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man vs. woman

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    man vs. woman

    ok this got me thinking...

    now in my family, my mom/sister do the "woman work" dishes, laundry, clean etc. and me and my dad do the "man work" clean teh garage, shovel snow, throw garbage ,mow the lawn etc.

    now my buddy's family on the other hand...

    His mom believes she should be equal to her husband, shes like a famininst and always talks shit around me cause she knows how my family is...i think shes just a lazy piece of shit


    last nite i guess we get there to his house and they just got done having dinner...

    His mom goes like "you should do the dishes tonight" to her husband.He goes "well im shovelling the drive way so jenn (his daughter) can get out (steep driveway)" in which she responds "i did the dishes last nite"

    now i swear i didnt mean to, but it just flew outta my mouth...

    "why dont you shovel the drive way since he always does it and have him do the dishes then"

    she gave me the dear in the head lights look for a couple seconds and just said "fine, i'll do the dishes"


    just a note, i have no fucking problem with equility, but if you cant shovel the drive way then STFU and do the dishes...
    People I have dealt with in this board- Smseagren83,d112crzy, Idrivealude, aznpnoyracer, wed3k, dinertime, HF22T, MRX, Dc2lewd, yeamans17, bruno8747, tn_accords, king james, starchland, yardiexd40

    Mk3 Supra Member #2

    Originally posted by DarkShadow707
    The world needs to be reset.

    Yep. That shit is a double edged sword.
    Gary A.K.A. Carter
    [sig killed by photobucket]


      I bet your friends mom doesn't like you anymore. I am curious to how the dad reacted.

      I understand the wanting to be "equal". I just don't like the "Feminists" who use it to try to dupe you into doing everything and thinking it's fair.
      3 CB's gone....
      1 WK Overland....

      Still miss the CB though......maybe one day.


        Originally posted by The G-Man
        Yep. That shit is a double edged sword.

        errrrrrrrr yeah man....women want their own equality.
        14 Ford Focus ST - stock(ish) - E30 Tune + Green Filter =



          Fucking right man, you did the right thing. Stop the bullshit before it starts.


            shit I do the dishes, take the trash out, clean the house, take care of the kids, I pretty much do it all. Even scrape snow off the cars in the morning (husbands too if needed) He is the one who works, 7 days a week at that. So I take care of everything else. Now every once in a great while, he will make me dinner(when the kids are with my dad) But I do not mind doing it all for him, he is the love of my life

            MY RIDE

            Yes, I am a chick!!!!!


              Originally posted by 91Accord-LX
              I understand the wanting to be "equal". I just don't like the "Feminists" who use it to try to dupe you into doing everything and thinking it's fair.
              yes thats exactly what she is, just tries to milk everything outta that poor man...

              hondaccrdgirl, now thats a woman worth loving!!

              o and yeah i dont think she ever did like me much...

              my buddy's dad just gave me a smirk and shoveled the drive way lol
              People I have dealt with in this board- Smseagren83,d112crzy, Idrivealude, aznpnoyracer, wed3k, dinertime, HF22T, MRX, Dc2lewd, yeamans17, bruno8747, tn_accords, king james, starchland, yardiexd40

              Mk3 Supra Member #2

              Originally posted by DarkShadow707
              The world needs to be reset.


                Originally posted by Ilikebigbutts
                ok this got me thinking...

                now in my family, my mom/sister do the "woman work" dishes, laundry, clean etc. and me and my dad do the "man work" clean teh garage, shovel snow, throw garbage ,mow the lawn etc.

                now my buddy's family on the other hand...

                His mom believes she should be equal to her husband, shes like a famininst and always talks shit around me cause she knows how my family is...i think shes just a lazy piece of shit


                last nite i guess we get there to his house and they just got done having dinner...

                His mom goes like "you should do the dishes tonight" to her husband.He goes "well im shovelling the drive way so jenn (his daughter) can get out (steep driveway)" in which she responds "i did the dishes last nite"

                now i swear i didnt mean to, but it just flew outta my mouth...

