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Guilty Feelings...

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    Originally posted by deevergote
    When did you talk to her last? Was it tonight? I'd say let her cool off if so... let her think, and maybe get scared. She knows you're going to wonder what's up, and she'll probably expect you to call around asking people. The next time you talk to her, she'll probably expect you to know whatever it is she can't say... and she'll likely tell you when you tell her you never went digging.

    Call tomorrow, if she doesn't call you first. Also, put your phone on loud, vibrate, and next to your head tonight. Definitely answer it if she calls, even at 3am. Also, did you remind her that you're a few hours later than she is? (is it 1 or 2 from bama to cali?)
    I asked her closest friend and didn't get a straight answer so that kind of pissed me off. I talked to her @ 6:33pm Central Time. So alittle more than two hours. I have it on all the thngs that will probably wake me up, since I'm a light sleeper anyway. And yeah, she knows I'm two hours ahead of her as far as time zones go.

    Originally posted by Rusty
    Personally I would just give her till like 10 and then call her back.

    The whole trust issue thing she is now saying she has is just a girls way of turning something into a guys fault.

    My guess is that she either is strarting to have feelings for someone else or she did something drunk and stupid at the party and knows that one of her friends will tell you or you'll see a pic of it on myspace or something.

    Either way i would definitly call her and turn it around on her. Tell her that your the one who can't trust her since she can't even talk to you about whats got her all upset.
    Well, I know her friends but I'm not so close to them. Most likely, They won't tell me if she got to them first(which I know she did already). I don't know what the whole trust thing is about since we had that discussion almost every month. I don't see why she would think I'm not trustworthy. I don't even go out at night becaause there's nothing really to do out here. She knows that. As far as the having feelings for other guys, i wouldn't know cause I'm not there. She doesn't talk to her ex's because they got wives and kids now. Myspace is another issue...She had me on there, made blogs etc. Then when she got mad at me, she deleted everything. Right when that happened, I never seen so many dudes comment on her page in one day.

    Still don't know though. She probably cried herself to sleep by now.


      Originally posted by Lil' Whitie
      wow sounds like my love life

      i lost my girl to her Target manager, who is 22 years older than she is and she married him when she turned 18.
      Whoa. I don't think I could even look her in the eye after that. That's nasty.


        Originally posted by AG17CB7
        I asked her closest friend and didn't get a straight answer so that kind of pissed me off. I talked to her @ 6:33pm Central Time. So alittle more than two hours. I have it on all the thngs that will probably wake me up, since I'm a light sleeper anyway. And yeah, she knows I'm two hours ahead of her as far as time zones go.

        Well, I know her friends but I'm not so close to them. Most likely, They won't tell me if she got to them first(which I know she did already). I don't know what the whole trust thing is about since we had that discussion almost every month. I don't see why she would think I'm not trustworthy. I don't even go out at night becaause there's nothing really to do out here. She knows that. As far as the having feelings for other guys, i wouldn't know cause I'm not there. She doesn't talk to her ex's because they got wives and kids now. Myspace is another issue...She had me on there, made blogs etc. Then when she got mad at me, she deleted everything. Right when that happened, I never seen so many dudes comment on her page in one day.

        Still don't know though. She probably cried herself to sleep by now.

        lemme ask you this.... worst case scernario if she did cheat on you, will u forgive her if she is sorry?
        1991 White Accord LX 5-speed aka Lil' Red


          Originally posted by Lil' Whitie
          lemme ask you this.... worst case scernario if she did cheat on you, will u forgive her if she is sorry?
          Honestly...I don't know. I have been cheated on before and I didn't give any of the girls second chances. But I think she would have to forgive herself before I could. In a way, if she did and she wants to blame me and get crazy over the phone for something she did, i don't think I would just because of the stress she just put me through. I made a thread about this shit. I don't make threads unless it's something I really want an answer to. But at the same time, I don't want to throw away something I worked so hard to maintaining. So it's like a double-edge sword. Sorry for not giving you a straight yes-or-no answer. I'm still confused.


            Well I guess your gonna find out later but whatever the case she will never be the one that made the mistake or did somthing wrong because women never do, its always the guy's fault. Thats probly why shes bringing up the trust issue. She wants you to do somthing so she can get out without looking like the bad guy. Honestly when its causing this much greif is it worth it???? There are hella chicks out there and when you find the perfect one, stuff like this won't happen. Not sayin base any judgment off what I'm sayin, but thats my 2 cents, which is worth like half a penny.

            Also.. when was the last time you and your car had some alone time?lol,jk


              Originally posted by F22HB
              Well I guess your gonna find out later but whatever the case she will never be the one that made the mistake or did somthing wrong because women never do, its always the guy's fault. Thats probly why shes bringing up the trust issue. She wants you to do somthing so she can get out without looking like the bad guy. Honestly when its causing this much greif is it worth it???? There are hella chicks out there and when you find the perfect one, stuff like this won't happen. Not sayin base any judgment off what I'm sayin, but thats my 2 cents, which is worth like half a penny.

              Also.. when was the last time you and your car had some alone time?lol,jk
              If she wants to bail, she could've done so a long time ago. I don't see the reason of starting now and making it a huge "i don't trust you" deal. I told her I don't control her in any way. If she wants to leave, just say so and lets go on our way on a good note. I don't think she would do all this just to test me. If so, then I hate her for it. But I don't think women cry for no reason(if you do, you're a horrible person cause us guys believe we really did something wrong). I will probably call her later on tonight. For some reason I do feel guilty with the whole "you're not paying attention to me" part. Maybe I could've done more.

              And I was working on my car when I called her. Then I sat in my car while we were having that heated discussion. Afterwards, I slammed the door and walked away. Maybe I need to say I'm sorry to my car before it gets mad at me and decide that she doesn't want to take me to school in the morning.


