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So Denver is nice tonight....

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    So Denver is nice tonight....

    It's like 60 degrees outside, lol. Thought I'd share. Kicked back having a beer at the hotel, all on the gov't dime, lol. Tomorrow comes Boise, Idaho and then hopefully Seattle by Wednsday night, Thursday morning. Ferrying a Chinook out to our sister unit. Fresh sea food, here I come...

    Have fun kiddies, and if I don't post again, it means I'm dead, lol. Supposed to be 90-100 mph gusts over the Rockies tomorrow, and we have to push thru it. Then we get to fight with the fronts that are currently moving thru the northwest. FUN!

    - Rob -
    92 Auto Sedan - "Rustoration"
    85 Toyota 4Runner
    1977 Kawasaki KZ1000/ZX6/10R Hybrid
    2008 HD 1200N
    2009 HD 883N

    Well atleast you have high spirits!
    Have fun out there and godspeed.

    P.S. quit wasting my money, or atleast share the beers.

    "Why don't you spend some money and get this door handle fixed?" - Everyone who rides in my passenger seat
    "Because I don't drive on that side." - Me

    Accord Drivers against F transmissions on H motors #2


      global warming.


        It's like 90 in the day in FL, maybe 75-80 at night, it sucks. I keep waiting for another cold front.

        on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
        where you been, is something wrong?
        i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


          Its -7 degrees Celsius here....but it feels like its -15.....and its snowing....and its been snowing/freezing rain for the last few took me a half hour to clean off the snow/ice off my car before work today.

          btw -7 is like 20 Fahrenheit and -15 is like 4 fahrenheit......all these are ball park guesses by me

          But enjoy your 90 degree weather bitches lol

          Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


            Hey it sucks bad, but on the other end. Freezing or sweating your ass off, neither is fun, but at least when its cold you can still get hot air even if your ac is broke. My ac is broke so being in the car can really suck.

            The thing about FL is it's so hot you can't really go outside and get things done until the sun goes down, and then it's dark outside, then the mosquitos and no-see-ums come eat you up. So everyone has to stay inside all day, if you're outside you have to hydrate constantly and be careful not to get heat stroke. I hate hot weather, I want to move to like VA.

            So, yeah, FL sucks UNLESS we get some cool weather. 50 at night, 70 in the day is wonderful while it lasts.

            on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
            where you been, is something wrong?
            i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


              Ya i know what your saying....Everytime Ive visited Florida its always been on the verge of unbearably hot....but every time Ive went its usually during our winter so I embraced the heat with open arms lol

              The only reason I really dont enjoy this type of weather is cuz I work in a warehouse that only heats what we call the shed (a 12x12 room)....the rest of the warehouse is almost as cold as outside....and driving around on a fork truck all day in the cold gets tiresome after a while.....well that and having to spend a half hour chipping ice off my car isnt fun nor is shoveling wet snow lol

              I do enjoy actually having 4 season though instead of one Snowball fights FTW

              Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


                looks like you're havin fun man. wish i could go. i have never been up to idaho before. i have fam close to seattle.

                (129)Transactions and counting


                  Well, made it over the mountains in one piece....

                  - Rob -
                  92 Auto Sedan - "Rustoration"
                  85 Toyota 4Runner
                  1977 Kawasaki KZ1000/ZX6/10R Hybrid
                  2008 HD 1200N
                  2009 HD 883N


                    That is good to hear. How was the ride?
                    The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                      Originally posted by RoCknRicEr037
                      global warming.

                      The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                        Originally posted by owequitit
                        That is good to hear. How was the ride?
                        Actually not too bad. Ran into some issue right off the bat yesterday. Both rotor heads were low on oil, and thanks to the dumbfucks on the ground crew back home, there was no fresh oil onboard. Ended up draining a quart of oil from each engine to service the rotor heads.

