can we please stop providing information on a POS car I care nothing about.
go to suckof***
sheesh. everybody is so worried about the technical info.
posting up a measly race got all your panties in a bunch.
It is a fucking beemer, who gives a flying damn.
These cars are about as cool as geeting a bloody nose on that day that lies after
sunday but before monday while sucking Bill Cosby off as he eats a pudding pop
or quite possibly makes some JELLO!
go to suckof***
sheesh. everybody is so worried about the technical info.
posting up a measly race got all your panties in a bunch.
It is a fucking beemer, who gives a flying damn.
These cars are about as cool as geeting a bloody nose on that day that lies after
sunday but before monday while sucking Bill Cosby off as he eats a pudding pop
or quite possibly makes some JELLO!