                I hate the "I can't trust you" bullshit.

                She did something wrong.

                If she's said it before, then she's thought of doing stuff, or does little things, and feels guilty. Then she goes on and says she doesn't trust you, because she doesn't trust herself.

                But yea, if she's tripping out like this over the phone, she did something.

                Don't forgive her, don't get back with her.

                if she wants to be a whore, then let her be a whore, without you.

                Once a cheater, always a cheater.

                Loves a bitch, don't end up with one.

                CrzyTuning now offering port services


                  Originally posted by d112crzy
                  I hate the "I can't trust you" bullshit.

                  She did something wrong.

                  If she's said it before, then she's thought of doing stuff, or does little things, and feels guilty. Then she goes on and says she doesn't trust you, because she doesn't trust herself.

                  But yea, if she's tripping out like this over the phone, she did something.

                  Don't forgive her, don't get back with her.

                  if she wants to be a whore, then let her be a whore, without you.

                  Once a cheater, always a cheater.

                  Loves a bitch, don't end up with one.
                  I'm still curious to see what it is. This isn't the first time. I had to reassure her that it can work out if we put effort into it. She only been in 2 relationships, excluding me. One guy left her and got married to another woman. And the other guy, he joined the military and cheated on her. Yeah, it all seems weird to me. I told her that very statement. "If you don't trust me, you don't trust yourself." She got pissed and that's where the call ended. Thanks for your input.

                  I'm still online. cb7tuner must be my new getaway spot.


                    Trust is a big thing for a lot of females, especially when it comes to a long distance relationship.. You both, at one point, definatly had a good deal of trust for eachother for even attempting the California to Alabama relationship.. The longest distance relationship I have ever had was only 100 miles and we shared our ups and downs. I can't imagine being that far apart.

                    I know how it is when you can tell there is something bothering her and she refuses to tell you. It really is a pretty childish game but IMO it is her way of testing you to see how much you press her and she uses that to show herself either how much or how little you seem to care. I don't know what she is really trying to prove though, that is just the only explination that I can think of that makes any sense..

                    If I were you and really do care for her, I would keep pressing the issue. I do not mean you should start psycho calling her or sending people by her house. Just keep checking in with her once an hour or so. Just ask if she wants to talk about it, if she still says no then just tell her you will call her back in an hour and let her go.

                    As long as she is not threatening to harm herself for some reason I would not worry about it too much, and keep it in phone calls or Instant Messengers or whatever method the two of you use to talk.. Good luck.


                      Originally posted by MadSpleen85
                      Trust is a big thing for a lot of females, especially when it comes to a long distance relationship.. You both, at one point, definatly had a good deal of trust for eachother for even attempting the California to Alabama relationship.. The longest distance relationship I have ever had was only 100 miles and we shared our ups and downs. I can't imagine being that far apart.

                      I know how it is when you can tell there is something bothering her and she refuses to tell you. It really is a pretty childish game but IMO it is her way of testing you to see how much you press her and she uses that to show herself either how much or how little you seem to care. I don't know what she is really trying to prove though, that is just the only explination that I can think of that makes any sense..

                      If I were you and really do care for her, I would keep pressing the issue. I do not mean you should start psycho calling her or sending people by her house. Just keep checking in with her once an hour or so. Just ask if she wants to talk about it, if she still says no then just tell her you will call her back in an hour and let her go.

                      As long as she is not threatening to harm herself for some reason I would not worry about it too much, and keep it in phone calls or Instant Messengers or whatever method the two of you use to talk.. Good luck.
                      That's what I don't get. If it is a test, why test me this way? It doesn't make sense to me. She knows that the moment a guy gets freedom, he goes overboard with it, because it happened to her before. I'm not that way at all. I'm pretty loyal and I want nothing but to hurry up with this college business so I can go back to cali. I haven't called her yet and it's been 4 hours. I am still worked up about it myself so I know she's still upset cause it was the first time I actually yelled at her. She wouldn't try to harm herself because she thinks that's retarded etc. Either way, I think it's about time I called her. Just to see if she's okay. Thanks for the input!


                        Let us know how it goes! Good luck.

                        If she's testing you... that's crap. Then she DOESN'T trust you, and she has no reason not to. Not fair to you at all.


                          After Calling....

                          She didn't answer her cell phone. I called her house and her little sister picked up. She's not at home. Her sister kinda hates me anyway but I don't know. Now I'm worried.


                            Hopefully that just means she is out thinking about things and clearing her head a little. Taking some time to calm down and gathering up the courage to tell you what it is that is bothering her.

                            I would suggest if you haven't already, leave a message on her cell phone letting her know that you are concerned about whatever it is that is bothering her and that you are there to listen when she wants to talk and all that kind of thing..


                              Originally posted by MadSpleen85
                              Hopefully that just means she is out thinking about things and clearing her head a little. Taking some time to calm down and gathering up the courage to tell you what it is that is bothering her.

                              I would suggest if you haven't already, leave a message on her cell phone letting her know that you are concerned about whatever it is that is bothering her and that you are there to listen when she wants to talk and all that kind of thing..
                              I didn't leave a message. I did ask her sister if she was okay or not. Hopefully, she passes down the message. But I will call again later. *goes to leave a message now*

                              Thanks everyone for the input! This has really calmed me down. Nice to know I got a bunch of big brothers out here!


                                Originally posted by AG17CB7
                                She didn't answer her cell phone. I called her house and her little sister picked up. She's not at home. Her sister kinda hates me anyway but I don't know. Now I'm worried.

                                When you talk to her next, tell her you can't trust her because she doesn't answer her phone.

