If you don't , next time you get scared shitless for anything "demonic" or by simply being robbed and you plead for help then you are gonna be up a shit creek. So to answer your question believe me there are demons and they "know" what the hell they are doing. Rev 12:4 mentions that 1/3 of all the angels that were part of the rebellion that are now imprisoned here on earth with us are parts of the stories you hear about that don't believe in etc....


              I'm very sceptic of these ghost stories and such because well nothing has happened to me that really proove any of this.

              I have had "experiences" though.

              I was like ten and there was like a town fair going on. We lived in a really small and remote town out in the boonie doonies. No phones no nothing but we did have light. So that day me and my bro left early to the festivities and could't find our folks like an hour later so we figured they were still home and we headed back to join them. we were near our house wich was the last one in a long dirt road. The lights were on and we could hear our dads laughter but when we got in there there was no one and no more laughter. we checked the back and nothing. So we headed back to the fair and the fam bam was there so we had a good time and it was all good.

              I dunno what it could of been. Lot's of things really. Anyway that's the closest I've come to some experience.

              BTW I'm also a freak that likes to see what the weird noise is or where the weird shadow comes from. I used to be scared shitless of the dark but as time progresses i realise more and more that these gohsts aren't coming same with the martians and such. So i focus on being aware of more realistic dangers like a mugger or some shit.

              I dunno my ten cents.


                never heard somebody go into such detail about a topic like this. must be bored.

                Soon to have the first *Bottle Fed Accord* in MI!

                Vouch For: fatboy1185


                  LOL - i sure belive in them im something of a sensitive for them, all my life ive seen felt heard things that no one else can or even explain. ive tried to think its just my over active immagination but i cannot think myself scared.

                  In college i got to live an a dorm room that they so graciously didnt tell me that a girl had jumped out the window years before and died, i had all kinds of odd stuff happen in there the water would turn on byself, my radio would come on at all hours of the night turn channel go up and down( and i checked w the other girls no one else had a remote that worked my radio), all the lights in my room would turn on. i was scared shitless in that room, cause i always felt there was others in it, I woke up one night and in the darkness i could see figures standing over me, i hit the lights, no one was there. It was a private dorm room i didnt have a roomie. i would stay w/ my bf on the weekends and come back during the week and the other girls on my hall would tell me my room was making some crazy noises. ughh i hated it. I moved at the end of the semester. I didnt find out about the dead girl till close to the end of the semester when i told some friends how i didnt like my room, a senior friend of mine was all humm i wonder if u got the room that girl jumped from, gee thats nice.

                  so i gotta beleive that ghosts are real and haunting can happen, if nothing for the sure fact that i dont want to piss any spirits off telling them they arent real.

                  and i dont think im an irrational person i dont beleive that everything everyone says is haunted ive gone to many "haunted" houses, places and nothing, its the daily things like at work, in ur own house, or out w friends that i experence things, times when im not looking for things to be there, im not willing them in, or making them happen they just do.

                  I cannot think that we can be so shallow minded to think that there isnt more to this life than just live die and go to heaven / hell.

                  just my .02
                  Last edited by midnightrayne; 04-26-2009, 07:59 PM.


                    Again man all this shit is real. It's just not hollywood ghost type shit. It's just fallen angel's.


                      Originally posted by r3n3 View Post
                      I know what your gonna say but I'll still ask on this one. ....
                      Yes I do, but keep this non religious as such threads tend to cause banning and deletion. As a person of the faith demons have no power over you/me btw

                      those that are not...I still do not believe they have as much influence as folks claim they think they have. Not today anyways.

                      I'm talking mostly about all the stories you hear, and these so called "based on true events" type movies. Sure I broadened it out too much and included more than just that. But still ...they aren't based on true events at all. Not one

                      Originally posted by Pazzword JDM View Post
                      never heard somebody go into such detail about a topic like this. must be bored.
                      100% spot on

                      Originally posted by midnightrayne View Post
                      I cannot think that we can be so shallow minded to think that there isnt more to this life than just live die and go to heaven / hell.

                      just my .02
                      well that differs slightly from religion to religion...Non-religious wise...I still don't see any reason for hauntings to occur. Just doesn't add up to me

                      Originally posted by mappyCB7 View Post
                      interesting, beats me.

                      Originally posted by r3n3 View Post
                      Again man all this shit is real. It's just not hollywood ghost type shit. It's just fallen angel's.
                      That's the key, these "based on real events" are NOT real...non of them are real. The chainsaw massacre was a true even..but nothing supernatural there...just evil bad people.

                      NOT everyone is a bible believer (whatever denomination you claim to) so such arguments in this forum would be null...and usually end up in getting a thread locked I have pm though and email

                      fallen angels exist...I can accept they haunt...I can not accept that. They may make you afraid, and play tricks on your that is a result of you letting into fear...I'm no expert...just my experience.

                      Just keep in mind...when you watch a horror movie and it says it's based on real events...accept that it's a big fat stinking lie. I don't buy the exorcist and "emily rose" exorcism stories either.

                      But again...maybe "ghosts" just don't have any power/influence over me cause I don't believe in them who knows..maybe I'm not looking for them hard enough.


                        Bob Jones is coming for your unChristian soul !!!!!


                          Real or not, this thread makes me want to watch Exorcism of Emily Rose.
                          Originally posted by sweet91accord
                          if aredy time i need to put something in cb7tuner. you guy need to me a smart ass about and bust on my spelling,gramar and shit like that in so sorry.


                            I agree with you to a point. I don't believe it's ALL bullshit. I do believe in "spirits/demons" or whatever they may be. I don't get scared by all that bs and you're right about the people that pretty much scare themselves.

                            I've known 2 people to actually be "possessed" or whatever you'd like to call it. Where an outside spirit or soul enters your body and pretty much controls it. The person start doing some weird shit with their hands and is now stronger than they have ever been. It took 5 BIG guys to hold one old lady down. She was speaking with a Spaniard accent, a language she had never learned, although she does speak Spanish(Mexican Spanish). Her voice had also done some weird shit. She was speaking deeper than I've ever heard any man speak. It wasn't just a normal deep voice, it was..... I don't know...I guess just like in the movies.

                            If it wasn't for 2 experiences like the above, I would probably think the same way you do.

                            CrzyTuning now offering port services


                              Originally posted by bobbycos View Post
                              Bob Jones is coming for your unChristian soul !!!!!
                              HA HA does not apply to mine sir

                              Originally posted by foamypirate View Post
                              Real or not, this thread makes me want to watch Exorcism of Emily Rose.
                              Both good movies, not too much of that jump out and scare you crap...good ol slow creepy HOLY F(@# S#@(( kinda of stuff...

                              Originally posted by d112crzy View Post
                              If it wasn't for 2 experiences like the above, I would probably think the same way you do.
                              I don't blame you...guess my (limited) studies of psychology and anatomy explain to much for me. I've seen some little folks up here at the hospital do some crazy shit...but I wasn't were so I can't negate one thing you said.
                              Last edited by bcjammerx; 04-27-2009, 01:24 AM.

