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Ok, a proper thread this time... Check out my band!

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    Looks good Ralphie!

    We're going to record some more in the next few weeks, most likely. We have at least 2 more songs worthy of recording, as well as some decent tweaks to the current ones... backups on "You're Not Playing with a Full House, DJ Tanner" (yes, that's the full name... there's a point to it though!) and Ghost Train to Barcelona is getting a MUCH shorter intro, some little breakdown stuff in the chorus. Maybe some backups as well.

    With better equipment, more experience, and a better idea of what we want from these recordings, we should have better stuff to offer next time as well!



      Anyone who likes us, friend us! My drummer has gotten us most of our friends, and I want to see some of my crew represented on there as well!

      Also, in January, Bob's wife is going to Hong Kong for a month. Andy isn't really wrapped up with a girl, and neither am I. That means we'll have a whole month where we'll have nothing to do but write, play, and record! I don't know if that means a CD will be coming soon, but it DEFINITELY means than we'll have another song or two up on the Myspace very soon!


        Bump cuz I'm a whore

        We got 113 new pictures up... and I look like a doofus in every one I'm in!

