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what would u have done?

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    what would u have done?

    ok well yesterday afternoon i came home and the kids wanted to go outside so off they went to get all sweaty and dirty. anyways ... they play right outside our apt so i just leave curtains open so i can see em. after a while i hear my oldest yelling. shes 7 yrs old. i run outside to find her on the floor, 2 boys (1 like 7 yrs and 1 about 11yrs) running away from her and my other daughter running to me yelling that those boys were beating up her sister!

    wtf!!!!! holy shit i was pissed. i ran looking for those little fkers but i couldnt find em.

    like 5 min later i see one of the maintenance men in a go cart. i tell him what happened and ask if he had seen the boys ... he says he saw the little boys running and told me where they were. i see em and right away out of anger i start yelling at them and telling em wtf is their problem. i stop and realize im yelling at kids that arent mine. so i ask em to call their mother out cause im about to fk her ass up. the youngest one starts crying saying my daughter started it and what not. the oldest said he wasnt doing anything just trying to break em up ... but ....

    my daughter said her and her friend were playing and these boys tried to pick a fight w/ my son (4yrs) and adriana (the oldest) got in for him and they started kicking her ass. when her friend tried to get in the 11 yr old boy was pushig her away and holding her from coming to call me ...

    i was yelling at them that theyre lying, call their mom or i will go and get her. finally the little boy goes inside to call his dad cause mom is at work. (just great) out comes this big o man. i tell him what happened and he looks like he's about to beat their asses. makes them apologize to my daughter and says he will take care of them.

    needless to say adriana ended up w/ a light bruise on her face from punches, pain in her ribs from where they kicked her, and some random scratches on neck and chest.

    i know there prolly wasnt much to do ... but i mean should i have done more for justice , is this just what it is when theyre kids. i mean i wanted their mom to be there so bad. like if i beat her down that might have made me feel better. i did call the cops but that was useless ... idk. how would u all have dealt with it??
    Last edited by jennaccord_210; 09-22-2007, 11:25 AM.

    where do u live? thats kinda screwed up


      uhh, i just get over it, if it happens again, ill do something.


        Where's their mother? She's probably one of those ppl who doesnt care much about her kids, or she beats them, hence they think its ok to beat up on other ppl, or they dont think its wrong. Had they just pushed her down or maybe something petty, yeah, i wouldve left it at that, but they kicked her, scratched her and hit her hard enough to bruise her--and in the face nonetheless. Id say something to the complex manager. And you feel so inclined, go to their door and show the mother what they did. She may or may not care, but its worth a shot. Id say take it to the complex manager. If nothing happens, leave it. If it happens again, threaten to take it to the police.

        :OT: Im not making fun or anything, but i kinda laughed at this,
        "maintenance men in a go cart."

        ..did you mean like golf cart or literally a low-sitting, go-kart? Just curious...

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        Originally posted by Jarrett
        Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


          prolly meant golf cart....

          fuckin san antonio

          Formerly 91AccordExR33
          11.68 @ 127mph
          Sold: 8/2016


            they're fucking kids, kids do shit. some are born as little pussies, some are evil as hell and you simply gotta move them both a bit toward the CIVIL side of things.

            i don't see it as a big deal. i've got 2 girls and i've got a niece and nephew and it's just life. sometimes they fight each other, other kids, whatever.

            no way in hell i'd let my kids play outside without me being out there. could be a stray dog, some pervert who wants to fuck your kid, just some mean ass older kid with mental problems. mine are 7 and 2 and i can't imagine letting them do their own thing for another 2 or 3 years.

            the number of convicted child molesters isn't going down, you know. maybe it's because parents are more detached than ever and they let chuck e cheese babysit their kids or because people don't grasp the concept that times have changed a LOT in the past 20 years. things are as unsafe as ever.

            and why whip someone's ass because of their kids? how would you feel if your kids pulled some stupid stuff (and yes, they will if they haven't already, that's what kids do) and they come at you like you were the bad guy? give them a chance to be a parent. you can't blame them for letting their kids run around the same way you were. just outside of the apartment or not, no one was right there and obviously you didn't see what happened because they weren't totally visible.

            my 2 year old girl is the meanest of all the kids i know. she's an instigator and knows how to play innocent after she fucks up.

            usually, little girls are the ones ganging up on the boys.

            but they're just kids. settle down and keep things in perspective or you're gonna raise another generation of humans who jump to conclusions and show their asses before it's necessary.


              IMO you did the right thing. at fist your anger took over, but you gained control and took the problem up with the parent. Now had the parent done nothing or even started to start shit with you, then I would have called the cops.

              Side note: I was always raised I better not start a fight, but I better finish it. I understand your kids are young, but start now teaching them to protect themselves. Ass holes are everywhere and come in every age, shape size and gender.


                Originally posted by fizzbob7
                they're fucking kids, kids do shit. some are born as little pussies, some are evil as hell and you simply gotta move them both a bit toward the CIVIL side of things.

                i don't see it as a big deal. i've got 2 girls and i've got a niece and nephew and it's just life. sometimes they fight each other, other kids, whatever.

                no way in hell i'd let my kids play outside without me being out there. could be a stray dog, some pervert who wants to fuck your kid, just some mean ass older kid with mental problems. mine are 7 and 2 and i can't imagine letting them do their own thing for another 2 or 3 years.

                the number of convicted child molesters isn't going down, you know. maybe it's because parents are more detached than ever and they let chuck e cheese babysit their kids or because people don't grasp the concept that times have changed a LOT in the past 20 years. things are as unsafe as ever.

                and why whip someone's ass because of their kids? how would you feel if your kids pulled some stupid stuff (and yes, they will if they haven't already, that's what kids do) and they come at you like you were the bad guy? give them a chance to be a parent. you can't blame them for letting their kids run around the same way you were. just outside of the apartment or not, no one was right there and obviously you didn't see what happened because they weren't totally visible.

                my 2 year old girl is the meanest of all the kids i know. she's an instigator and knows how to play innocent after she fucks up.

                usually, little girls are the ones ganging up on the boys.

                but they're just kids. settle down and keep things in perspective or you're gonna raise another generation of humans who jump to conclusions and show their asses before it's necessary.
                This guy makes the most sense to me.

                No one really knows story, except for the kids, and there are different versions, so you dont know. Im saying your daughter could be lying, or she could be telling the truth, or be giving you half truth and half lie. Kids lie. I did, you probably did, and so did everyone else.

                Kids are kids, and we should let them be kids. If we create a bubble for them to live in, they will never learn, unless they go out and try for themselves(for the most part).And yes i dont think beat up the mother wouldve helped. I wouldnt want someone to beat up my mom for something that i did. especially when i did everything agaisnt what she told me. You know what i mean?

                I do disagree with you not being outside. I dont know what kind of area you live in, But unless I lived out in bummblefuck, where I own like 20 acres, i wouldnt let them play outside on their own, and even then it would depend on their ages. But it dosent sound like that since it sound like you like in a apartment complex where all sorta of type of people live.

                Even though i completley understand your feelings, as i would have felt somewhat the same way, You need to step back and re-evaluate things, same as i would have to do in that situation

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