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A BS race but its the only one i've had in a while...

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    A BS race but its the only one i've had in a while...

    even tho it wasnt a race but here goes...

    leaving tech school, everyones in a hurry to go, me i seat back and wait because i know the cops are out waiting for us (the know what time we leave school so there just seating in cuts waiting).

    so i rather let everyone esle get cought racing, doing burnouts etc.

    but anyways, i leave hit 95south. im cruising mainly because i dont need another point on my license, there all about to be droped this year .

    next thing i know this primed, 5% dark tint Shadow come flying by me, and a altima's following.
    there both from school, because i seen the cars in the parking lot but i dont pay them any mined as they kick pass me going about 110-115mph.

    so minutes later, the shadow slows down, he noticed my lights in his review i guess and wanted to test me. me, i wouldnt bite for a while, just let him slow down beside me, gas it and slow down again.
    first thing i think is....i wonder if that little fuckers turboed....some of them are, cause it better then im like man, i dont care if it is or not i'll still take him so i gas it a little. just a little, his in the fast land im in the lane next to him and theres a car infront of me. being the driver that i m i say to my self if i play with him, he's gona think his cars faster then mines so i fake like im gona get up to speed to jump over infront of him before i come up on the car infront of me.
    and what did he do....just like i thought, he gased it some more, so i said.....sweet, that let me kno he car wasnt any match, i hit the third lane, pass the car infront of me, then back over to that lane. side by side again.
    so i just droped to 4th and hit it.
    pulled on himt broke it down about 110mph (dont worry kno cars were in the area, it was late)
    by then i had him 10-15 cars and could have kept pulling.
    after that u would think it was over shit.....
    last night, while drving home, i see him a gain, he sees me and what he do........does the same shit again, im like
    i say to myself what the hell, theres kno point, so i dont bite.
    unless he brought a nitrous kit in a day or gained 30+hp in a day, why
    Last edited by theone; 06-22-2004, 09:38 AM.

    I had an older turbo Shadow... my first car. It was auto, and the turbo had so many problems it rarely went into boost.

    Still, the newer ones are 180hp stock, and they can be modified to be CRAZY. I'd love to mess with one. I liked the feel of the car.

    Still, I don't imagine you'd be beaten by a stock Shadow... Probably not even the turbo models!


      yeah i wasnt even juicing, havent juice in like 2 months every sense i had nitrous back fire, must likely he's doing something with it, i mean at least it looks like it, cars primed and all so it might be a project car for him.
      shit....everyone there just about has a project

      might have to see what he has one day if i catch him in the parking lot for break

      o, off topic but also on topic, one thing i want to say to everyone here that u kno, do a little street racing time to time...(not the car meet types but the type when someone u kno just pulls up next to u at the light)
      WATCH OUT!

      theres a guy at school has a eclipse (dont kno what type, but its the fast and furious one) turbo-ed and everything, heard its quick as shit, but anyway, he raced someone, beat them so bad, the other driver got mad, followed him home without him knowing, found out where he lived, then later came back and tore his shit up, i mean his intercool and front end.......looks like he hit a deer or something, they banged it up pretty bad. so now he has to do all types of shit just to get it started.

      so just be on the safe side folks....

      NEED RAP BEATS.....


        WTF man? That sucks! Why the hell would someone be so pissed about losing a race?

        If you get beat that bad, then it's on you for not being able to choose your battles... It was probably some Mustang owner who thinks he has the fastest car in the world...


          yeah man, im a try to get i pic of it before the weeks over to show u.
          NEED RAP BEATS.....

