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Criminals or stupid people.

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    Criminals or stupid people.

    i was on my merry way to work about 6:20 am today and seen this little car flying coming towards me....i was driving my 96 Tahoe so wasnt worried about taking the ditch. I moved to the side of the road the about a second later a cop comes flying over the hill, by this time i realized this dumb ass is trying to outrun the cop. so i let them pass and went on my way to work, I work for surveillance in a casino. later that morning the pd came to the casino to talk to someone in the lodge. well no big deal becoming a regular thing. so the other agent went to talk to security supervisor to see what the pd wanted......the kid that had been running the cops i saw that morning was killed in a head on crash with a semi rig. they had to tell his mother who was there for a meeting. makes you think...the price of running the cops just may be your life.

    its like nothing in the world. definition of relaxation.

    That sucks. I feel bad for his mom. Out running the cops is dangerous.


      what could be bad enuf to outrun the cops... fuck that makes me mad, why dont peeps just be good citizens and mind their own business and not steal and kill peeps and cause accidents because they dont wanna go to jail.. IMO theyre retards who run from cops.. if they didnt do anything stupid they wouldnt see a cop..


        tru, if your gonna run just kill yourself dont see putting somone else in harms way because your being a loser


          damn, sad story.

          fizz you have an interesting take, one i agree with.

          absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


            yes, definitely something i rarely think about.. i think it varies from person to person.. run or not to run? ive only run once and i was succesful.. i would do it again if i had to and was confident i could get away..

            DD: 1998 Honda Civic EX Coupe
            PC: *searching*


              ^^^^^46 in a 45??? what a bitch ass po po...nice life. i've kinda ran away from the cops once, i was downtown and sorta ran through a red light (i sped up so it would be yellow when i went through) and a cop was going the other way and flipped a bitch and put on his lights so i sped up and turned right really quick on a sidestreet then started going fast and took another right into a little dead end with a couple cars and guess what was fuckin there....a cop car. we waited there for a lil bit and actually saw the stupid police guys who were looking for us but they didnt see us. we acted dumb to the cop car that was already there and were like 'umm we're lost, how do u get to the downtown mall' and thats all she wrote

              The Dark Tower..........................................and Blaine the Mono

