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How to be a Gangsta

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    How to be a Gangsta

    Well, I guess I am extremely bored to actually post something. Just thought it would be funny to post this. I seriously thought this info is pretty old compared to now, but o well, least they are the basics. Haha found this through bored googling. (to avoid any racial comments, yes I am too black)


    How To Be A Gangsta (In 5 Simple Steps)
    1. You have to master the swagger of your typical homie. Watch MTV for inspiration, then imitate the ridiculous walk of your favourite rap star.If you find yourself having difficulties, visualize yourself with a massive case of hemmorhoids, and/or a pickle shoved up your ass. A big pickle.

    - Are your feet wider apart than your shoulders?
    - Do you have a decided backwards slant to your torso?
    - Do your knuckles hit the back of your calves?

    If so, you can continue.

    2. Language is very important. When attempting to fit in with the rap community, you must forget everything you have learned about the English language and how to speak it properly. It helps if you have some sort of speech impediment, preferably one which makes you sound like you have a mouth full of oatmeal at any given point. Remember, contractions are your new god. Practice at home, at the bus station, at school; anywhere you can.

    Translation guide:

    yo'ma'ma = A derogatory term, used to insult your mother. (Note: this is supposed to incense you.)
    word, y'all = Something roughly equivalent to hello.
    Variations on this are many: what'up ho'mes; word to yo'ma'ma; yo y'all (pl. y'allz); what'up; what'da word from'da 'hood; and others.
    you best be steppin' = You should leave, before the speaker decides to hurt you.
    I'm a gon'open a can of whoop'ass on y'all = I will beat you up.
    watch'or mouf, man = It would probably be a wise idea, when this is heard, to shut up.
    mofo = Motherfucker, in the new hip short talk.
    I gots ta bounce = Roughly equivalent to goodbye.
    cruisin' = walking about aimlessly, shoving each other into old people and laughing uproariously, whilst calling each other mofos.


    - Do you use four-letter words within 30 seconds of each other?
    - Can you drop a syllable off of every word without thinking about it?
    - Can you omit words such as "of" and "to" with ease?
    - Would you be unintelligible to your aunts or uncles?

    If not, you'd better practice a little more.

    3. You'll have to acquire a g' name. 2-Pac is a popular one, as is Biggie. (For more information, see "people" section below.) Or, there's always shortening your name to the first letter of your first name, then adding an adjective. For example, there's Lil' J, or Big R. You can also go with just the adjective: Slim, Shorty, etc. You'll fit right in.


    - Does your name sound stupid?

    Well, since this is the only evident requirement, on we go.

    4. You'll need to be hip to the rap gurus of the moment. A commonly idolized rapper, 2-Pac, was shot some time ago. In the "softcore" rap crowd, Ma$e and Puff Daddy are really cool. Busta Rhymes, Lil' Kim, Biggie Smalls (also dead), Snoop Doggy Dogg and Dr. Dre are also cult favourites. Feel free to mix 'n' match at will.

    With the celebrities, come the "sides". There's Westside and Eastside. They have nothing to do with where you are on a map. To demonstrate your undying allegiance to the Westside, cross the two middle fingers on one hand, and wave that hand about profusely, whilst shouting "Wess'ide, man..Wess'ide!" This will go over big. The Eastside sign is formed by turning the previously-made W upside down, in the shape of an M. One will shout "Yo'mofos! Eass'ide rules!" or something of that ilk. Make sure, before you attempt the hand signs, that you're with a group of the same patriotism, or else you'll get a can of whoop'ass opened on you. Y'all, rather.


    - Can you name the past five rap stars to have gotten shot?
    - Can you wave your hands about with sufficient fury to give yourself carpal tunnel syndrome?
    - Are you scared of your own idiocy?

    Let's hope so. These are crucial before moving on to the last section.

    5. G' clothing is rather simple.
    For pants, all you need to do is cruise the local mall until you find a really fat person. Check out the waist size on his jeans, then head to the nearest store playing rap music to buy a matching pair. They must also be long. You'll know you've made a good buy when you have three yards of fabric bunched about your ankles. You must wear them low-slung as well. The prerequisite, an assumed few pairs of cool boxer shorts, should be mostly hanging out. But to complete your lower half, you must own a stylin' belt. The purpose of this belt is not altogether clear, save for it holds your pants firmly against your upper thighs and restricts movement, making the rap strut easier. Trust me.
    As for what kind of pants to wear, army pants (in any, and all, colours), jeans, tearaways and cargo pants will all do nicely.

    On your top half, you should wear shirts which would fit the fat man at the mall. At the same store where you bought your pants, you will find the bright colours that are a necessity to successful gangsta dress. Oranges, yellows, and greens are especially good. T-shirts are acceptable, provided they have sleeves that reach halfway down your forearm, and that they come at least halfway down your thigh. Sweatshirts should be almost as long, and have either Nike or Fubu emblazoned across the front. Never, EVER get caught dead in a sweater.
    Jackets are easy. All you need is something that's shiny, bright, and looks like it would fit a 300-pound Eskimo, as well as be suitable for said Eskimo's environmental surroundings.

