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    anybody know how addictive it is?

    Oh my, that stuff is wonderful. Addictive? I wouldn't say so. I had a prescription for it a year ago when I had an acid reflux attack and had to go to the hospital. I only had like 6 though, 1 at a time any time I had another attack. Killed the pain, but I didn't become addicted. But then I've never really had an addictive personality.

    on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
    where you been, is something wrong?
    i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


      is she taking vics now too?

      im with ^^

      they are mild and not really physically addicting... tho very nice

      - 1993 Accord LX - White sedan (sold)
      - 1993 Accord EX - White sedan (wrecked)
      - 1991 Accord EX - White sedan (sold)
      - 1990 Accord EX - Grey sedan (sold)
      - 1993 Accord EX - White sedan (sold)
      - 1992 Accord EX - White coupe (sold)
      - 1993 Accord EX - Grey coupe (stolen)
      - 1993 Accord SE - Gold coupe (sold)
      Current cars:
      - 2005 Subaru Legacy GT Wagon - Daily driver
      - 2004 Chevrolet Express AWD - Camper conversion


        How many would be too many?

        They're white in color, and 650mg I think.


          acetaminophen = tylenol and its the majority of the pill, so dont overdo it...

          650mg is usually 7.5mg HC, possibly 10mg... you could take 1.5-2 and feel great... more will probably make you nauseous, but you could try... how big are you? and why are you taking them?

          - 1993 Accord LX - White sedan (sold)
          - 1993 Accord EX - White sedan (wrecked)
          - 1991 Accord EX - White sedan (sold)
          - 1990 Accord EX - Grey sedan (sold)
          - 1993 Accord EX - White sedan (sold)
          - 1992 Accord EX - White coupe (sold)
          - 1993 Accord EX - Grey coupe (stolen)
          - 1993 Accord SE - Gold coupe (sold)
          Current cars:
          - 2005 Subaru Legacy GT Wagon - Daily driver
          - 2004 Chevrolet Express AWD - Camper conversion


            kinda bad for the liver, well if you take enough of them. later.
            Avoiding dirt at all costs


              Originally posted by cp[mike]
              why are you taking them?


                good lord you people are ridiculous...

                And IS is HIGHLY addictive...just google "is vicodin addictive?"...any pain reliever in the category (opioid analgesics) that codeine is in is addictive...same category as morphine. My mom's been hooked on that shit for years.


                from wikipedia
                Although this drug satisfies pain it also is an addictive drug and is commonly misused by users with pain and those without. Vicodin, once in the system, has been known to react with high levels thyroxine. Thyroxine (T4) is a substance released by the thyroid to help metabolize food. Those with high metabolisms have a higher level of T4 in their system, and therefore are more at risk for a reaction to take place. This reaction can be deadly, and can lead to death by stopping of the heart. Those with fast metabolisms should not abuse Vicodin in even the slightest way, due to the fact that they have a higher level of T4 in their systems

                if you aren't prescribed it then ANY AMOUNT is too much.

                First off you know nothing about this drug do you? Do you know what it's main ingredients are? No you don't...they are

                acetaminophen (Tylenol)
                and codeine
                are you allergic to codeine? you don't know do you?

                650 is not a small dose either...and depending on your body size would determine how this stuff effects you.

                i had 500 mg and it contained a HEAVY dose of tylenol...tylenol has been proven to kill your go ahead...knock your self out.

                I am 5' 5" and weigh 150 ibs...two of those would do a little for me, my 500mg's didn't do anything...but I could feel it...but your body will react differently than mine. Folks come in the hospital all the time...get a small dose of morphine and it will fuck them grandmother is one of those...others...same dose...they feel nothing.

                You guys need to realize that taking other peoples meds is the NUMBER ONE WAY TO OVER DOSE and KILL YOUR ASS!

                This is how many people end up fucked up...they took someone elses meds. I don't mean fucked up as in they had a good time...I mean veggies...or perm. brain damage...this isn't over the counter's RX that = prescription....there is a reason WHY it isn't available to any moron who wants to take it.

                There is a REASON why a doctor prescribes this shit...because they take into account your weight, age, and CONDITION! My 500mg's where 2 every 12hrs or one every more.

                Don't argue with me...nursing school rocks your I work in the don't take someone elses's fucking stupid!

                I don't have time to bust out the nursing drug guide and tell you more...but that should be enough...if are a dumbass and your death will benefit our species.
                Last edited by bcjammerx; 11-29-2007, 01:12 AM.


                  It just makes me sleepy.
                  Gary A.K.A. Carter
                  [sig killed by photobucket]


                    I can't recall now if it was oxycodone or hydrocodone, but I took em and I'm not addicted. I can quit anytime I want . I wouldn't worry about it, but if you're the type who gets addicted to everything he tries, then yeah.