                "why dont you shovel the drive way since he always does it and have him do the dishes then"

                she gave me the dear in the head lights look for a couple seconds and just said "fine, i'll do the dishes"


                just a note, i have no fucking problem with equility, but if you cant shovel the drive way then STFU and do the dishes...
                Fucking AMEN man. I hate women that are like that, the shit goes bolth ways. If they dont like the easy jobs then give them the hard ones. Equality is a good thing dont get me wrong, but as someone said before me, if they cant do it, then dont bitch.


                  Shoulda slapped that ho.

                  CrzyTuning now offering port services


                    Originally posted by d112crzy
                    Shoulda slapped that ho.
                    Superman, what?
                    14 Ford Focus ST - stock(ish) - E30 Tune + Green Filter =


                      Originally posted by hondaccordgrl
                      shit I do the dishes, take the trash out, clean the house, take care of the kids, I pretty much do it all. Even scrape snow off the cars in the morning (husbands too if needed) He is the one who works, 7 days a week at that. So I take care of everything else. Now every once in a great while, he will make me dinner(when the kids are with my dad) But I do not mind doing it all for him, he is the love of my life
                      And that Ladies and Gentlemen .. is what it's allll about ..
                      Too many people spend too much time bitching about .. or making threads on forums .. lol

                      I cooked for my wife when we were married .. with my office in the home .. and her gettin in late,
                      she had dinner on the table when she walked thru the door ..
                      I've been told I cook better then most women anyway .. and besides, I have yet
                      to meet a woman who can out-cook me ..

                      If you've been together long enough, you learn that it's all about *compromise*..
                      it's not about bein macho .. which there's alot of (too much IMHO) in this country.
                      It's also not about being a feminist .. or equality, or whatever you wanna call it ..

                      I find it difficult to believe that we as Americans still have .. and give labels,
                      such as .. *Mens work* and or .. *Womens work* .. lol, LMFAO ..

                      If you love one another, care for each other, plan on being together for any length of time,
                      get your fat ass off the couch and help her with her load .. she'll do the same for you ..
                      and you'll be a happier couple in the long run ..

                      Labels Are Lame !!!

                      My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


                        Originally posted by PakaloloHonda
                        And that Ladies and Gentlemen .. is what it's allll about ..
                        Too many people spend too much time bitching about .. or making threads on forums .. lol

                        I cooked for my wife when we were married .. with my office in the home .. and her gettin in late,
                        she had dinner on the table when she walked thru the door ..
                        I've been told I cook better then most women anyway .. and besides, I have yet
                        to meet a woman who can out-cook me ..

                        If you've been together long enough, you learn that it's all about *compromise*..
                        it's not about bein macho .. which there's alot of (too much IMHO) in this country.
                        It's also not about being a feminist .. or equality, or whatever you wanna call it ..

                        I find it difficult to believe that we as Americans still have .. and give labels,
                        such as .. *Mens work* and or .. *Womens work* .. lol, LMFAO ..

                        If you love one another, care for each other, plan on being together for any length of time,
                        get your fat ass off the couch and help her with her load .. she'll do the same for you ..
                        and you'll be a happier couple in the long run ..

                        Labels Are Lame !!!

                        I work from home so I cook dinner and clean up almost every day. My wife will mow the lawn with no problem. I am also a better cook than my wife but she can hold her own.
                        "I'm a dude playing a dude, disguised as another dude"
                        "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."

                        Romans 10:9


                          Originally posted by PakaloloHonda
                          And that Ladies and Gentlemen .. is what it's allll about ..
                          Too many people spend too much time bitching about .. or making threads on forums .. lol

                          I cooked for my wife when we were married .. with my office in the home .. and her gettin in late,
                          she had dinner on the table when she walked thru the door ..
                          I've been told I cook better then most women anyway .. and besides, I have yet
                          to meet a woman who can out-cook me ..

