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Crazy Police Chase

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    thats bull, i hope that cop loses his job. im not trying to be nice towards the driver or anything, but death by firing squad is not the typical punishment for grand theft auto
    Driving before toke:
    Driving after toke:

    Promote friendly driving, Toke!


      Cop on the hood almost got creamed by that last car to arrive. Cop pulling up was looking to nail him right there on the hood.
      "I'm a dude playing a dude, disguised as another dude"
      "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."

      Romans 10:9


        "Black said he didn't know that the car was stolen. He said that he tried to grab the wheel, but couldn't."

        it was in the OP, im guessing it was the passenger who said it in an interview or something.
        Driving before toke:
        Driving after toke:

        Promote friendly driving, Toke!


          Originally posted by 4thgenaccord
          Guess it'll teach him not to steal cars any more wont it.

          I was raised with the saying "You sleep with dogs, you get fleas." Don't do wrong and you won't get into trouble.

          im sorry but if you think the way they shot that man was right then there is something wrong with you, thats wrong i dont give a fuck that shit aint cool there fucking marksmen they can put 2 well placed shots in the mans chest or something. not dump the clip in the window wtf


            Originally posted by 1990Ex
            im sorry but if you think the way they shot that man was right then there is something wrong with you, thats wrong i dont give a fuck that shit aint cool there fucking marksmen they can put 2 well placed shots in the mans chest or something. not dump the clip in the window wtf
            Either that shit was overkill or he must have been a really bad shot or both. I mean on the window kneeling down he was determined to clap that target by any means necessary. He probably couldnt stop becuase he was lettin off he prolly like the feel when he sees someone slapped with it.


              the cop jumped on the front of the car for no reason he put his self in danger so he could kill that man, watch cops an wildest police chases they give drunks more room for error than they gave those guys. the first cop rammed him an then jumps out an fire wft without a weapon being drawn on him i dont get it. why not shot out the tires or something like that


                Originally posted by 4thgenaccord
                1st off cops are not marksmen. Most are lucky to hit the broad side of a barn from point plank range.

                2nd How many marksmen do you know that can place 2 shots perfect in a persons chest, leg or where ever on top the hood of a moving car?

                3rd had the cops stopped the car, pulled the guy out, then shot him, I'd say thats wrong, but they did what HAD TO BE DONE, to stop the guy.

                4th We can not see inside the car. for all we know the cop on the hood saw the guy had a gun.

                You all are blind the the way things are now in the world. It's people like you all that make it hard for cops. Hell 20 years ago it would have been

                Cop: STOP OR I'LL SHOOT
                Suspect: (Keeps running)
                Cop: *BAMB* I told you to stop!
                Suspect captured and sent to jail.


                Cop: Stop or I'll Shoot!
                Suspect: (Still runs)
                Cop: (Starts to chase)
                Suspect: (Runs more)
                Cop: (chases more)
                Suspect: (Turns and shoots cop)
                Cop: (Dies and Suspect gets away. Video on news, Does no good)

                So again Cops:

                1234 wow you know more about cops than i do good job, car was not moving that fast to put 2 shots in the chest. either way its wrong so i dont care what any of yall say point blank

                only reason i said marks men is because there are alot of cops that use to be in the service an shit


                  WTF. That dude was rollin'. However deadly forced was used, but definately was not needed. He could have shot out all fours, ya dig. I think the cops are settin' and example nation wide 'cause that cop got killed here in Philly. It was all over national news. The cop killer made the the FBI most wanted list. Cops are the biggest gang in America, and I guess they want retaliation. Oh, wait was this before the cop got killed. OOOPSS, my bad.
                  The Lord watches over me!

                  "Stop punching down on my people!!!"

