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left a 2000 style altima an hour ago

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    left a 2000 style altima an hour ago

    wasnt really a race
    it was one of those u pass someone and i guess they wanna test u and ride all on ur bumper because they think there faster then u.

    i really didnt know what it was at first.
    we were at a light and i was watching a z28 go up the street that just kicked my ass after 3rd (i was doin something for a minute , but i think he was playing with

    but anyway, sitting at the light the lite changes and i go, next thing i kno a cars all on my ass. the road has a long wide curve so i hooked it doing bout 40+ seeing what they was gona do, ofcorse they tried to stay with me so i said ok......road str8-n up i gased it. after that didnt see it til it came over the hill and i was sittin at the next light.
    when that light changed i was about to make my turn into my complex so i slowed down to see what it was, it was a new stle altima.
    yeah they have power but they're heavy ass shit.

    alot of people (specially where im from, they think crown vics, caprice are the fastest things every ) dont think about the Hp to weight ratio.

    then i stop to get gas before turning in and a guy with a lincoln (blown back struts and all, there known to blow struts) asked me.......did u do that urself, i said.......what.... he said u got nitrous right, i said..........No........ .......he said then whats that on the dash, i said......ah......... a Tach with shift light.... .

    im saying to myself, what the shit, no he didnt just think that was
    even my girl kno what that
    then he said so what u got done to it, i said...its all motor for now, next year im gona spray.
    then he said do u have a card i said.....nar man and smiled, saying to myself, if i did, i wouldnt give it to u.

    its just a lot of folks here in my area that just think there chevy caprice or crown vics are tight, i just want to catch on of them on the street.
    but i give respect where its do, some people around here with one of them have major mods done to them, so im not hating on them, its just the ones that buy one, thro tint on it and just know(think) they're the fastest things on the road

    Bro exactly the same shit i was thinkin. You race someone or your just driving around chillin and someone tries to question you like whats this and whats that what gets me is how they try to lean or touch something on your car without asking . I be ready to rip niggas a new asshole excuse my french but if someone doesnt know me or i know them but dont like em imma play dumb and just ignorant if they ask a question.

    When they ask me whats under the hood im like its stock. One guy asked me hey whats that im like its a monstertach he goes oh what does it do i look at him like and the guy is older than me . As for the caprices they are mostly good for looks to me over here they never really race em or cops have em and pullin people over or you got some people who just put up an antenae and impersonate like they are cops (not a good idea by the way).

    As for over there where your at they probably like alot of heavy cars with more room. Usually with out imports they think everyone is on that fast and the furious shit which isnt true we race but we have our own minds and dont follow bullshit movies.


      The new Altimas aren't very fast. I raced one of the SE's with 245 hp when I was at the street races over the summer. I just killed him off the line, but I didn't pull as hard on the top end and still ended up beating him by like 3-4 car lengths...


        h22sparkle, ur right about that.
        they think every sense the movie cam out, most imports have be sweatin it, but really we've been racing way before that shit came out.

        Fearit22, yeah thats what i was saying, they get u with the 200+hp but that cars heavy as shit
        NEED RAP BEATS.....