    For shoes, again, Nikes and Fubus are the best. Reeboks and Adidases are fine for the beginning g'. They have to have cost at least $150, and be shiny and bright. You might as well forget how to tie knots, because the gangsta who ties his shoes up, gets beat up. You can accessorize with one of those key chain straps (the ones that circle your neck) that seem to be all the rage. It must say Fubu on it, of course.
    A hat is good, as long as it's got one of the previously-mentioned trade names on it. Turn the hat sideways for extra respect. That's spelled R-E-S-P-E-C-T. You can always go with a handkerchief as well, with the hat or alone. Snoop Doggy Dogg wears one, if you need celebrity reinforcement.


    - Could you put on 200+ pounds and not have it be noticed while dressed?
    - Could you fit your entire family into one single pantleg?
    - When you walk, are you perpetually close to tripping/falling over?
    - Is your shirt long enough to cover someone seven feet tall?

    It appears, with the above questions answered affirmatively, that you've completed the tutorial and are now a fledgeling gangsta, prepared for the wide world of rap.
    Happy g'ing!
    My Black "H"
    AL Meet!?

    //Secret G2I Lover, Shhhhhhh! //

    i think its funny how everyone wants to be a thug what self respecting man wears his pants off his ass lmfao. shit is sooooooo stupid


      Wassup dawg? What chu doin on mah block rookie?

      1993 Honda Accord LX 2004-2009
      1996 Honda Civic LX 2009-2012
      2012 Kia Optima LX 2012-2013
      2010 Honda Accord EX-L V6 2013-2018
      2007 Honda Fit Sport 2017-2017
      2018 Honda Accord EX-L 2.0T 2018-20XX


        Ay naw homboi!, It ain even like dat partna!, Im straight up southside G reppin dat 205 youngblood!. lol
        My Black "H"
        AL Meet!?

        //Secret G2I Lover, Shhhhhhh! //


          This thread reminds me of Training Day lol

          1993 Honda Accord LX 2004-2009
          1996 Honda Civic LX 2009-2012
          2012 Kia Optima LX 2012-2013
          2010 Honda Accord EX-L V6 2013-2018
          2007 Honda Fit Sport 2017-2017
          2018 Honda Accord EX-L 2.0T 2018-20XX


            Originally posted by DarkShadow707
            This thread reminds me of Training Day lol
            Haha, with that, kinda reminds me of Malibu's Most Wanted.
            My Black "H"
            AL Meet!?

            //Secret G2I Lover, Shhhhhhh! //


              Originally posted by ex_style90
              Haha, with that, kinda reminds me of Malibu's Most Wanted.
              hell yeah


                dont forget you gotta be bitch made like puppies on the nipples of a mutt to wear that type of glow in the dark apperal with unformal attire.


                  Originally posted by 1990Ex
                  i think its funny how everyone wants to be a thug what self respecting man wears his pants off his ass lmfao. shit is sooooooo stupid
                  we could also make the judgment of how one respecting man could make a judgment merely by how one wears their clothing.

                  "You've done more threatening prescription drugs..."
                  "the character of a man can be judged by how he takes his criticism"
                  "Quoting yourself is like, masturbation" -Starchland


                    Originally posted by starchland
                    we could also make the judgment of how one respecting man could make a judgment merely by how one wears their clothing.

                    what kind of judgment are you talking about ?
                    UNDERGROUND SOCIETY


                      OK no you dont understand ^ IF I come into a place like a jewlery store and start pointing at stuff with my first set of pants on my knees and my shorts half way up and my briches showing the better half of my buttocks with a shirt large enough to make 2 shirts out of because its as long as a robe, do you really think they are gonna take me serious or at least not try to really rip me off? Well any way half the people that dress like clowns are clowns. IF you want to be a gangster you have to be low key calm and not stand out in a crowd. in other words its not about causing a scene becaue you are there. i dunno its hard to explain but if im a cop im puilling over the kid with the donk and dark glasses not the guy in the audi with reading glasses.



                        ...........AE86-GTS: SOLD.................................................. ........CB7-DX: SOLD


                          reppin fart knockers since 1988 yo


                            Originally posted by 10thcb7
                            OK no you dont understand ^ IF I come into a place like a jewlery store and start pointing at stuff with my first set of pants on my knees and my shorts half way up and my briches showing the better half of my buttocks with a shirt large enough to make 2 shirts out of because its as long as a robe, do you really think they are gonna take me serious or at least not try to really rip me off? Well any way half the people that dress like clowns are clowns. IF you want to be a gangster you have to be low key calm and not stand out in a crowd. in other words its not about causing a scene becaue you are there. i dunno its hard to explain but if im a cop im puilling over the kid with the donk and dark glasses not the guy in the audi with reading glasses.

                            goddamn thank you very much all i was trying to say
                            UNDERGROUND SOCIETY


                              ugghh, yea, guess I got that.. .
                              My Black "H"
                              AL Meet!?

                              //Secret G2I Lover, Shhhhhhh! //

