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*NW Bitchilism Thread*

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    Originally posted by irkage View Post
    no, no, it was a piece of shit
    It was NOT a piece of shit. fuck off.


      RESPOND! the both of you god dammit!


        So he wants a new motor because of a blow head gasket? Do you (xpressive) not know that replacing a hg is much easier than swapping an entire motor?


        Are you seriously bitching about a car that you bought for $500? Are you fucking retarded or something? What else would you fucking expect for $500?

        $500 is a steal even for just a rolling chassis.
        Last edited by d112crzy; 04-28-2009, 01:38 AM.

        CrzyTuning now offering port services


          Keep it civil.

          Responding with an explanation is one thing........
          3 CB's gone....
          1 WK Overland....

          Still miss the CB though......maybe one day.


            He must not. I texted him the day he came to get that motor that I had purchased a NEW headgasket to go in it. JUST IN CASE! there are certain precautions I was going to take to avoid JUST THIS situation when I swapped in the motor. BUT I ran out of money.
            SO I sold him the fucking car. which I took good care of. And then he turned around and shit on me...


              This wasn't a fucking callout on you. It's a fucking bitchilism thread. I can bitch about whatever I like. Yup, I bought the car for 500 and it was barely worth it. When I dropped the motor, can you guess how many bolts were missing? Do you remember what was holding the PS pump in it's place? NOTHING. Wires were simply taped together.

              Zack, I am not calling you out. I bought the car from you as is. I'm not here asking for a handout or anything. The car was a piece of shit until I put almost everything back in it's place. I just haven't put the cruise control back. It was probably a nice car when you had it, but when I got possesion of it, it had seen better days. I posted up a WTB thread asking for parts and you replied with contact info for a friend. I appreciate that and I would have taken advantage of it if I hadn't run into a CB in the yard with all the pieces I needed all in one place and for under 50 bucks. Everything else I decided to go brand new as I wanted this car to be reliable. I even had it lined up for bodywork/paint this month. I was going to have this thing ready for you to see again the earliest meet possible. It just pisses me off that I put so much time and money into it just to realize that it has a blown headgasket.

              I never received a text about a head gasket for the car. I did get the info for parts which I had already obtained at the time.

              AGAIN, Zack is a cool guy and this is in no way an attack on his name. /endrant.


                Originally posted by xpressive View Post
                So anyone have an F22 laying around? It would be a great help at this time.. I assure you I can help you when the time arises. If I didn't give a shit about the CB, it'd be in the junkyard by now.

                I really hope Zack didn't know it had a blown headgasket cause that would be a bitch move. I don't care if the car didn't come with a motor. It would have been better than the situation I'm in. I just put a lot of money and time into getting the accord up and running so that I could actually enjoy it. Imagine how it felt to finally start it up. It was truly a happy moment. It was only 5 minutes later that the motor was starting to stutter and smoke. Once I checked the dipstick, I knew it was game over. Milky oil = sad panda.

                Someone save this car from being a victim of a junkyard near you.
                You're saying I knew? I didnt know, but I wasnt going to put the fucking motor in without replacing the damn thing.
                I mean YOU CAN STILL HAVE THE headgasket!!!


                  Originally posted by xpressive View Post
                  This wasn't a fucking callout on you. It's a fucking bitchilism thread. I can bitch about whatever I like. Yup, I bought the car for 500 and it was barely worth it. When I dropped the motor, can you guess how many bolts were missing? Do you remember what was holding the PS pump in it's place? NOTHING. Wires were simply taped together.

                  Zack, I am not calling you out. I bought the car from you as is. I'm not here asking for a handout or anything. The car was a piece of shit until I put almost everything back in it's place. I just haven't put the cruise control back. It was probably a nice car when you had it, but when I got possesion of it, it had seen better days. I posted up a WTB thread asking for parts and you replied with contact info for a friend. I appreciate that and I would have taken advantage of it if I hadn't run into a CB in the yard with all the pieces I needed all in one place and for under 50 bucks. Everything else I decided to go brand new as I wanted this car to be reliable. I even had it lined up for bodywork/paint this month. I was going to have this thing ready for you to see again the earliest meet possible. It just pisses me off that I put so much time and money into it just to realize that it has a blown headgasket.

                  I never received a text about a head gasket for the car. I did get the info for parts which I had already obtained at the time.

                  AGAIN, Zack is a cool guy and this is in no way an attack on his name. /endrant.
                  Well come get this fucking Gasket. dammit. And lets fix ur car.
                  Quit ur whiningz. pissing me off. I never taped anything together lol...I only took out the PS pump/AC Pump...
                  Never touched the lines....I dont remember losing that many bolts either...


                    I know ur not like, asking for a handout...
                    But I gave u the motor...I'll give the headgasket...
                    What else do you REALLY need? like I always say dude,
                    FUCKING CALL ME! I've msgd u my nu,ber numerous times fool....


                      Well alright. Eveything I've put on the car or replaced has been OEM thus far. Is the headgasket OEM? I want it to be reliable.

                      AGAIN, I am no attacking Zack and I apologize if I come off being offensive towards him. I'm just heated. Read above as far as why. But this car is almost there, just a couple speedbumps along the way. I bought a 500 dollar car, so I know there are going to be problems.

                      Let's get this headgasket and go cruise together. Lunch will be on me. Sound alright?


                        Its fine...I just want to help.
                        Headgasket is better than OEM...I just want you to have it.... I always did. I paid 200$ for it...
                        I doubt you know how much I love that car dude. I get like fuckin passionate and shit.
                        And I mean you can see I got a new accord, so its like...Obvious that will happen.
                        Tell me when. I can bring the gasket to you if you want...


                          you get passionate with men to


                            Only with you babe.


                              Well if you want to give it to me then yeah, I'll take it and take the head off the car and get this thing running. Anyone want to give me a hand? I'd love to get this car running for the meet. It won't be pretty but it'll be back on the road where it belongs.



                                Originally posted by zack_odom View Post
                                I get like fuckin passionate and shit.
                                3 CB's gone....
                                1 WK Overland....

                                Still miss the CB though......maybe one day.

