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whats the best laptop to get

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    alienware are over rated.

    in my opinion, thoshiba make the best lap tops. I have the Toshiba Satellite A215-S4757 with 2 gigs of ram and 1.8 ghz processor.

    I haven't had one problem with it and I love it to death. Buy it


      Macs are great, but in my opinion, they are slightly over-rated.

      Get a Lenovo ThinkPad and call it a day. I've been using ThinkPads for the last 5 or so years and I would not buy any other PC laptop. They are not inexpensive, but they are completely worth the extra few hundred dollars, compared to other mainstream competitors like Dell and HP.

      Members Ride Thread


        I agree on Toshibas they are awesome quality. But, If you're going to pay $2,000-3,000 on a macbook pro, I would definately go with alienware especially now that they have SLI enabled video cards. They are the best gamming laptops available.


          Lenovo aka IBM has the least problems fyi

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          "the character of a man can be judged by how he takes his criticism"
          "Quoting yourself is like, masturbation" -Starchland

