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    Originally posted by Lil' Whitie
    just wondering..

    i don't mean to start trouble, but if you belive in jesus christ and all that, sounds like you give jesus more credit than god himself?

    i'm kinda confused how you love jesus more than god himself even though god is the one that created us and jesus too....

    if this cause a problem i don't mind if you delete this
    believe me, im no preacher, but from what I understand, Jesus was sent here by God, to do HIS work. So in a sense, they're technically the same, Just labeled as the Son of God(Jesus).

    I could be wrong, though...

    Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

    Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

    Felicia - '11 Ford Fusion - Luxury Package - Daily.. daily.. ugh.

    Originally posted by JoshM
    Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
    NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.


      I'm a Christian and always will be
      1994 Accord Part out!
      Me and my step dad's 1991 Accord EX Coupe MRT

      82 accord-rip, 94 geo-sold, 82 cavilier-rip,81 civic-rip,88 accord- rip, 88 legend- rip, 91 civic- sold,97 geo-sold, 92 accord- sold 94 accord- RIP, 1990 Camry- RIP


        Originally posted by ACC0RD22
        This ones proving pretty hard to get over, honestly. but thats more because of who she was, and less because of the fact that she was jewish. haha.

        she was also a red sox fan, which made the yankees fan in me cringe.
        Ah, I've been there. I broke up with my girlfriend about four months ago. and It was really tough. But Im the one who ended it, because I couldnt see the relationship helping me out ANY. Im not sure of your circumstances.. But I know the feeling. I loved her to death... But... It was just time for me.. or us.. to move on. Now I'm with a girl i am 100% happy with. with my last girl i was about 85% happy with her, and I knew that...

        Just goes to show, there's always better(for you) things out there man.

        trust me.

        Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

        Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

        Felicia - '11 Ford Fusion - Luxury Package - Daily.. daily.. ugh.

        Originally posted by JoshM
        Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
        NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.


          Originally posted by lil_dcb7
          believe me, im no preacher, but from what I understand, Jesus was sent here by God, to do HIS work. So in a sense, they're technically the same, Just labeled as the Son of God(Jesus).

          I could be wrong, though...

          exactly, plus jesus said worship god not him, but lately i have been seeing more credit to jesus and ppl say pray to jesus but there is no mention about god.

          dont' get me wrong jesus did a honerable thing coming down here as a perfect man and giving up his life as a perfcet man so our sins can be forgivin. but are we soupposed to pray to god IN jesus name? not TO jesus?
          1991 White Accord LX 5-speed aka Lil' Red


            Originally posted by Lil' Whitie
            exactly, plus jesus said worship god not him, but lately i have been seeing more credit to jesus and ppl say pray to jesus but there is no mention about god.

            dont' get me wrong jesus did a honerable thing coming down here as a perfect man and giving up his life as a perfcet man so our sins can be forgivin. but are we soupposed to pray to god IN jesus name? not TO jesus?
            As time goes on, I honestly believe that people lose sight to the bigger picture or what they should really be doing. Im not talking about just religion. Im talking about everything in general.

            Like I said, I interperate the bible for my own being... and I follow it and believe to the extent of what I understand..

            Claire - '92 Mercedes-Benz 500E - AMG&Bilstein Treatment - The Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

            Alice - '97 BMW 540i6 - Dinan Tuned. - Low Profile Weekend Warrior.

            Felicia - '11 Ford Fusion - Luxury Package - Daily.. daily.. ugh.

            Originally posted by JoshM
            Okay to do: "I'm sorry I broke your mailbox, here's $100.
            NOT okay to do: "I'm sorry I fucked your sister, here's $100.


              For all "flavors" of Chrstianity, there is the Trinity. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. No one is greater or more important than the other because they're all God. God the Father is the creator. God the Son is the savior, and God the Holy Spirit is the power within us all and the guiding force that leads us to Him. If you now the Bible (and the Quaran and Torah also touches on this but doesn't accept Jesus as the Savior...just a prophet), God hates sin. He cannot look at us when we are covered in sin. Old Testament days, we would offer blood sacrifices passing our sins on to the animal and then offering that animal to God so that we could be cleansed and so that God could look at us without the sin. The idea being that killing an animal and cutting it into pieces and then setting it on fire is a pretty gross act and should make us sick to our stomaches. It worked for a while, but humans began not caring and started dong the sacrifices out of tradition instead of for the intended purpose. We managed to screw it up. So God sent Jesus to us to serve as the ultimate sacrifice. When Jesus was put to death, His blood covered all of us. So God now sees us without our sins since Jesus took those on for himself. Jesus is the "go-between" if you will. We pray to Jesus because He is the reason we're saved and don't have to live in sin and kill animals every time we sin. He is the reason God can look at us and not be disgusted. Personally when I pray, I start out with "Dear God" and when I finish I end it with "I ask this in your precious Son Jesus Christ name, and in the power of the Holy Spirit". They are one in the same, but serve different purposes. Islam and Judaism are a little different. To them, Jesus was a nice guy and a prophet, but not the savior. It is my personal belief that when the Anti-Christ comes, this will be the "savior" that the Muslims and Jews accept. They are still expecting the savior to come. Christians believe the savior has already come and why we often pray to Him.

