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    Noobs. You go on any website, and you see them getting flamed to hell.

    People pick up a cheap Honda at age 17. They want to fix it up, but their friends are all into ballet and foosball. They know nothing. They have a vague idea of where the engine is, and they're pretty sure those things that spin around at all 4 corners are wheels... or tires... or both. They don't know.

    So, at age 17, Noobbob Beginnerpants starts his Honda journey. Now, Noobbob has a computer. He's connected to da intrawebz. Fantastic! Now he can get some information about his new Honda. So he heads over to Google, and types in "Honda". Ok, that gives him like 1,000,000,000,000 results. So he says "make honda faster". Now we're getting somewhere.

    So Noobbob surfs around, reading web forums and looking at online shops. He gets the great idea and even looks at ebay! Now he sees all these parts for his Honda. He has no clue what they do. Strut bars, headers, intakes, exhausts, turbos, wheels, shocks, springs, ignition modules, ECUs, gauges, wings, body kits, headlights, tints... the list goes on and on. Information overload!

    Finally, Noobbob feels he should join a forum and ask some real people what he should do. He finds his way to Seems like a good place. It's huge, there's a discussion forum for his car, and people seem to know what they're talking about. So he registers.

    He posts. A simple question, the same one he asked Google. "How do I make my Honda faster?"

    Noob hunting season is now open, ladies and jellyspoons. Let the games.... BEGIN!

    Now, Noobbob's question was simple. The guy looked all over for stuff, but found nothing. He didn't know what any of those parts that he saw for sale did. He has no idea what he needs, or what will make his car faster.

    What does he get? Flamed to hell. Because he's new. Because he wasn't born with the knowledge of all things Honda. He must be an idiot.

    Now, Noobbob could've searched a little more. He could've searched to find out what all those parts did. He could've searched for how an engine works, or how a turbo works, or what a header does. Then again, you can search for ANYTHING on the internet and probably find the answer. Forums would be pretty dead if you never asked questions!

    The point is, someone who is uneducated needs to BE educated. They should not be put down for their lack of knowledge.

    On the other hand... anyone who is not willing to learn, and expects to be spoon-fed... flame away! (not really... I'll still ban you if you do it here )
    There is a HUGE difference between being new and asking beginner questions, and being lazy and asking people to hand everything to you.

    q: wut moter can i put in my car yo?
    a: h22

    q: how duz it go in yo?
    a: bolts right in. tap one hole in the tranny. use the accord axles. 4 wires for vtec.

    q: were can i git 1 yo?

    q: how much dey charge yo?
    a: call them

    q: how much wud shippin be yo?
    a: call them

    q: thats expensive were can i git 1 cheaper yo wut other engins work in my car n how do i put em in yo can i jst put vtec in my old engine yo?

    (I've seen worse in terms of spoon feeding requests, but I couldn't make one up that was that good! )

    GTFO you n00b =D

    The New-ish Ride
    My old Ride
    Hear my Vtak!!!
    MK3 Member #3
    I piss off people for fun.
    IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


      Whats a Noobbob


        a n00b named bob.

        The New-ish Ride
        My old Ride
        Hear my Vtak!!!
        MK3 Member #3
        I piss off people for fun.
        IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


          lol .... bored r we?


            The scenario you just described deev was exactly me before I found this site haha....I remember being flamed for asking stupid questions that I really had no idea what the answer was....but it made me learn to search too though.

            Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


              Noobob: Haloo! Im new the teh cb7tunerz yo! and I wanna know where can I get a bettah ECU for me accordZ yo! because I want my car to be better yo and fastah alsso MakE it go Vrrooom vrooM yo!

              Answer: Online stores on the internet or here in the classifieds

              Noobob: Ah shietz yoz! I dunno have a credit card yo! and I want sombody to get it for me kno whatAm SayingZ!

              GET A JOB!!!

              1993 Honda Accord LX 2004-2009
              1996 Honda Civic LX 2009-2012
              2012 Kia Optima LX 2012-2013
              2010 Honda Accord EX-L V6 2013-2018
              2007 Honda Fit Sport 2017-2017
              2018 Honda Accord EX-L 2.0T 2018-20XX


                Originally posted by NAiL05
                a n00b named bob.
                haha. I havn't chuckled out loud in a very long time, but that one did it.

                Owner of


                  Originally posted by King James
                  The scenario you just described deev was exactly me before I found this site haha.....

                  x2 If it wasnt for this site i would still believe that an ebay intake really gave you 10-15 hp lol

                  My s13 Ride Thread>>><<<My Rx7 Ride Thread "What is power without control?"
                  New people click here


                    Originally posted by Chrisisiced
                    Whats a Noobbob

                    -New shocks
                    -New Tires/Wheels
                    -New Window Tint
                    -Alot more lovin'

                    My Panda:


                      This entire description forgets one very huge important step.

                      DOING YOUR OWN FUCKING RESEARCH.

                      Before I even browsed a single message board for any subject on the entire internet, I was already doing my own tranny swaps. I knew how to do anything on a car. I am not super talented. All you have to do is not be a fucking idiot.

                      How is this possible?


