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man vs. woman

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    Originally posted by Ilikebigbutts
    just a note, i have no fucking problem with equility, but if you cant shovel the drive way then STFU and do the dishes...
    Although I don't do quoted sigs, this is definately one I woulda added.

    ...adjust accordingly


      I was brought up by a single parent(mom) so i watched "the woman" do all the shit...cook, clean..all that. She was/is also a clean freak so i had to listen/watch her be all neat and shit.

      Now that im all grown up, im like 80% clean freak and plus i just have that weird-o control thing where if i dont do it, it freaks me out. I cook. I do the laundry and i do the general cleaning shit. Not cuz "my woman's worth it" (which she is but...) I do it cuz im freaked out that it wont get done "right"

      As far as where i stand on the whole subject. I dont really think men and woman should be bound to specific "chores". I think things should be equal or like "i do this, you do that" kind of things.

      Some ppl like the abuse. Some guys like servicing women, and some women like servicing men. Didnt you guys ever see that episode of "Wife Swap" a few months back?? One family, the women did everything, and in the other family, he did everything--then they swapped.

      THAT was quality television!

      Anywho'sers, sounds like you put your friends mom in her place. You oughtt find out if shes changed any since the incident.

      KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
      Originally posted by Jarrett
      Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


        It wasn't your place... but she needed to be put in hers.

        I believe that men and women should do their fair share of the work. Doesn't matter what it is. Splitting the traditional "woman's work" between the male and female members of the household is fine, as long as the traditional "man's work" is split equally at the same time. If the men are expected to shovel snow, mow the lawn, throw out the garbage, fix appliances, etc... as well as do half of the laundry, mopping, sweeping, dishwashing, etc... that's bull. If I pick up a mop, the women in the house had damn well better have the lawnmower running and the garbage on the curb!


          Originally posted by deevergote
          ...that's bull. If I pick up a mop, the women in the house had damn well better have the lawnmower running and the garbage on the curb!
          *whip cracks*

          "When a problem comes along...."

          Bitches best be pulling their weight!

          :OT: hey deev, which mower are you talking about? The 6.5hp one you wanted to beef up with a polish job and I/E..

          KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
          Originally posted by Jarrett
          Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?

