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Birth Control Pills and "the drive"

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    Birth Control Pills and "the drive"

    Medical stuff is kinda my thing and since I tend to be a professional in the medical field this stuff doesn't make me uneasy...sorry if it does you... I thought I'd pass this little tid bit all seriousness

    If you're lady...or you are a on "the pill" and is experiencing low or lowered sex drive than she did before starting the pill...the pill can be to blame.

    Example...real world btw...
    YAZ...a new low dose of the monophasic type of pills. In studies (and personal exp.) monophasic pills tend to decrease if not almost totally reduce sex drive in women.

    YAZ is also (with decent insurance) about $50 a off brand yet for it...but I'm sure there are off brands for monophasics

    Monophasic pills are called such because they use one type of hormone. Your period can be shorter and lighter (4 days as there are only 4 placebo pills) however...the side affects of these pills (sex drive) is a major concern among many women (and their men)

    If you are a woman who had a high drive before you may still experience "the drive" but not nearly as much or often

    If you had a normal drive you could experience little drive at all.

    Many women in the study found their orgasms were not as "good" as before, it was more difficult to orgasm, and lack of lubrication was an issue.

    WHAT TO DO??? Triphasic fiance's were under $20 I believe
    these use three different hormones. The period lasts longer (there are 7 placebo pills).

    But from being on them for just half a week...I can attest that the drive comes back.

    Many women who used the monophasic pills (according to the studies) showed higher levels of a certain hormone (sorry can't remember the name) which correlates to lowered sex drive...even after discontinuing the pill (those who took it for 10 years) still showed higher levels of this hormone...they also had lower sex drives then their counterparts who were not on monophasics...and lower sex drive then when they began those pills.

    The study deduces that monophasic pills, when taken for any amount of time, can damage a womans sex drive...very likely, alter it permanently.

    So if this is an issue for you look into it.

    also according to all my searching...both types of pills work just as effectively (with proper use)...any info to the contrary is welcomed
    Last edited by bcjammerx; 01-10-2008, 06:25 AM.

    Awesome! Now I know I can have shorter and lighter periods. /sarcasm

    Seriously, I don't really many people on here really care much about birth control pills, however at the same time we do, maybe.
    Gary A.K.A. Carter
    [sig killed by photobucket]


      Some people need to use them that keep having babies and shit would be helpful though.


        Originally posted by h22sparkle
        Some people need to use them that keep having babies and shit would be helpful though.

        Are you saying they should be available free with welfare or some bullshit? Because if a stupid bitch keeps getting knocked up and cannot afford the damn kids then that is her fault. Either pony up and buy birth control, get an abortion, or keep your fuckin' panties on.
        Gary A.K.A. Carter
        [sig killed by photobucket]


          Originally posted by The G-Man

          Are you saying they should be available free with welfare or some bullshit? Because if a stupid bitch keeps getting knocked up and cannot afford the damn kids then that is her fault. Either pony up and buy birth control, get an abortion, or keep your fuckin' panties on.
          Well g-man your absolutely right. If a broad keeps getting knocked up especially by the wrong people that child that grows up will eventually end up corrupt by todays outlook on life,without the right proper guidance. The many pitfalls in negativity this individual will fall through and eventually carry that atmosphere around them.

          Well not everyone can afford a kid mistakes do happen. But the one thing i dont understand is if 1 mistake is made then that person keeps repeating that same mistake of having more children when they know they arent financially stable and shit didnt work out the first time then they really shouldnt have any kids. Where are the parents equation its always some kind of qwerk in that equation. And you know what else is worse if they are like that now it kinda makes you wonder what where the parents like ,becasue as you well know history like that often repeats itself.


            Originally posted by h22sparkle
            Well g-man your absolutely right. If a broad keeps getting knocked up especially by the wrong people that child that grows up will eventually end up corrupt by todays outlook on life,without the right proper guidance. The many pitfalls in negativity this individual will fall through and eventually carry that atmosphere around them.

            Well not everyone can afford a kid mistakes do happen. But the one thing i dont understand is if 1 mistake is made then that person keeps repeating that same mistake of having more children when they know they arent financially stable and shit didnt work out the first time then they really shouldnt have any kids. Where are the parents equation its always some kind of qwerk in that equation. And you know what else is worse if they are like that now it kinda makes you wonder what where the parents like ,becasue as you well know history like that often repeats itself.
            That is correct.
            Gary A.K.A. Carter
            [sig killed by photobucket]


              as long as men love their cars and their sex, we'll always care about birth control. if i didn't have kids i'd have atleast three 10 sec. cars

              plus some women need to take them for heath issues.


