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Scarface the ferret

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    Scarface the ferret

    This is my girlfriends ferret Scarface lol

    ya he stinks but we still love him lol

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    how bad is the smell? i was looking into getting one...


      if you get the right shampoos and sprays for it, it doesnt even smell at all. there is also a "bi-oder" thing that you put in its water that makes its shit not smell .Annd it reallllly helps when they are litter box trained.

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        I've always known ferrets to be smelly, but there also smart and cute. Great pets, but they like to escape and be curious.

        on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
        where you been, is something wrong?
        i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


          thats very true, he figured out how to get out of his carring case and everything else. also he likes to bite toes lol that gets kinda annoying after a while

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            Bout time someone finally posted up a ferret. I want one as well. Ive done all the research and everything. Theyre alot like cats. If you have their glands removed they dont smell as bad, but as long as you keep them bathed/clean, and that bi-odor stuff is good too. There only known "bad habit" is digging at things like carpet corners and plants. But otherwise, theyre great.

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            Originally posted by Jarrett
            Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


              also u got to make sure there trained. cuz if there not when you let them play they will poop in the corners of you house lol not good

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                Cool a ferret
                1994 Accord Part out!
                Me and my step dad's 1991 Accord EX Coupe MRT

                82 accord-rip, 94 geo-sold, 82 cavilier-rip,81 civic-rip,88 accord- rip, 88 legend- rip, 91 civic- sold,97 geo-sold, 92 accord- sold 94 accord- RIP, 1990 Camry- RIP


                  why did you name it scar face


                    i had a rabbit named mud and i thought he was trained to use the cat box but whenever i would leave him out he would shit under my counter in the hot water tank spot.
                    vouch for:924dr, sn2bh22cb7, soysaucecb7, ecto1, PRIMESNIPER,2.2litrebeater,turbowagon94, losiracer2,jacobuchanan140, tommi, dannyd


                      thats the name it came with so we decided to keep it.

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                        dude wtf,lol. That things awsome. Give it a bath so I can come see it.


                          hha jj u should get a ferret so he has someone to play with

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                            i will post of video of him playing soon he is funny to watch

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                              Cool! A ferret

                              Your car is faster, I'm the better driver

                              Greetz Erwin
                              My last ride

                              Shakes and Fidget - The Game