                        We also had an Avionics issue pop up on approach Monday night, but we though that it might have been the pilot being a little heavy on the stick. Turns out it was a bad Differential Airspeed Hold actuator. It was causing uncommanded inputs in the pitch quadrant. We ended up limping it from Denver to our sister unit in Ft. Carson for repairs. I patched her up in about an hour and grabbed some fresh oil while I was there, lol.

                        Since we were already so far south, we took the southern route thru the mountains, which didn't have nearly as much wind. I think it also had to do with the fact that we didn't actually go over the divide until about 1400 local. Made Grand Junction, CO last night about 1600 local. Departed there 0800 MST and made Yakima, WA about 1600 local time. Got a 1.5 hr jump into Gray Army Airfield tomorrow and my mission is complete. Hopefully the damn thing will hold together that long. It's going in for MAJOR overhaul, so it's in less than stellar condition.

                        Flying on this aircraft is like riding in the Clampett mobile except we're 10,000 feet in the air..... The AFCS system is still not fully operational, I'm transfering oil from the nose boxes into the engines, and then out of the engines, lol. Both heads leak like a siv. I've got three hyd. lines that are pissing fluid like a 12 year old girl. Heater doesn't work. Transponder doesn't work.... I could go on, but I have a feeling, Scott, that you're about the only one here that might have any idea what the hell I'm rambling about,

                        - Rob -
                        92 Auto Sedan - "Rustoration"
                        85 Toyota 4Runner
                        1977 Kawasaki KZ1000/ZX6/10R Hybrid
                        2008 HD 1200N
                        2009 HD 883N


                          Originally posted by 203Cree
                          Actually not too bad. Ran into some issue right off the bat yesterday. Both rotor heads were low on oil, and thanks to the dumbfucks on the ground crew back home, there was no fresh oil onboard. Ended up draining a quart of oil from each engine to service the rotor heads.

                          We also had an Avionics issue pop up on approach Monday night, but we though that it might have been the pilot being a little heavy on the stick. Turns out it was a bad Differential Airspeed Hold actuator. It was causing uncommanded inputs in the pitch quadrant. We ended up limping it from Denver to our sister unit in Ft. Carson for repairs. I patched her up in about an hour and grabbed some fresh oil while I was there, lol.

                          Since we were already so far south, we took the southern route thru the mountains, which didn't have nearly as much wind. I think it also had to do with the fact that we didn't actually go over the divide until about 1400 local. Made Grand Junction, CO last night about 1600 local. Departed there 0800 MST and made Yakima, WA about 1600 local time. Got a 1.5 hr jump into Gray Army Airfield tomorrow and my mission is complete. Hopefully the damn thing will hold together that long. It's going in for MAJOR overhaul, so it's in less than stellar condition.

                          Flying on this aircraft is like riding in the Clampett mobile except we're 10,000 feet in the air..... The AFCS system is still not fully operational, I'm transfering oil from the nose boxes into the engines, and then out of the engines, lol. Both heads leak like a siv. I've got three hyd. lines that are pissing fluid like a 12 year old girl. Heater doesn't work. Transponder doesn't work.... I could go on, but I have a feeling, Scott, that you're about the only one here that might have any idea what the hell I'm rambling about,
                          I have an idea about most of that stuff, although some of it is helicopter specific and I am not necessarily intimately familiar with that though.

                          LOL @ the Clampett mobile.

                          Just wear a parachute if you have that option.
                          The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                            its like -1200degrees here in MA

                            Owner of


                              Originally posted by owequitit
                              I have an idea about most of that stuff, although some of it is helicopter specific and I am not necessarily intimately familiar with that though.

                              LOL @ the Clampett mobile.

                              Just wear a parachute if you have that option.
                              Not really an option. We're avg. 300 ft AGL, so they wouldn't do a lot of good even if we were so equiped, lol. I think we'll make our final stop just fine. Hell, we've made it this far,

                              - Rob -
                              92 Auto Sedan - "Rustoration"
                              85 Toyota 4Runner
                              1977 Kawasaki KZ1000/ZX6/10R Hybrid
                              2008 HD 1200N
                              2009 HD 883N