                          If you've been together long enough, you learn that it's all about *compromise*..
                          it's not about bein macho .. which there's alot of (too much IMHO) in this country.
                          It's also not about being a feminist .. or equality, or whatever you wanna call it ..

                          I find it difficult to believe that we as Americans still have .. and give labels,
                          such as .. *Mens work* and or .. *Womens work* .. lol, LMFAO ..

                          If you love one another, care for each other, plan on being together for any length of time,
                          get your fat ass off the couch and help her with her load .. she'll do the same for you ..
                          and you'll be a happier couple in the long run ..

                          Labels Are Lame !!!
                          maybe i labeled it wrong...i know that my mom doest wanna mow the lawn and my dad dont wanna do the dishes so i guess it works out
                          People I have dealt with in this board- Smseagren83,d112crzy, Idrivealude, aznpnoyracer, wed3k, dinertime, HF22T, MRX, Dc2lewd, yeamans17, bruno8747, tn_accords, king james, starchland, yardiexd40

                          Mk3 Supra Member #2

                          Originally posted by DarkShadow707
                          The world needs to be reset.


                            Originally posted by bigjoegood1

                            I work from home so I cook dinner and clean up almost every day. My wife will mow the lawn with no problem. I am also a better cook than my wife but she can hold her own.
                            Yep .. my wife loved it .. she had it made in the shade .. lol
                            That house-work stuff is simple as pie ..

                            I even had friends that might stop over in between appointments, and I'd be foldin clothes.
                            There were always like .......

                            We as a society have been so brainwashed .. it's not about "Men vs Women".
                            It's about *gettin it done* .. period .. Who the hell cares about who does what ..
                            I've never understood what all the hype was about anyway .. big friggin deal ...
                            I recently had a guy tell me, when I asked him why he had so many kids ..
                            he said, "it keeps her at home, and helps me feel more like a man". OMG !!!
                            This from a guy who has 8 children .. fawkin A man .. talk about brainwashed!
                            He does'nt do shit to help her out .. she's 32, and looks like she's 50 ..
                            Oh sure .. he works .. but says he tries to stay at work for as much OT, and besides,
                            it keeps her away from him .. or visa versa .. fawkin shame .. what a waste ..

                            As a child, my mom worked a grave-yard shift as a nurse .. and my dad was always out
                            gettin drunk, and never came home till it was late .. if my lil sis and I wanted to eat
                            we figured it out fast .. or we went without .. and I'd be damned if I went without!

                            It's ok .. most people wake up way too late anyway .. know what I mean?

                            A Hui Hou !!!

                            My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:


                              Originally posted by Ilikebigbutts
                              maybe i labeled it wrong...i know that my mom doest wanna mow the lawn and my dad dont wanna do the dishes so i guess it works out
                              No problem .. lol .. I understand .. but there in lies the problem ..
                              We sometimes don't *communicate* what it is we're really trying to say ..
                              and then before you know it .. we get people chiming in with things like ..
                              "Shoulda slapped that ho" .. and then .. before you know it .. all hell breaks loose
                              and there's a he said she said .. or a real .. Man vs Woman thang .. ya know?

                              It's apparent in this Country that *peer pressure* is rabid, and still running strong.
                              Take this forum for example .. someone chimes in with something off-topic ..
                              and all the band wagon folks pile on, and before you know it, everyone is agreeing
                              just for the simple fact to agree .. lol .. there is'nt any *individuality* anymore ..
                              well, not as much as there should be .. we're all just sheep IOW ..
                              Someone see's how so and so gets away with shit at his house and with his wife,
                              he comes home and tries the same shit with his own spouse ..

                              It's really time for this country to get over this Male vs Female, Women vs Man ..
                              Macho vs Feminine .. or .. whatever ..

                              Good God .. that shit was over in the 70's .. but some families still carry it over ..

                              Honey .. Get me a Beer !!!! Fawwwwwk youuuu !!! lol

                              A Hui Hou !!!

                              My CB9/Wagon Thread Start to Finish:

