Ok, here's the deal.
Fizzbob7, one of our oldest and most respected members, is into snakes. He can't find a good snake forum anywhere, so I said I'd make one for him. So I did.
Fizz is the moderator here, and as a former CB7tuner.com moderator, I know he will do a good job. Please respect him and others in this forum. Any drama in here will result in the deletion of this forum, and the banning of those I deem responsible for the drama. End of story.
This forum is part of CB7tuner, and will run as such. We hold respect in high regard here, and that mindset will transfer to this forum as well. I figure there will be some members coming here JUST for this forum. I ask all the gearheads here to respect them (even teach them a little if they show interest) and I ask them to understand that they ARE guests on a car forum...
Otherwise... enjoy
Edit: Due to popular demand (or popular bellyaching) I have changed it to an animal forum... feel free to talk about your CB7 mascots here! Post pics, ask questions on how to care for your pet... whatever.
Fizzbob7, one of our oldest and most respected members, is into snakes. He can't find a good snake forum anywhere, so I said I'd make one for him. So I did.
Fizz is the moderator here, and as a former CB7tuner.com moderator, I know he will do a good job. Please respect him and others in this forum. Any drama in here will result in the deletion of this forum, and the banning of those I deem responsible for the drama. End of story.
This forum is part of CB7tuner, and will run as such. We hold respect in high regard here, and that mindset will transfer to this forum as well. I figure there will be some members coming here JUST for this forum. I ask all the gearheads here to respect them (even teach them a little if they show interest) and I ask them to understand that they ARE guests on a car forum...
Otherwise... enjoy
Edit: Due to popular demand (or popular bellyaching) I have changed it to an animal forum... feel free to talk about your CB7 mascots here! Post pics, ask questions on how to care for your pet... whatever.