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    first of all i hate fucking living here. it is CONSTANT drama. the cops are assholes and you are guilty till proven inosent. i am gettin acussed of ALL KINDS of shit i haven't even done. like b&e and other serious shit. so guess what ppl i am goin to the pen or jail for something i DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING DO!!!!!
    ugh i don't know what to fucking do anymore. i am about to run from this hell hole. and go to one of my buddy's houses in a far off land called TEXAS! lol

    used condoms? wtf

    Where are you at? Me and my buddy got arrested for felony burglary in October at his own house because the cops were assholes. He fled the state to Arizona and I went to court and it all worked out, charges got dropped. I found it that if you are TRULY innocent then the truth will come out. If you fucked up a little, yeah they might try to bend you over.


      yea...where are ya?

      -New shocks
      -New Tires/Wheels
      -New Window Tint
      -Alot more lovin'

      My Panda:


        south eastern ohio

        used condoms? wtf


          i figured you were living with rockenricer...

          Hola, tengo tres patas. Me llamo tripod.

          Originally posted by d112crzy
          So you're throwing a bitch fit because some other girl at school has the same nail polish and skirt as you do?


            Originally posted by bagoon316
            i figured you were living with rockenricer...
            OT but is that fool still around here?


              woah Beefy's from Ohio? never would have seen that one coming. they aren't too bad in Cincinnati. it's when you're in the suburbs like Delhi where the police are a lot stricter.


                yea man been here all my life. i FUCKING HATE IT! there is 2 redlights in the whole fucking county. if that tells you anything. i have to drive 20 min to get to mcdonalds. hell all we have is bars, pizza places. and a fucking subway. woopde do da....

                used condoms? wtf


                  Lol *waits in texas*


                    *waits in california*
                    I <3 G60.

                    0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                      *waits in canada*
                      Originally posted by deevergote
                      I'd eat a baby for free. I'm hungry, dammit!


                        *Waits in mexico*

                        The New-ish Ride
                        My old Ride
                        Hear my Vtak!!!
                        MK3 Member #3
                        I piss off people for fun.
                        IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


                          Dude really i dont think you want to go to texas. texas is like this:

                          Stop at intersection

                          two 2008 trucks

                          4 people staring at you with a grudge face

                          rebel flags and shot gun racks and super loud truck mufflers

                          Cop passes by and seems to know the people in the trucks
                          and waives the loud noise ticket

                          later on that night you are at home drinking koolaid and eating cornbread

                          later on that night the meet each other at a party and continue to fuck each others anuses.

                          you wake up and some one is talking about anal sex. repeat story


                            if you can stand people and stereo types and the fact that hey have to "get even" with you come to texas land of the neo red necks. its fucking 2008 and they act like its 1888. I mean damn i just cant get over these people thats why i hate it hear. If you go somewhere go to a big city like el paso dallas san antonio forthworth austin or houston. Small cities are usually real real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real real real real real real real realreal real anal- literally dont go near north texas thats racist dont go near west texas that racist uhm dont go anywhere in the country really and always say your a local that way they wont want anus sex as much. I dunno from what ive gathered that is all texas is based on anal sex and slavery go figure


                              Small cities arent anal. I was in Waco for a while. That is a small place compared to Dallas but its slowly gettin bigger. Texas is fine...Racism is part of life down here if you cant deal with it move on. The rednecks are actually alright people depending on the ones you meet. I met quite a bit in my diesel classes in Waco. But that doesnt speak for the others that are retarded. They might wave the rebel flag and crap but oh well thats how they choose to live and so on. Texas is a good place I just warn you not a lot of scenery around here. Quite flat. Thats the main part I hate about tx. No good scenery.

                              The New-ish Ride
                              My old Ride
                              Hear my Vtak!!!
                              MK3 Member #3
                              I piss off people for fun.
                              IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1

