I am really interesting in going to this Road trip to Santa Monica, Cali. We have basically more then 2 months left. I was thinking in order for us to really make this trip fun and the best showing of all cb7ers across the nation. We need to get this trip organized. I think we should get a couple check points from Miami to Cali. As we move from East to West I would imagine the amount of cars on the highway would get larger and larger.
For example
Location: Time:
1) Miami Street name Estimate time
2) Orlando
3) Atlanta, Ga
4) Birmingham
5) Jackson, Miss
6) Dallas, Texas
7) Phoenix, Arizona
8) Las Vegas
9) Santa Monica
I would think someone would start up a post(someone from Miami) as the trip goes from check point to check point the estimate time would of course be updated. Let me know what you guys think. I would love to be on the highway with 20+ cb7 running down the highway. Now that would be sick!! Here is a basic map of what I was thinking. Of course we can add or delete check points after we all agree on each check point.
Here is the Map link-> http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=miami&daddr=atlanta+to:b irmingham,+alabama+to:jackson,+mississippi+toallas,texas+tohoenix,+arizona+to:Santa+monica+Ca&hl=en&geocode=F bpIiQEdhVc4-ykRwcgOorDZiDFlT63dcfKW_w%3BFQP4AgIdclf4-imNCZNpXQT1iDELYwuZL97-Zg%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B&mra=ls&sll=36.102376,-117.861328&sspn=10.183996,19.753418&ie=UTF8&t=h&z= 5
For example
Location: Time:
1) Miami Street name Estimate time
2) Orlando
3) Atlanta, Ga
4) Birmingham
5) Jackson, Miss
6) Dallas, Texas
7) Phoenix, Arizona
8) Las Vegas
9) Santa Monica
I would think someone would start up a post(someone from Miami) as the trip goes from check point to check point the estimate time would of course be updated. Let me know what you guys think. I would love to be on the highway with 20+ cb7 running down the highway. Now that would be sick!! Here is a basic map of what I was thinking. Of course we can add or delete check points after we all agree on each check point.
Here is the Map link-> http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=miami&daddr=atlanta+to:b irmingham,+alabama+to:jackson,+mississippi+toallas,texas+tohoenix,+arizona+to:Santa+monica+Ca&hl=en&geocode=F bpIiQEdhVc4-ykRwcgOorDZiDFlT63dcfKW_w%3BFQP4AgIdclf4-imNCZNpXQT1iDELYwuZL97-Zg%3B%3B%3B%3B%3B&mra=ls&sll=36.102376,-117.861328&sspn=10.183996,19.753418&ie=UTF8&t=h&z= 5