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fkn urine tests!

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    fkn urine tests!

    i know you all have heard this many times before and i searched to see if it had been posted (it hasnt) so ....

    Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job.

    I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit.

    In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test

    With which I have no problem. What I Do have a Problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who Don't have to pass a urine test.

    Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to Get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no problem with helping People get back on their feet. I do, On the other hand, have a
    problem with helping someone sitting on their ASS, Doing drugs, while I work. ... . . Can you imagine how much money the state Would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check ?

    . . . something has to change in this country and soon!

    as long as the US has an idiot for a president then i dont think that'll change. he's too concerned with crap going on in other countries than with his own. what kind of a president is that?


      whatever we say will never change
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        doing a urine test has nothing to do with the government and taxes. your company does. your company as a "drug free work place" will get discounts from there insurance provider. thats how the drug testing works. not for government.

        Hola, tengo tres patas. Me llamo tripod.

        Originally posted by d112crzy
        So you're throwing a bitch fit because some other girl at school has the same nail polish and skirt as you do?


          I would fail a urine test horribly.....luckily I doubt Ill ever have to take one with my current job.....or with the career Im going to go into.

          Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


            Somebody should drop this idea in the suggestion box at the white house lol.

            They wouldn't do that, it'll cost way too much money to pay staff to do urine tests, yea it'll create jobs for people but the government would have to supply the workers with equipment, more forms to fill out, proper staffing and locations, this would all cause delays for those people that really need the help.

            I guess they just figured that its cheaper to just give them the money without the hassle.

            I still think its a good idea though.
            1993 Accord EX
            2011 Subaru STi


              Originally posted by Shadow1
              as long as the US has an idiot for a president then i dont think that'll change. he's too concerned with crap going on in other countries than with his own. what kind of a president is that?

              You obviously have a VERY narrow view of the real world.
              The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                Originally posted by owequitit
                You obviously have a VERY narrow view of the real world.
                what does that mean?
                are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet


                  Originally posted by owequitit
                  You obviously have a VERY narrow view of the real world.
                  1992 Accord LX - SOLD


                    Originally posted by Shadow1
                    as long as the US has an idiot for a president then i dont think that'll change. he's too concerned with crap going on in other countries than with his own. what kind of a president is that?
                    it means you have no idea what your talking about our president is not relative to the topic at hand plus he has no control, almost, over the legislation of this country reason being because we have a legislative branch of government. For those who don't know what I am talking about this part of the government makes laws and pass ammendments to the constitution. Please before you open your mouth bad mouthing the presidency with no regard to what everone else is talking about make sure you have facts to justify what your saying. I too do not like what the Bush presidency has brought this country, but I would make sure before blurting shit out I knew what everyone else was talking about.
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                      Originally posted by samuri88
                      whatever we say will never change

                      Thats why everyone should get off their ass and vote.... If you feel that who you vote for is not going to make a change... Run for office yourself...

                      My Members Ride Thread ( Do It )


                        Originally posted by Mr_Doitagain

                        Thats why everyone should get off their ass and vote.... If you feel that who you vote for is not going to make a change... Run for office yourself...
                        yup you need to vote to make things change even if your think your vote doesnt matter it does
                        F22b + MP1A = mad fun for me now. . .

                        MY RIDE
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                        Bought from: Smeagren83(quite a few times now LOL), 97lude, AZaccord, M3torz2nR, g7kobayashi, sickoffthe206 and Kurobei, Jarhead, prNonVtec4u, caserX

                        Sold to: Snailin91, Smeagren83, cb7dazz, Drummersteve7, Slick


                          when i have to take a urine test i usally get some one of my friends kids to piss in a medicine bottle iam thinking if you was to make people that get welfare to do the same they would spend some of that money to get some pills or Ziodot to make them pass the test.... i work hard for my money so i should be able to spend a little bit of it on some Mary Jane if i feel the urge to roll a blunt or pack the bong :P if they would legalize it it would be much better :P imagin walmart selling by the pounds it would give people jobs growing it as well and there are all kinds of things that you can make out of herb. cloths paper string ect ect ..... only reason it is illegal is cause once you get cought there are hefty fines but honestly if they wanted to shut it all down iam sure they could but they dont cause they know they wouldnt make as much money if they didnt have the people to bust.......

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                          Originally posted by deevergote.
                          But Honda guys know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING! If you don't believe that, then you're just wrong...


                            Originally posted by Shadow1
                            as long as the US has an idiot for a president
                            fuck you. i know this isnt a discussion about the president, but you brought this up, so FUCK YOU DUMBASS. i'm tired of this anti-bush propoganda brought on by misinformed liberals. sure he may not have the best public speaking skills, but get the fuck off his case.
                            Originally posted by John Hawkins
                            George Bush: The Smartest Dumb Guy You'll Ever Run Across One of the most common refrains about Bush that you'll hear from liberals is that W. is "stupid", an "idiot", a "moron", & of course, how could we ever forget "dumb"?

                            But we must remember that liberals said exactly the same thing about Reagan and Quayle and will likely try to claim that either the GOP candidate for the presidency or the vice-presidency in 2008 is "even dumber than Bush". As Ann Coulter pointed out, that's just standard operating procedure for libs...

                            "If liberals were prevented from ever again calling Republicans dumb, they would be robbed of half their arguments. To be sure, they would still have "racist," "fascist," "homophobe," "ugly," and a few other highly nuanced arguments in the quiver. But the loss of "dumb" would nearly cripple them."

                            But, let's examine this idea, this claim that "Bush is dumb" in a little more detail.

                            Furthermore, let's just set-aside the fact that a guy who's as stupid as liberals claim Bush is wouldn't be able to spell his own name, much less run his own business, become governor of Texas, defeat Al Gore during the 2000 debates, or win the presidency.

                            Let's look back to George W. Bush's college days. You know, when he got his undergraduate degree from Yale (1968) and an MBA from Harvard? Is Yale really pumping out that many cretins? Can just any imbecile off the street get an MBA from Harvard? Apparently, there are a lot of liberals who believe this to be the case.

                            Then there's George Bush's SAT score of 1206 (which is "the equivalent of a 1280 under today's dumbed-down scoring system").

                            That's a superb score. In fact, as "Linda Gottfredson, co-director of the University of Delaware-Johns Hopkins Project for the Study of Intelligence and Society, told United Press International: "I recently converted Bush's SAT score to an IQ using the high school norms available for his age cohort. Educational Testing Service happened to have done a study of representative high school students within a year or so of when he took the test. I derived an IQ of 125, which is the 95th percentile." In other words, only one out of 20 people would score higher."

                            So if George Bush is smarter than 19 out of 20 people, that means he's probably brainier than 95% of the people who claim that he's "dumb". Can you ever remember a time when there were so many people who smugly and yet incorrectly presumed themselves to have a higher IQ than a man who was their intellectual superior?
                            Last edited by steelbluesleepR; 12-06-2007, 05:43 PM.

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                            Originally posted by Stephen Fry
                            'It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so fucking what?' —Stephen Fry
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