                      1. Manuals from parts stores
                      2. Internet research (NOT POSTING FUCKING QUESTIONS)
                      3. Experimentation and observation of your own work

                      I picked up tools, very cheap books, and read for hours and hours and hours, then tried some things, then read for hours again, and this cycle repeated itself for a long time. I will repeat this cycle for life to continue learning shit, cars or not.

                      Some people are just not cut out for this. If all they want to do is know how to do one single thing, and not care about the rest, then that's not a car guy. Sure it's possible to learn a whole lot by asking questions forever, BUT THAT IS NOT HOW YOU SHOULD LEARN. THAT!!!! is the definition of SPOON FEEDING. If you do not have the ability to learn things through your own work, research, and experimentation and need to be told everything, then just stay away from an engine bay and lease cars forever.

                      As for the flaming, it's gonna fucking happen. It's just the way society works. You can't possibly expect to walk into an established social group and be treated with lots of respect right away. It's happened for thousands of years. Grow a fucking skin, deal with the shit, and prove your worth. THEN you can actually appreciate the respect you get once it is achieved.

                      The first time I stepped into the gym, I was a little shit that barely weighed 130 lbs. I didn't know how to use any of the equipment and I couldn't move any weight. All the big guys got a kick out of that, I know it. That was about 8 years ago. Since then I'm 100 lbs. heavier, and I get all sorts of "special" discounts at stores like GNC because I end up teaching the managers things about their own products and workout methods.

                      But this has nothing to do with bodybuilding. The point I'm trying to make is this... if you're interested in working on cars, you better damn well be serious about it. It's not a hard thing to do. And if you're not, don't bitch when you get sand kicked in your face. The world is not a kindergarten class nor should it be. I have an old automotive mechanics book that was published in 1956 that covers everything from engine internals, fuel systems, transmissions, suspension, electrical, everything. It's even got advice in the back about what schools you can go to if you want to be a mechanic. There's a very good quote in there... "Don't be a good mechanic, be the BEST one!"

                      Dig in, scrape your knuckles, learn your shit and do it right. Gain respect.


                        I'll give respect to a clueless noob until they show me they aren't willing to learn. Some people, especially those who want to work on their only car, don't know where to begin... They don't have the luxury of learning by making mistakes, and they don't know enough to even comprehend a manual (which is stupid... but when you don't know, cars are a big mystery)

                        It takes, oh... I dunno... maybe 30 posts on a web forum to determine if someone is truly interested in learning, and just looking for a place to start... or looking for someone to guide their hand the entire way. People who need spoon feeding are worthless, and they deserve what they get. For the sake of the rest of the community (and because most people don't have the sense to keep it limited to those people) it's not allowed here... but still... those people are nothing but a drain.

                        q: how do i make my car faster?
                        a: the engine is a giant air pump. make it breathe better, and you'll make more power. here's a link to a page showing you how an engine works.

                        There. He's given a start. Time will tell if he'll make use of that information, or come back with: "what exhaust should i put on my car?"

                        It's hard to research when you don't know what you're even looking for. That's where the noob questions come into play. Once they go beyond "point me in the right direction", they can get troublesome. (I allow those questions, as long as they aren't worthless spoonfeeding requests, simply because it increases the amount of searchable information for those that DO have the sense to find their own info!)


                          The biggest thing that I look at when I read a new post is grammar and sentence structure. Most of the time, the people willing to learn are the people who type in sentences, worry about spelling and punctuation, and generally sound educated. If I see a post that I cant understand right away, I usually disregard it, since I understand that this site now attracts people from other countries, who dont speak english, and are using an translator online to communicate.

                          However, the vast majority of these times, whenever I see a post like that, its just someone who isnt willing to learn, and just wants to be told the answers to every question they ask. The very first thread I ever posted on accordtuner was some question about my f22b1 in my CD5. I think I wanted to know if it would swap into my CB when I took it out (at that that time I was planning on doing an h22 swap.) I simply spelled it f22v1 instead, and got flamed to hell for the spelling error. Im not even sure I ever got an answer to my question. Im pretty sure those are the types of situations youre speaking of, but even so, I had done quite a bit of research there, and couldnt find the information, so I asked.

                          Now, I know the answer to my question, and of the countless threads ive made places, that one I made more than 3 years ago still sticks out in my mind. Sure, I was a noob then, but most of the noobs we run across now cant even tell you ANYTHING about their cars, and arent willing to read the stickies, or search around to find it out. Im not going to flame them for it, because I remember how shitty that felt when it was me. However, I can, and usually will, just disregard the thread.

                          Now, this is here. On CD5tuner, I look at things differently, being a moderator. We dont have as much information over there yet, so "search" isnt a valid response yet. Answering the little questions are necessary right now, because they havent been answered there yet, and theres no thread to point to. I guess that just goes to show how a simple "title" can change your views on things.

                          And if i could swim I'd swim out to you in the ocean
                          Swim out to where you were floating in the dark.


                            I hate people that type in caps. its a big pet peev of mine. SO HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THIS? IS IT COOL? LOOK I'M AN ATTENTION WHORE HELP ME BITCH! ok yea I am officially bored.

                            Me I know I fail at grammar. I dont capitalize or punctuate when I need to. I am just ignorant lol.

                            The New-ish Ride
                            My old Ride
                            Hear my Vtak!!!
                            MK3 Member #3
                            I piss off people for fun.
                            IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1



