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What stupid stuff have you seen people get fired for?

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    What stupid stuff have you seen people get fired for?

    I was just thinking about some of my past jobs... restaurants, movie theaters, etc... and some of the people I worked with got fired for the STUPIDEST stuff! Not unjustly fired, but like, fired for doing stuff that no intelligent person should ever do!

    First, do not drink on the job... especially in the open break room... when you're deaf... and the manager is standing right behind you. No lie. It happened.

    Second, calling a waitress a cunt is a GREAT way to get fired as a cook!

    Third, having 3 very large men come to your job to try to kill you... yeah, if you get away (and the guy did), those guys won't know where you work anymore!

    I know I have more... those are just the ones that made me chuckle today. Does anyone else have any idiot stories?

    My friend got fired for spittin in animal cracker batter at the factory

    I used to work for GODIVA CHOC, here in my city, as security, some 1 got fired for takin CANDY from the factory, i mean dam, u work here, do u have 2 steal it, THEN Again the candy was worth lots!
    **Blk Housed Slut Crew Member #1**

    **Don't b scared be prepared for the worst**
    Da Drizzle's Sedan - Dr. Diy's Blk Housed Thread

    '90 2Tone Coupe-Car Heaven_'89 Lude-Junk Yard
    Mostly Usdm, some Jdm,Edm,&Puerto Rican RICE


      Jacking off but then the boss fucked em and fired them wierd....Oh wait that was a porno my bad lol. hahaha i keed. When I worked at the shipping dept some dude fucked up an order bad and he spilled the orders when driving the forklift. That required some tools to be sent back to get repacked and buckled up that part of assembly.

      The New-ish Ride
      My old Ride
      Hear my Vtak!!!
      MK3 Member #3
      I piss off people for fun.
      IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


        I got fired from Circuit shity cause i bought a camera the was accidently marked down from $130 to $ did 3 other guys. But they hired back one of the guys...

        Dr. Jekyll by day Mr. Hyde by night
        02 Pontiac Firebird W68
        92 Dodge Stealth RT/TT


 a city worker, and we have a damn good good that ive never actually seen anyone get fired....but many stupid things have been done...such as:

          - garbage truck driver was speeding with a full truck, took a corner way to fast, flipped the truck onto a car in the other lane (luckily not killing the guy) and instead of getting fired....HE GOT PROMOTED to full time in a different department with a higher salary..

          - mechanics in our mech shop were working on a f150, they were doing a rebuild of the engine...ended up buying all the parts for a ford ranger...couldnt use them so they threw them away...(they actually did throw them away....)

          - someone was caught having sex in a storage room, he claimed he didnt know he wasnt allowed to do that...union backed him up...nothing happend to him...

          and many more...but id have to think.


            I used to work at an indoor Go-kart track.. When we first opened the mechanic got fired for driving the karts too much.. How that works is beyond me, we had all kinds of trouble with the karts when we first opened, everything was breaking down and he would fix it, run it for a few laps to make sure it was fixed and then got fired..

            I took over then part time as the mechanic, and the GM threatend to fire me if I didnt stop driving around in the karts so much.. I just told him that I was making sure the problem was fixed and there was nothing else wrong with the kart while I had it.. That was fine with him, apparently he said the same thing to the former mechanic and that guy got smart with him so that was his end.. Later


              While I was doing time at McDonalds, I saw a salary manager throw a shake at a crew person, and when the crew person refused to clean up the mess, he got sent home. They later fired the crew guy and just moved the manager to another store. Theyre fucked up like that. The first GM that worked there when i started, he got busted embezzling[sp?] and instead of him getting fired, he got de-moted to salary manager and moved to a store like 50 miles away. What a load of shit

              KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
              Originally posted by Jarrett
              Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                i was working security at a mall a few months back and this guy fell asleep driving out jeep liberty and ran it into a parking garge pillar. what happened? he got pulled from graveyard put on day shift and givin a raise. My buddy goes after a guy and runs through sears to stop him. they cut him to on call and take away his pay....thats some weak stuff there

                Frost White CB7 Crew - Member #41

                92 ex 5spd


                  I was fired from a job because I was told that i couldn't talk The manager and I had many trips to the HR department because he was very favorable on the Cambodians and really hard on the only white guy

                  When i got my pink slip it says I was fired for insubordination (wow cannot believe I spelled that right on the first time ) and I was like WTF I am not allowed to talk what about Freedom of Speech

                  Too late to try to sue so I said f**k it that job was *** anyway
                  Maple50175 - you're annoying =P
                  Brandoncb7 - I don't mean to come across like an ass but I see why you irritate Aaron now.
                  JoshM - Crotch rocket = chick magnet.


                    i got fired for falling 24 ft off a ladder.
                    they said i didn't call off for 3 days. when i had a doctors excuse.

                    used condoms? wtf


                      I know some one who got fired from doing the wang. Or is it the wank? Well he was a security guard. An aquantance walks in and asks him how he's doing. I guess he was bored so he shakes his hand back and forth rapidly simulating masturbation. They called it an obsene jesture.

                      My swap thread
                      Main relay proplems?--DIY


                        So he got fired for the gesture, not even really doing it? Wow.