                    It's not like if you touch it you become a junky, don't believe what they told you in D.A.R.E at school

                    And when I took em, I only took 1 or 2 a day, so I don't recommend overdosing yourself!

                    on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
                    where you been, is something wrong?
                    i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


                      you can try them and see what you think...

                      they are so addictive because people get hooked on the feeling they give (often unintentionally, usually starting it as a prescription) and since its easy to build a tolerance to their feeling people end up taking so much to the point of physical addiction to the drug itself or toxicity to the liver from the tylenol.

                      you dont seem like the type to quickly get stuck on anything like this since it appears something youre just trying.. but its good to research things especially if youre doing them often... but i doubt youll find these so amazing that you need to go out and find a bunch of extra ones every day
                      Last edited by cp[mike]; 11-29-2007, 02:04 AM.

                      - 1993 Accord LX - White sedan (sold)
                      - 1993 Accord EX - White sedan (wrecked)
                      - 1991 Accord EX - White sedan (sold)
                      - 1990 Accord EX - Grey sedan (sold)
                      - 1993 Accord EX - White sedan (sold)
                      - 1992 Accord EX - White coupe (sold)
                      - 1993 Accord EX - Grey coupe (stolen)
                      - 1993 Accord SE - Gold coupe (sold)
                      Current cars:
                      - 2005 Subaru Legacy GT Wagon - Daily driver
                      - 2004 Chevrolet Express AWD - Camper conversion


                        Alright bcjammerx, thank you for your input, but do you wanna be any more of a dick about it? Who said I was taking them? Who said I was asking for my own personal benefit? Who said I was abusing them?

                        But, I obviously am taking them, as they were prescribed to me. And no, I'm not allergic to them, I'm not allergic to anything. I've never taken anything like it, and I figured I'd find out some information about them. I've heard all these stories of people becoming addicted to them, just bad stoires. So I figured I'd ask. Asking out of curiosity what was on my mind.


                          Originally posted by npor
                          Alright bcjammerx, thank you for your input, but do you wanna be any more of a dick about it? Who said I was taking them? Who said I was asking for my own personal benefit? Who said I was abusing them?

                          But, I obviously am taking them, as they were prescribed to me. And no, I'm not allergic to them, I'm not allergic to anything. I've never taken anything like it, and I figured I'd find out some information about them. I've heard all these stories of people becoming addicted to them, just bad stoires. So I figured I'd ask. Asking out of curiosity what was on my mind.

                          Who said you were taking them? well not only do you say ...after the fact I might add...that you were prescribed them...but your second post is what lead me to believe you were trying them...and it was a logical conclusion.

                          in fact...did you notice that no one else here made the conclusion that you were prescribed it? Everyone else here assumed the same thing I did...only I made sure to give you the details they left out...the don't get pissed at me man.

                          Also a logical conclusion was that you were trying someone elses prescription...had you specified in your ORIGINAL post the FULL situation...such assumptions would not have been made...don't get pissed at me because you left out information

                          and yes I will be the biggest dick in the world about it if need be...prescription drug abuse is a SERIOUS problem...sorry you don't realize that, for future reference...include more information in your first post...otherwise assumptions will follow and it will be your fault not ours.

                          you asked how addictive...and how much is too much...that tells me they aren't yours, the doc. didn't give them to you, and you are wanting to try them.

                          The bottle tells you how much is too much...when I took it the bottle said
                          "do not exceed 1 every 6hrs 2 every 12hrs, no more than 4 in one 24 hr period"

                          If you had that info on the bottle (and had the bottle) you would know that...also...the doc and pharmacist both told me how much to there are 3 areas of info you apparently don't have...thus...I assume you weren't prescribed that medication...otherwise you would have been told or could have read for yourself.

                          again...not my fault you left out you were prescribed it...why should I assume you have a Rx for it? The way you were asking...I wouldn't...and guess what...NO ONE ELSE HERE DID EITHER!!!

                          any way don't take more than what the bottle tells you...don't take it if you don't NEED it...I still have half a bottle of mine because
                          1. it didn't do shit for the pain
                          2. I stopped hurting after day 3

                          On Rx meds...just follow the directions...if it is an Rx...directions WOULD have been given.


                            Originally posted by npor
                            anybody know how addictive it is?

                            its vicodin ... dont take it if its not prescribed. the end.


                              Actually I pretty much knew he had been prescribed them and he was worried because everyone likes to lie to kids with "drugs are bad" horror stories, like if you smoke one joint you'll die, or everyone how tries alcohol gets addicted or any of that other nonsense they try to push in school.

                              npor has stated specifically, just a few days ago in fact, that he's not into drugs or people who take a lot for recreation.

                              But I'm not upset at you bcjammer, don't worry we all get over it and don't hold it against you

                              on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
                              where you been, is something wrong?
                              i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.

