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Valve Cover!

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    Valve Cover!

    Well...I went rambo on my Valve Cover tonight, took me forever! I had to do this ALL by hand, no power tools what-so-ever, not even a dremel! Anyways, I started off by stripping the paint from the stock valve cover with Aircraft Remover, then sanded the turd with wet 600 grit sand paper, then moved up to the 1000 grit, then finally 2000 grit. Don't be hating if it's not super, like I said, it's ALL by hand, and in crappy lighting. Pics! I'll try and find pics of the stocker later.

    Originally posted by sweet91accord
    if aredy time i need to put something in cb7tuner. you guy need to me a smart ass about and bust on my spelling,gramar and shit like that in so sorry.

    im saying that looks not too bad at all, specially by hand

    from me

    -- Check out my CB -- My CRV blackhousing thread!!-- My CG coupe--


      Wow very nice! Looks really good with that exhaust mani heat shield right below it.

      Your hard work and effort definitely payed off.

      Members Ride Thread


        all you need to do now is spend more time buffing it to a mirror shine. later.
        Avoiding dirt at all costs


          I like the dull shine for some reason.

          Was that the look you were going for or did you want to get it more polished?

          Members Ride Thread


            Looks good, welcome to the site.
            (RIP)1993 LX Sedan
            Frost White Crew Member #36

            JDM Beating Stick Owner #1
            My (old) Ride


              Props bro. Looks good. (Dont worry about the mirror shine)

              Keep up the good work. Keep us posted.

              KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
              Originally posted by Jarrett
              Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                Thanks for the compliments! I'll tell you, my fingers were starting to cramp right about the time I finished sanding that sucker! I'm really happy with how it turned out, I think I'll leave it how it is. I MAY buff it to a mirror shine if I get bored with it. Next up...clean everything else in the engine bay, haha. It looks pretty sick, especially in some of those pictures.
                Originally posted by sweet91accord
                if aredy time i need to put something in cb7tuner. you guy need to me a smart ass about and bust on my spelling,gramar and shit like that in so sorry.


                  Oh, and a billet oil cap to match, too!
                  Originally posted by sweet91accord
                  if aredy time i need to put something in cb7tuner. you guy need to me a smart ass about and bust on my spelling,gramar and shit like that in so sorry.


                    Hit up your Private message box.
                    (RIP)1993 LX Sedan
                    Frost White Crew Member #36

                    JDM Beating Stick Owner #1
                    My (old) Ride


                      man I have got to do that to mines

                      93 Accord LX Sedan (sold)
                      01 Civic LX Sedan (sold)-93 Accord EX Wagon (totaled)
                      93 Accord SE Sedan (sold)-92 Accord EX Sedan (sold)
                      93 Accord SE Coupe (sold)-97 Accord SiR Wagon (sold)

                      95 Accord LX Wagon (CURRENT)-05 Impreza WRX Sedan (CURRENT)-02 Ram 1500 (CURRENT)-20 VW Jetta (CURRENT)


                        about how long did it take you?

                        Rocesride Member Page


                          good job, now clean ur engine bay
                          Yeah, Preludes

                          Originally posted by deevergote.
                          Why can't people just search OT to see if someone else posted the same random thread?


                            good job player
                            "My FOR SALE thread - Click here"

                            MEMBERS RIDE

                            99 SILVERADO

                            WHEEL FLIP


                              It took a few hours (2-3), but it was all by hand, the longest part for me was smoothing all the ridges down with the 600 grit, but if you have a palm sander to do that, it should be cake. This is step #1 of cleaning the engine bay. Thanks for the compliments guys!
                              Originally posted by sweet91accord
                              if aredy time i need to put something in cb7tuner. you guy need to me a smart ass about and bust on my spelling,gramar and shit like that in so sorry.