              My Accord History:
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                Lil'Whitie, it depends on how much of the Bible you believe. If you believe it exactly as it is written, the New Testament is undeniably clear in stating that Jesus IS God. God, though one being, exists in three "persons", God the Father (that which most people refer to when they say God), God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. They are all equal in power and are all three equally God, but fulfill different roles. The Father is most linked to the Creator role, also the overseer that rules over the universe. Jesus is given the Savior role, and the intercessor between God and man. The Holy Spirit fulfills the comfortor role, brings hope to the believers in Jesus absence from earth. This is how evangelical Christians see it, and to be honest, if you believe the Bible as written is true, this really is what you should believe. Jehovah's Witnessess, however believe that Jesus was not God, but rather a lesser "god", and that he came as an example, not a savior. There are other churches and individuals that believe that only parts of the Bible are true, and then it depends on how much and what parts of the Bible you beleive. Im not sure exactly where Catholics put Jesus, because somethings I've heard don't exactly go together in my mind, but thats niether here nor there.
                Yea, Muslims also believe in Jesus. They believe that he was a prophet sent by Allah, and that he was a good man whose teachings should be learned and taken to heart. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong and there's more to it.


                  Aww, ACCLUDE91, you beat me to it. I hate when that happens.


                    Originally posted by ACCLUDE91
                    Post WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN, not what you don't believe in, and don't make comments about what you disagree with on another persons religion.
                    That's not very fair to the Atheists is it?

                    I believe in nothing.

                    I hate these discussions. The Atheist is always the bad guy, and the Christians are always going to "save our souls". Its impossible to argue rationally with any kind of religious fanatic.
                    Last edited by Accord R33; 10-08-2007, 08:34 PM.

                    Owner of


                      Born as a Christian but It wasnt for me, I converted to Islam about 7 years ago. Changed my whole life around, I really dont want to preach here or anything, Its not what Islam is for and the extremists take it and revise the religion which does not reflect it, if your interested look into the religion and learn about it, not what Fox News says. I respect Judaism and Christianity because Islam is very similar. Alot of people think Allah is our god's name. Allah is the word GOD in Arabic.
                      98' ls400
                      91' cb7 4dr ex beater


                        Originally posted by Accord R33
                        That's not very fair to the Atheists is it?

                        I believe in nothing.
                        Being an Atheist, you do believe in something. But what you believe in is purely based in the physical world and does not acknowledge the spiritual world. You believe in the things you can sense with your 5 senses and nothing else. Correct me if I'm wrong?

                        My Accord History:
                        91 EX 2dr : 91 EX 2dr : 91 LX 4dr : 93 EX 2dr : 86 LXi 2dr : 92 LX 4dr : 92 EX 4dr



                          Originally posted by ACCLUDE91
                          Being an Atheist, you do believe in something. But what you believe in is purely based in the physical world and does not acknowledge the spiritual world. You believe in the things you can sense with your 5 senses and nothing else. Correct me if I'm wrong?
                          I guess in a technical sense thats correct, but I always prefer to say i DONT believe in anything. I dont think science is something you "believe in". Its fact, you dont believe in facts, you believe in things you are unsure of. You believe in fairy tails. Santa Clause, magic underwear, flying spaghetti monsters, etc.
                          Last edited by Accord R33; 10-08-2007, 08:39 PM.

                          Owner of


                            Originally posted by fairfieldcb7
                            Born as a Christian but It wasnt for me, I converted to Islam about 7 years ago. Changed my whole life around, I really dont want to preach here or anything, Its not what Islam is for and the extremists take it and revise the religion which does not reflect it, if your interested look into the religion and learn about it, not what Fox News says. I respect Judaism and Christianity because Islam is very similar. Alot of people think Allah is our god's name. Allah is the word GOD in Arabic.
                            Islam, Christianity and Judaism are very similar and revolve around the same God...but the savior is the biggest difference and "traditions" are different. Also, the Christianity we have in America has veered away from the Christianity intended to be preached and taught according to the book of Acts and Pauls letters to the churches (90% of the New Testament).

                            The "Islam extremist" you speak of on the news are giving Islam a very bad name and I can't say that I agree with that. Islam is one of the most sound religions as far a prayer and practices are concerned, but a few "bad apples" are giving it a very bad name.

                            I'm a Christian and forever will be, but I have spent lots of time researching (and even practicing) many other religions. Every religion (or lack of religion in the case of Atheism) has something to offer. There is truth in all religions and there is truth in Atheism. Is there any 1 right religion? No because we as humans have managed to screw it up and take things out of context and go to extremes and only follow what we choose to. But that does not make it any less important or valid.

                            My Accord History:
                            91 EX 2dr : 91 EX 2dr : 91 LX 4dr : 93 EX 2dr : 86 LXi 2dr : 92 LX 4dr : 92 EX 4dr



                              gentile jew
                              14 Ford Focus ST - stock(ish) - E30 Tune + Green Filter =


                                every religion spawned from Judaism, btw.

                                plus God doesn't actually 'exist'

                                he was created in Mans image, to supersede our ever growing doubts of existence.

                                to not believe in anything, is to have no clue about ones own desires.

                                I think even the people that claim themselves as athiest, have that growing curiosity into what the supernatural world may hold, or if there is such a thing.

                                everything is pre-determined, there is destiny......if there is a past, there is, inevitably, a future.

                                God is not a being, God is not everything........God is the little voice that tells us what is right and what is wrong. God is the soul, the conscience, the spirit. God is the chemicals in our brains remaining in perfect balance.

                                The Bible is just a really good story.
                                Last edited by verothacamaro; 10-08-2007, 08:53 PM.
                                14 Ford Focus ST - stock(ish) - E30 Tune + Green Filter =

