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Some people gotta learn how to fuckin drive eg: luxury cars

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    Some people gotta learn how to fuckin drive eg: luxury cars

    People need to learn how to fuckin drive sensibly and rationally when it comes to luxury cars. I have nothing against them but when people with BMW M'5's come swerving into my lane with the fuckin seat cocked all the way back thinkin its cool need to stop that shit.

    Then when they crash theyre like awwwweee man I spend like 150,000 on this car and still making downpayments on them for having the seat way back then when they crash they fly all the way up hahahaha . but yeah this is what happened to me while shining off my baby there was this M5 coming to the stop sign on my block he just eased on through without stopping. Im like what a fuckin idiot and then an expedition flying down the side going accross the street with the music blasted up what ever happened to slowing down.

    As I watch the m5 speed up from the stop a squirrel climbed down from the tree to cross the street only to see the m5 come blazzeing right at it instead the squrrel jumps out the way and no harm came to it kinda reminds me of that geico commercial and he made it to saftey. Some people can sure drive like idiots.

    m5s go for around 80g

    but everyone could learn to drive better, regardless of the type of car, lol

    absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


      yeah, but you gotta admit that the little stuck up boys/girls in their parents jags/bmws/lexus' drive them really crazily.

