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Whooped some ass last night

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    Whooped some ass last night

    What a sweet night, I had two races one after the other at red lights. So my first kill went like this, Im waiting for this car to past by so i can turn out of my neighborhood and I hear a loud ass fart can rev. I look over to my gf and her friend lmao, did he jus rev at me? lol So I get behind him and were goin thru the woods and i keep hearing his car like redling and while im thumpin my system and im still right behind him not even tryn. Im like oh this dude is gona get it real bad. It turned out tobe a 240 sx hatch with a really loud coffee can. So we get out of the woods and catch the 1st light. Light turns red and I got 3 heads and a system pumpin and I blow this dude by like 5 cars. Wasnt even close, jus a waste of my gas lol.
    So I fly right by the 240 and get in his lane for the next light. Its about to turn green but im there already so im at a dead stop. This old celica was behind us tailgating me and wanted some. So he get to the light and is reving his engine at me while rolling past me and the light is red still! Talk about a head start. The light turn green and he had a car and a half on me before i started. So i launch just wanting even more to give it to him and I hit Vtec and caught up to him head to head. I knew it was over so jus to rub it in i had my hazards on as i pulled past him thru 2nd gear. I was gone. I love being a sleeper. 2 more kills to my list.

    I used to have a 240SX fastback. Compared to my stock Accord, the thing was fast. Compared to anything that actually was fast, it was slow as hell.


      Yup good kill

