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Jury duty

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    Jury duty

    Had jury duty today. Showed up at 9:00, sat around till just after 10:30 when they read of the names of the people that would be going up to the courtroom, but we didn't actually go up until after 11:30. We got up there, they called seven jurors, explained what type of case it was and the questions that if answered yes would probably interfere with deciding fairly... then told us to go to lunch and be back at 1:00. Come back at 1:00, sidebar first thing, then judge tells us they've settled, we can go home for today. All that for $5 for today, and lunch at McDonald's cost me $5.65. And I have to call the automated line tommorrow after 5:00 to see if I have to report on Wednesday. If they call me back for a second day, I hope I get selected and am there for at least four days total, because after the 3rd day, it jumps from $5 a day to $40 a day.
    Anybody else have jury duty this week? Anybody else in South Jersey? At Cumberland County Courthouse in Bridgeton?

    WTF!! Damn thats 3 people now today thats said they had jury duty, one was my instructor (meaning there was no class today


      i honestly didnt have the slightest idea what jury duty was till 3 months ago when a friend of mine had to do one else i know does it...
      People I have dealt with in this board- Smseagren83,d112crzy, Idrivealude, aznpnoyracer, wed3k, dinertime, HF22T, MRX, Dc2lewd, yeamans17, bruno8747, tn_accords, king james, starchland, yardiexd40

      Mk3 Supra Member #2

      Originally posted by DarkShadow707
      The world needs to be reset.


        Originally posted by Ilikebigbutts
        i honestly didnt have the slightest idea what jury duty was till 3 months ago when a friend of mine had to do one else i know does it...

        I'll never do it. Got called once for NC and I told them I was not a resident (which I wasn't). If I am ever called again I'll just say that I think the American justice system sucks (which it does).


          i got called once, immediatly sent home and my work paid me for the day. it was pretty sweet. however if i acctually had to stay the whole day id rather go to work.


            i get a whopping 15 per day and one way mileage if it exceeds the 2nd day, so my paycheck was 22 dollars for two days!!!

            oh well, at least i caught up with a hawt chick from HS :o
            I <3 G60.

            0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


              I've been called ONCE... and it was after I moved from Burlington County to Gloucester County (grew up in Camden County... I'm getting around!) I never had to go.

              I know a lot of cops. As far as the courts are concerned, I know them very well. That usually gets you excused, from what I'm told. I always say I'd nonchalantly drop a few racial slurs... but I don't think I could do that, even in jest (or to get out of jury duty)


                Now I've gotta go back tommorrow at 12:30. If you know alot of cops you can get out? Gee, my wife is a dispatcher for the Bridgeton PD.


                  Say that! I think any association with law enforcement, especially local law enforcement, disqualifies you. You could be jaded, and therefore your decisions may be biased.


                    My instructor was no picked because he knew the DA, the other attorney, the defendant, and the judge. of course my instructor knows 90% of the people in this town.


                      I went back today at 12:30. All my group did was sit there for 20 minutes, then we were told that they had finished selecting jurors from the other group at 11:45 and they couldn't have contacted everyone, so we had to come in to be told we were done and could go home. Well, I guess five bucks for 20 minutes of nothing ain't bad.


                        i had to do jury duty in 2004, 4 of the most boring days of my was a civil case, car accident, one guy representing himself, they ended up settling out of court...i guess im up for it again starting next year since its every 4 sister has to go next week and she never went before...

                        nothing is more boring then jury duty.

                        ^Click to view my Members Ride Thread^


                          Originally posted by 4thgenaccord
                          I'll never do it. Got called once for NC and I told them I was not a resident (which I wasn't). If I am ever called again I'll just say that I think the American justice system sucks (which it does).
                          If you don't like it GTFO, seriously. Go live somewhere that doesn't have jury duty so you'll never have to do it, like China or Cuba.

                          Jury duty is such a basic thing. I know it sucks when you can't miss work and stuff but shit, without courts, trials and jurors we might as well be living in Iraq under the rule of Saddam.

                          Ok, enough ranting. Deev, most judges and lawyers are hip to the excuses. The last time I had jury duty some lady claimed that because her husband (lawyer) handled a lot of "guilty" defendants that she couldn't be fully objective in making her decision about the outcome of the case. Judge saw none of it and she was on the jury. She later complained to someone else that she "tried as hard as she could" to get out of it.


                            Eh, I don't really see the point in trying too hard to get out of it. You're already there, you're day probably already wasted, and hey, its your civic duty.
                            **Information needed for this next statement to make sense: I am a tall skinny white boy named Kevin. We now continue with our with our regularly scheduled post.**
                            Of course, last time I was called, I made a joke with my friends that I would get out of it by when I was called up to the jurors box I was gonna tell the judge that "My name is Kevina and I'm a strong black women!" Though, that would've gotten me out of jury duty and straight to a padded room. My one friend who was there when I came up with that and happens to be a black women thought that it was one of the funniest things she had ever heard.


                              i got summoned to jury duty but they said i just had to call if i was to report to jury duty. i had to call everyday for 4 days and i got lucky cause my group wasnt called!

                              last year i had to report to jury duty and i was there from 730-5 that shit sucked hella bad. i didnt get called but i hated waiting that long.

                              everybody in my household got summoned to jury duty this year lol

