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Peace out socal.

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    Peace out socal.

    Just seems time after time, more members seem to be having a problem with what I post and seem to take it upon themselves to voice there pathetic out cries over internet happenings. Now even Jed, is threatening to wave a ban stick at me.

    I'm done posting in SoCal, where I cant even post what's on my mind, crack a stupid joke(even if it's not funny), casually talk, contribute to discussions between members.

    screw that, this section is too uptight.

    I know there are other members that arent that way, but they cant ban me.

    Originally posted by GHOST 2.2
    go ahead post whenever you want and whatever you want, we'll see how long that will last. i tried being nice about it and put that ammendment because lots of people are pming me and complaining about you like when you pm me all the time when someone cracks a joke on you. i obviously didnt let it bother me before, but when its becomming noticeable its when it becomes a problem. but man im pretty sure most of us are just gettin tired of you just posting random shit. every thread or most posts out there are just becomming irrelevant. and you are always using that "i cant be funny? i cant crack a joke?" obviously your jokes are just making no sense and nobody is finding it funny. someone actually being serious about hiring people and your posting shit like "great for people who want tans"

    Cool, people have complaining about me, what a bunch of women. Yea half a dozen people were directing some childish taunting at me which is just like what I've been doing to be complained about to you; you know just posting around, trying to lighten things up--exactly the same.And I didnt complain about every single incident, I just posted to you after months and months of it, it didnt get to me in a couple weeks. People just lack tolerance...

    To those members that have been complaining, grow the fuck up you kids.
    Last edited by ikayto; 02-12-2008, 07:55 PM.

    +1 for calling jed a woman, but -1 for being a drama queen. this place is not that uptight. but if you cant take it you gotta do what you got to do i guess


      eveyone is entitle to their own saying like myself I don't give a shit.


        I don't think it's necessarily just based on the fact that you crack jokes that aren't funny (which they aren't by the way) but it has more to do with the volume of posts that you make. No one here honestly can say that they hate you, you just come of very annoying when you post after every single post on here. Sure you're entitled to do what you want, but others are also entitled to voice their displeasure towards how much you post. If the posts had any relevancy and they actually had something involved with what was being discussed then I'm sure it'd be fine, but your posts are nonsensical and/or just down right stupid. We all joke around here but you like to joke around to the point where only you think it's funny and it's a disturbance to others. I remember a time when you asked people to stop making fun of you and then you went on a shit storm making fun of everyone else after you had asked people to stop talkin about you. Then you go on to post like every 2.3 seconds and people can't help but say something because you're bombarding the so. cal forums with bullshit. I honestly don't give a shit if you stick around or not and you creating this thread only shows that you're really bothered by it and you want some kind of reaction from other people. I don't have a problem with you but your posts come off very annoying. In my for sale thread you even posted some shit that was totally irrelevant and when you do that it makes you look like an attention whore.

        This thread itself is outrageous. If you really were to say "peace out socal", you wouldn't have said shit and just left. It's plain to see that you want a reaction or you want people to ask you to stay.


          You will never catch my 13k I am ultimate post whore.

          The New-ish Ride
          My old Ride
          Hear my Vtak!!!
          MK3 Member #3
          I piss off people for fun.
          IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


            Dont trip wilson i dont like most of these dumb ass on here 2 i got ur back yeah u know who u are
            PETRA tow montebello


              i can be on going on this thread, but i already voiced my opinion and a seperate thread of reply was created just for it.

              i guess my opinion really offended someone to shoo them away.

              Good job in creating a drama thread. You want peoples opinion you got it.
              If you're gonna leave then leave. You're still welcome in socal and meets.

              And for some people who dont like me, you can pm me and tell me how much im a dumbass i am because i didn't like your negativity and bs in this room. I'll be up front with you and you can take your drama with me through pm. Tough guy.