                  - D. Chappelle


                    there we go again

                    mother wouldn't stop, he stole a car and could of killed officers.

                    bitch deserved every single round and then some.
                    People I have dealt with in this board- Smseagren83,d112crzy, Idrivealude, aznpnoyracer, wed3k, dinertime, HF22T, MRX, Dc2lewd, yeamans17, bruno8747, tn_accords, king james, starchland, yardiexd40

                    Mk3 Supra Member #2

                    Originally posted by DarkShadow707
                    The world needs to be reset.


                      once again 1990ex i agree with u completely ... those shots were completely uneccesaary ..the cop should not have jumped on the hood of that car and at the time that car moved extremely slowly more than once u did not have to be a marks man to shoot the tires the first time the cop got out the car to shoot he had more than enough time to shoot the tires...they had no right to shoot the guy like u got to look at both ends..yes the guy should have stopped and he risked lives by not stopping but he did not deserve to die like that....2 wrongs dont make a right...the cop was not right and neither was the driver.....cop shouldnt have jumped on the hood and fired driver shouldnt have ran..but remember the driver got shot at oncebefore when he was going slow...what motivation does he have to stop at that point being he knows if he stops there gonna shoot him.... in most police chases they keep ramming the guy and the gus car fails or realizes he is not gona get away and gives up...

                      New & Improved 93 Accord EX Coupe

                      what makes a man a man?

                      Originally posted by ric3rboi23
                      disrespect females, acquire currency.


                        Originally posted by 4thgenaccord
                        1st off cops are not marksmen. Most are lucky to hit the broad side of a barn from point plank range.

                        2nd How many marksmen do you know that can place 2 shots perfect in a persons chest, leg or where ever on top the hood of a moving car?

                        3rd had the cops stopped the car, pulled the guy out, then shot him, I'd say thats wrong, but they did what HAD TO BE DONE, to stop the guy.

                        4th We can not see inside the car. for all we know the cop on the hood saw the guy had a gun.

                        You all are blind the the way things are now in the world. It's people like you all that make it hard for cops. Hell 20 years ago it would have been

                        Cop: STOP OR I'LL SHOOT
                        Suspect: (Keeps running)
                        Cop: *BAMB* I told you to stop!
                        Suspect captured and sent to jail.


                        Cop: Stop or I'll Shoot!
                        Suspect: (Still runs)
                        Cop: (Starts to chase)
                        Suspect: (Runs more)
                        Cop: (chases more)
                        Suspect: (Turns and shoots cop)
                        Cop: (Dies and Suspect gets away. Video on news, Does no good)

                        So again Cops:
                        if u look at it that way what about those cops that racial profile...and ppl get killed when it cud be avoided....i would rather run from a cop and get away then meet up with one of those crooked it can go both ways cops are worrying about meeting an asshole who wud kill them and..and ppl who get pulled over wud rather run from a cop then get killed beause he was being black or latino on a friday night with a broken tail light

                        New & Improved 93 Accord EX Coupe

                        what makes a man a man?

                        Originally posted by ric3rboi23
                        disrespect females, acquire currency.


                          Originally posted by Juice21
                          if u look at it that way what about those cops that racial profile...and ppl get killed when it cud be avoided....i would rather run from a cop and get away then meet up with one of those crooked it can go both ways cops are worrying about meeting an asshole who wud kill them and..and ppl who get pulled over wud rather run from a cop then get killed beause he was being black or latino on a friday night with a broken tail light
                          yes speaks the truth


                            Originally posted by 4thgenaccord
                            Ever try to shoot through a windshield? Not as easy as you may think 2-3 shots wouldn't do much.
                            I have, it isn't that hard. The shots don't land where you're aiming. It gets worse as you get further from the target.

                            If you know how to handle a fucking gun, which I hope a cop would, there's no need for that many shots at such a close range.

                            The cop did use excessive force.

                            He was most likely an unexperienced rookie that got trigger happy.

                            Can we blame him for all the adrenaline that was going through is body? No.

                            Can we blame him for not being able to control himself? Yes.
                            Last edited by d112crzy; 11-13-2007, 12:11 AM.

                            CrzyTuning now offering port services


                              Originally posted by JohnD1079
                              Is this a repost, i definetly saw this before.
                              For a while only the guy on the hood part was leaked. And now the full has been passed around.


                                the way i see it, the guy trying to outrun the cops put everyone who happened to be on the road in danger. he threatened their lives. he got what he deserved and i'm not totally against killing some stupid motherfucker instead of housing and feeding him for 10-15 years. at that age, you have no chance at being a normal, honest human and you suck at the game of life. if it was a kid, then maybe that was different although they couldn't have told .

                                but they DIDN'T shoot the other guy, so they weren't psycho and shooting what moved. cars ARE weapons in that case and it's just tough shit.

                                they COULD and SHOULD have nailed him early on and all of that could have been prevented, but then, why take care of the guy for a decade or two because he fucked up?

                                he won't be stealing anymore cars.

