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Late Night Presidental Poll

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    Late Night Presidental Poll

    If the Presidental election for 2008 was tomorrow, and you the these were your canidates from the Republican and Democrat parties..

    Listed in alphabetic order by last name (Click the canidates name for a profile).....

    Joe Biden

    Sam Brownback

    Hillary Rodham Clinton

    Chris Dodd

    John Edwards

    Rudy Giuliani

    Mike Gravel

    Mike Huckabee

    Duncan Hunter

    Dennis Kucinich

    John McCain

    Barack Obama

    Ron Paul

    Bill Richardson

    Mitt Romney

    Tom Tancredo

    Fred Thompson

    Feel free to share the reason why you chose who you did.. Let's keep this thread free of bashing, or name calling..

    Moderators/Admin: If at any time the line between acceptable and not acceptable is crossed feel free to delete the entire thread if you feel that is the appropriate action..

    Joe Biden
    Sam Brownback
    Hillary Rodham Clinton
    Rudy Giuliani
    Chris Dodd
    John Edwards
    Mike Gravel
    Mike Huckabee
    Duncan Hunter
    Dennis Kucinich
    John McCain
    Barack Obama
    Ron Paul
    Bill Richardson
    Mitt Romney
    Tom Tancredo
    Fred Thompson

    The poll is expired.

    Last edited by MadSpleen85; 09-06-2007, 08:48 PM.

    i wish politics were i have to do rersearch on each and every one of those candidates and their positions on every single issue.

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      hey where is Andrew Jackson

      FS: Lokuputha's Stuff
      "It's more fun to drive a slow car fast than it is to drive a fast car slow."-The Smartest Man In The World


        im thinking either obama or clinton


          Wow, I've been wondering when a thread like this one pops up.

          I want to make sure everyone that plans to vote PLEASE research the canidates very closely.

          As said from the OP, keep it clean folks.


            Originally posted by pwrusr
            ..I want to make sure everyone that plans to vote PLEASE research the canidates very closely...
            x2 that is the reason behind why each canidate's name is a link to the Washington Post's Profile of the canidate.. Figured that would cut down on the research time a little bit.. There are plenty of websites out there that have all kinds of information about the canidates.. Voting without researching is pointless to me.. Don't vote for someone just because everyone else is.. Vote for who you would be most willing to support.. Later


              I wish there was one that would Legalize bud then ill vote for them

              Piss and moan again and you'll have time out in the corner Susan.


                ^^ on a similar note to that.....

                Republican Ron Paul is my choice.

                He supports the effort to federally legalize the growth of hemp in the US, which would GREATLY improve our economy, cut down on greenhouse gases, lower fuel prices, save what rain forest we have left, and give great business to poor farmers looking for more profitable crops (which I believe they fully deserve)

                Not to mention it is a step in the right direction for the eventual and inevitable decriminalization of marijuana.

                And I also agree with his stance on how unconstitutionally the current Bush regime has handled nearly every controversial task that has been tossed it's way.

                I trust President Paul could most definitely turn this country around by ending much the hypocrisy in the government.

                The constitution will mean something once again.


                  I haven't researched any platforms extensively enough to be satisfied with any decision. However, I don't believe in campaign platforms anyway. Half of the promises and plans won't be followed, the other half won't be within their power.

                  I would vote Clinton. And yes, because she's a woman. Aside from Oprah, Hillary is the one woman who has a strong chance at becoming President. Having a female President would do more to change this country than any campaign platform. It would be a change, and a very drastic one at that.

                  Of course, when I DO vote, I will be educated on the candidates. I won't vote Clinton solely on her gender... though, unlike campaign promises, that is one change you can be 100% certain she is bringing to the White House!


                    Originally posted by Phempa
                    ^^ on a similar note to that.....

                    Republican Ron Paul is my choice.

                    He supports the effort to federally legalize the growth of hemp in the US, which would GREATLY improve our economy, cut down on greenhouse gases, lower fuel prices, save what rain forest we have left, and give great business to poor farmers looking for more profitable crops (which I believe they fully deserve)

                    Not to mention it is a step in the right direction for the eventual and inevitable decriminalization of marijuana.

                    And I also agree with his stance on how unconstitutionally the current Bush regime has handled nearly every controversial task that has been tossed it's way.

                    I trust President Paul could most definitely turn this country around by ending much the hypocrisy in the government.

                    The constitution will mean something once again.
                    yeah this guy is a rock. pretty solid when it comes to his ideologies.

                    Although, just like JFK, I believe he will be assassinated if he tries to dismantle the Income Tax, IRS, and the Federal Reserve.

                    check it:

                    Last edited by lokuputha; 09-02-2007, 10:17 AM.

                    FS: Lokuputha's Stuff
                    "It's more fun to drive a slow car fast than it is to drive a fast car slow."-The Smartest Man In The World


                      His views are far too extreme. Even if he could follow through with even some of those things, the same conservative crowd that voted Bush into power would see to it that Paul wouldn't make it.

                      I don't smoke, and I doubt I ever will. However, I'm actually in support legalization as well. From a psychological perspective, removing marijuana from the "drug" category will significantly reduce the "gateway drug" effect that sadly is quite true. If you drink a beer at 16, the chances of your trying cocaine in 2 years aren't all that great. If you smoke weed at 16, the chances are significantly higher... weed introduces you to the "drug culture" whereas alcohol (a more harmful substance, in reality) does not.

                      Regardless, Clinton has a better chance, due to her more standard approach. She is a politician. Through and through. She is as good as any male politician (if any can be called good). Her positive impact will come from the fact that she is a woman. Regardless of what she does in office, her gender alone will be a step towards change. Her gender alone will shake the roots of this old fashioned government to the core. Maybe AFTER her time in office, we'll be more open to other significant changes.
                      I'm patiently awaiting the first *** black paraplegic female president.


                        Originally posted by deevergote
                        I'm patiently awaiting the first *** black paraplegic female president.

                        here here.

                        FS: Lokuputha's Stuff
                        "It's more fun to drive a slow car fast than it is to drive a fast car slow."-The Smartest Man In The World


                          Originally posted by deevergote
                          I'm patiently awaiting the first *** black paraplegic female president.
                          And what religion would you like her to be? lol.. Later


                            obama is some radical. he wants to go into pakistan with no permission from the goverment of pakistan.. oo great...."war on terror"


                              Originally posted by sackingz123
                              obama is some radical. he wants to go into pakistan with no permission from the goverment of pakistan.. oo great...."war on terror"
                              Yeah, the good guys don't go into a country without permission... they might overthrow the government and retain a military occupation. Yeah, that's not something we would do.

                              As for religion... Hmm... Hindu, of course!