                Hmmm, that explains alot. ima hafta have talk with her about this shit...
                Driving before toke:
                Driving after toke:

                Promote friendly driving, Toke!



                  Originally posted by h22sparkle
                  Well g-man your absolutely right. If a broad keeps getting knocked up especially by the wrong people that child that grows up will eventually end up corrupt by todays outlook on life,without the right proper guidance. The many pitfalls in negativity this individual will fall through and eventually carry that atmosphere around them.

                  Well not everyone can afford a kid mistakes do happen. But the one thing i dont understand is if 1 mistake is made then that person keeps repeating that same mistake of having more children when they know they arent financially stable and shit didnt work out the first time then they really shouldnt have any kids. Where are the parents equation its always some kind of qwerk in that equation. And you know what else is worse if they are like that now it kinda makes you wonder what where the parents like ,becasue as you well know history like that often repeats itself.
                  holy shyt. h22sparkle is literate now?
                  '93 Bordeaux Red Pearl LX 5MT

                  Prev CBs:
                  -'93 BRP LX 4AT
                  -'92 AGP LX 5MT
                  -'93 AGP EX 4AT
                  10yrs after my first cb, I'm still driving one!


                    Originally posted by The G-Man

                    Are you saying they should be available free with welfare or some bullshit? Because if a stupid bitch keeps getting knocked up and cannot afford the damn kids then that is her fault. Either pony up and buy birth control, get an abortion, or keep your fuckin' panties on.
                    And WHO knocks her up?

                    It takes OUR sperm to get her "knocked up! It's a shared responsibility, wear a condom!

                    Can't afford the kids? Like that's her responsibility alone? Try the father of the kids responsibility also!
                    Last edited by Father Time; 01-10-2008, 04:18 PM.
                    3 CB's gone....
                    1 WK Overland....

                    Still miss the CB though......maybe one day.


                      just keep it in your pants.


                        Originally posted by 91Accord-LX
                        And WHO knocks her up?

                        It takes OUR sperm to get her "knocked up! It's a shared responsibility, wear a condom!

                        Can't afford the kids? Like that's her responsibility alone? Try the father of the kids responsibility also!
                        I never condoned not using condoms. I simply came at it from the woman's side only. She can also tell her partner to wear a rubber you know.
                        Gary A.K.A. Carter
                        [sig killed by photobucket]


                          Originally posted by 91Accord-LX
                          And WHO knocks her up?

                          It takes OUR sperm to get her "knocked up! It's a shared responsibility, wear a condom!

                          Can't afford the kids? Like that's her responsibility alone? Try the father of the kids responsibility also!
                          True it takes responsibility on both parts but its mainly the female that has a choice to keep it or not keep it. But hey there are female condoms they

                          Break we use condoms and depending on how good they are they break too. And its not that easy to stop once your about to open fire,in the heat of the moment if its really good your gonna keep goin until you cross examine the situation like damn about to get this girl pregnant but it feels so good maybe 1)I should cum in her maybe
                          2)I shouldnt because my life will be ruined,and shes just a jump-off/pop and I love my freedom.But by then 1 split second may change your life forever and youll either be stuck with that broad which may not be worth it or in court gettin swept off your feet leaving you in the end with an empty wallet.

                          Its alot of things you gotta watch out for when you sleep with certain peeps.


                            Originally posted by The G-Man
                            I never condoned not using condoms. I simply came at it from the woman's side only. She can also tell her partner to wear a rubber you know.
                            I see what you meant.


                            As for the "not that easy to stop once your about to open fire" I know that ofr a fact, that's why I have 2 kids.

                            Not that it was a bad thing though. I am just glad I have them and not her.
                            3 CB's gone....
                            1 WK Overland....

                            Still miss the CB though......maybe one day.


                              Originally posted by sulimed
                              plus some women need to take them for heath issues.
                              Exactly! My girl has to take them for her epilepsy.
                              Originally posted by sweet91accord
                              if aredy time i need to put something in cb7tuner. you guy need to me a smart ass about and bust on my spelling,gramar and shit like that in so sorry.

