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College Student Arrested for Questioning Kerry

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    College Student Arrested for Questioning Kerry

    After viewing the video please provide your thoughts and/or comments?

    College Student Arrested Questioning Kerry


    they said they removed him b/c he became upset after his mic was turned off. if you watch you can CLEARLY see that the cop next to him came after him not even 2 seconds after his mic was turned off. that shows that he was wrongly arrested.

    they just took him because they didnt want anyone hearing the truth about if they were a part of the society. bastards. crap like that gets me mad. they were right to taser him b/c he wouldnt comply with the cops. but you did hear Karry say "let me answer his question." the cops had no right to go after him as soon as his mic got cut off.

    i wouldnt be surprised if he won the court case and sued the police department. they were wrong for arresting him. he did nothing wrong and he DIDNT become upset after his mic was cut off. his mic was cuf off b/c he questioned a member or the government. not b/c his time ran out. lying bastards.


      I agree! The cops tasered him for resisting arrest. However, a good lawyer will burn the university and the police department.



        Originally posted by kamaccord
        I agree! The cops tasered him for resisting arrest. However, a good lawyer will burn the university and the police department.
        very true. i can understand why he got tasered. he didnt comply with the officers orders. thats gonna happen no matter what you do.

        but as far as the cop who went after him in the 1st place? once the kids lawyer sees that tape and the jury sees the tape. yeah. he's gonna get off and get some money too. there was no reason for him to get arrested. he did nothing. he didnt go off or get "upset" like the liers say he did.

        to me "getting upset" would be like going off, throwing the mic. 2 seconds after his mic was cut off the cop came after him for no reason. i garuntee everyone will say the same thing too.


          he was not going to get arrested he was going to get kicked out. He was the one that jumped to the arrested conclusion.


            I think the whole situation is fucked up, especially that the UP were so forceful in taking him out, but i think people should not blame Kerry. Granted, the kid was being pretty obnoxious/aggressive.... that comes with being a cocky University of Florida student, most likely from a wealthy republican could tell the guy had malicious intent, and only wanted to chastise kerry rather than get legitemate answers. its called an ad homenim argument, when you attack the opponent instead of the issue at hand. still, i think it was horrendously unnecessary for them to use such force...just goes to show why we have so much internal conflict in this country... most of his basic rights were violated in front of an entire auditorium, not to mention on camera.... sounds like theres gonna be a fair amount of repercussions on this one....
            1993 CB7
            2001 BB6


              Originally posted by ChIoVnIdCa
              he was not going to get arrested he was going to get kicked out. He was the one that jumped to the arrested conclusion.
              there shouldnt have been a reason why he was going to get kicked out tho. he did nothing. if you look at the cop right next to him, she came after him 2 seconds after his mic was cut off. he could have been about to sit down and Kerry even said he was going to answer the question. so the cops are still at fault. any lawyer will see that.

              and like bresk said, his right were violated right there as soon as they turn off his mic. unless it was an issue of national security, his mic shouldnt have been cut off. nor should he have been arrested and silenced.

              he asked a simple question and Kerry was about to answer it. he even said hold on im going to answer his question


                If the guy was not going to be arrested, why was he tasered? Everyone could clearly hear him say he would walk out on his own. Why was he not allowed the opportunity to walk out on his own? Because the intent was to arrest now walk him out. The cops in my opinion screwed up completely.
                600HP" 1990 ACCORD LX COUPE COMING SOON

                CLICK HERE TO VIEW MY 1990 CB7


                  Originally posted by kamaccord
                  If the guy was not going to be arrested, why was he tasered? Everyone could clearly hear him say he would walk out on his own. Why was he not allowed the opportunity to walk out on his own? Because the intent was to arrest now walk him out. The cops in my opinion screwed up completely.

                  exactly. expect a lawsuit to incur after about a month or two of investigation..


                    wow, i cant believe they actually arrested that guy for asking this...
                    Videos of the Monday night incident, posted on several Web sites and played repeatedly on television news, show officers pulling Meyer away from the microphone after he asks Kerry about impeaching President Bush and whether he and Bush were both members of the secret society Skull and Bones at Yale University.

                    "He apparently asked several questions -- he went on for quite awhile -- then he was asked to stop," university spokesman Steve Orlando said. "He had used his allotted time. His microphone was cut off, then he became upset."
                    and the fact his school is already trying to defend the police's actions. what a sad, sad state our country is in.

                    which, hell, while on the topic of "secret societies..."
                    Last edited by xScott; 09-18-2007, 01:41 PM.


                      I don't think anybody should be tazed for those acts at all, especially a student at his own university....... I don't understand why he was arrested in the first place. But then again, we might just be getting one aspect of the whole story
                      14 Ford Focus ST - stock(ish) - E30 Tune + Green Filter =


                        Originally posted by verothacamaro
                        I don't think anybody should be tazed for those acts at all, especially a student at his own university....... I don't understand why he was arrested in the first place. But then again, we might just be getting one aspect of the whole story
                        If we're only getting one side of the truth, the media sure is making a good case on the student's behalf. If the student anything wrong the police will also have a difficult time swaying the community that they acting with proper judgement.
                        600HP" 1990 ACCORD LX COUPE COMING SOON

                        CLICK HERE TO VIEW MY 1990 CB7


                          i cant wait till someone justifys this

                          the guy was asking a controversial question that..john kerry evebntually was goign to answer...the cops did the usual power trip because they want to be upgraded to top flight security and impress politicians...the kid did resist arrest but would you if you were just wondering what just happened..and then cops jus push you away..then you get picked up by a hugge cop..thrown to the ground...and then tasered...he should have stayed silent and not move BUT he was thinking as any normal human..not real rational..but out of fear..ui cant see how the cops were in the right..he was resisting arresst..BUT...was the taser and excessive force necessary?


                            ahahhahahaha "au au au au" come on guys.

                            first of all he deserved everything he got. i mean if the cops tell you to get you then do so. why would you question them... and if you keep stepping away from them etc etc etc sure they will get you into custody, because they don't know what kind of intentions you have. you might get pissed off and take a gun out and start shooting people. you never know what the guys has with him.

                            just comply and you won't get hurt.

                            lol "police brutality" what a pussy man. lmao. t

                            trust me guys even the best lawyer won't make the university or pd pay for whatever the guy got. he clearly resisted arrest. he didn't want to walk away from the place that is why he went down.
                            are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet


                              omfg cops tend to arrest people, and for what. resisting arrest. he wouldnt be able to resist arrest if he wasnt being arrested for no reason in the first place.

