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Street Racing = 0.12% of Traffic Deaths

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    Street Racing = 0.12% of Traffic Deaths

    This was on a local car forum originally from a (somewhat) local paper. I thought it was interesting, and with the crap the Ontario government is trying to pull I feel it should be spread where ever possible.

    Streetracing 0.12% of traffic deaths

    Street Racing Nonexistent Problem, Stats Show

    I received the letter below recently from driving enthusiast Ron Durocher of Harrow. His comments and research are even more timely this morning, given what Progressive Conservative leader John Tory is proposing to do about speeding.

    Last week, Ron was pretty annoyed by the political grandstanding of the provincial Liberal government over the alleged crisis in "street racing."

    "It juist seems like our rights and freedoms as drivers are being whittled away because of political agendas and misinformation," Durocher wrote in an e-mail.

    In response to a couple of deadly Toronto incidents that seemed more linked to that city's growing ethnic gang culture than to racing, the Liberals have been threatening to impose a Draconian crackdown on street racing across the province.

    Durocher says the statistics don't back up the government's claim there is a "crisis" on our roads. According to his research, police chases actually cause more deaths in North America than outlaw racers do.

    I'm sure Ron is even more disappointed today to learn that the provincial Conservatives have not only jumped on Premier McGuinty's streetracing "crisis" bandwagon but are advocating even more severe action.

    Under the Conservatives' proposed law -- which you can be sure will part of their election campaign this fall -- any vehicle caught travelling more than 50 km over the speed limit would be confiscated on the spot for a week.

    You have to wonder if that law would apply to certain well-known local speed demons in the legal profession, local industry, and some close family members of police officers who brag about their immunity from tickets. There certainly could be a lot of cars in our local impound lot. And that's not even counting the flood of American speeders on Highway 401 who know they are immune to our current laws . . .

    Anyway, here's Ron's letter, which he titled The Myths About Street Racing:

    "Recently, there has been much in print and much grandstanding by politicians, Attorney Generals and Police Commisioners about how street racing is an "epidemic."

    "Sadly, Joe Public eats it all up since he/she really has no clue and no way or verifying if what the talking heads are saying is true. How do I know this? Well that's because Canada doesn't compile and keep statistics on the causes of accidents, which would include those by street racing.

    "As an auto enthusiast and an engineer for an automotive manufacturing company, I take a keen interest in all things automotive. So I decided to do much research on the topic so that I could make my own decisions. With little info available here, I had to turn to the US. By all accounts, street racing is a much more serious problem in the US than it is here. Well after coming up emtpy for statistics from Transport Canada, I found a wealth of information from the National Highway Safety Administration FARS (Fatality Analysis Accident Reporting System) statistics. Street racing has been included in the FARS database since 1998.

    "The statistics, to say the least, were eye opening. Far from being a scourge of the highways, street racing accounts for very few traffic deaths. From 1998-2005, there were 304,236 fatalities on U.S. roads. Of these, a mere 353 (0.12 per cent) were from street racing. For comparitive purposes, I also looked at other common causes. Talking on a cellphone, another dangerous driving habit much hyped by police and the media was only slightly less dangerous at 327 deaths (0.11 per cent).

    "Bear in mind, millions of Canadians talk on cell phones daily; an act statistically as dangerous as street racing.

    "Driving slower than the posted speed limit (429 deaths, 0.14 per cent) accounted for more deaths. Surprisingly, being distracted by something inside the vehicle, such as talking to a passenger, adjusting a mirror, fiddling with a radio or eating caused an eye-opening 38,914 deaths (12.79 per cent).

    "Again, this is something plenty of people do every day while driving. Some of the highest trained street drivers in the world, police officers, caused nearly four times the fatalities (1,357, 0.44 per cent) of street racers!

    "But these all pale in comparison to drunk driving. Nearly 144,000 people were killed by drunk drivers in the U.S., a staggering 44 per cent of all fatalities. Canada isn't much better. Drunk driving here is responsible for at least 30 per cent of all fatalities, claiming sometimes over 1,000 victims per year.

    "By contrast I've been only able to find less than a dozen deaths caused by street racing in Canada for the last two years combined.

    "And now there's been talk from the Attorney General about impounding and crushing cars of street racers. Why such a harsh punishment for something that is more or less insignificant statistically? Easy. These street racers are generally young people. And young people have no money to defend themselves in a court of law. So it's easy for the agenda-driven police and politicians to "show" that they are cracking down and being tough on this "epidemic" of street racing.

    "Now, let's imagine for a second that the police and politicians changed the laws so that the cars of drunk drivers, the most dangerous group of killers on Canadian roads, were crushed. The outcry would be IMMENSE to say the least. Drunk drivers include people from every walk of life. Judges, teachers, politicians, police, journalists, engineers you name it. And more alarming, these people drive drunk multiple times! Even with suspended licenses.

    "The fact is "street racers" are being centered out for political reasons but mainly because they are easy pickings. What a better group to target than a group of people perceived as dangerous drivers that can't defend themselves.

    "Don't get me wrong here. Street racing is stupid, irresponsible and downright dangerous. But is it the threat to humanity we have been reading about? Certainly not.

    "The average person doesn't know the facts and has no idea where to look for them. They are being lied to and are being fed a plate full of bull****. (Last month) the Commisioner of the OPP said that we need a fleet of airplanes to combat street racing! Are you kidding me? A fleet of airplanes? And he had the audacity to say that the cost would be "minimal" and that they would pay for themselves by saving tens of thousands of lives!!

    "A fleet or airplanes that require engine overhauls every 1,500 hours at a cost of $15,000 each!! And we need these to get a very small number of nut jobs off the road?And guess who will buy into this and be the ones paying for this? Yes . . . the same poeple who have no idea that this isn't really a problem . . .

    Ron Durocher



      I didnt read the article but the worst drivers in the world are old drivers amazingly.

      The New-ish Ride
      My old Ride
      Hear my Vtak!!!
      MK3 Member #3
      I piss off people for fun.
      IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


        score.....1 Point Deducted Towards Backwards Polictians And Their Bs
        "You don't have to be a Phi Beta Kappa to know not to strip-search a girl who is accused of stealing change,"

        I did gagoogity that girl. I gashmoigitied her gaflavity with my googis. And I am sorry.


          what about speeding does that make street racing? Or how bout road rage does that make street racing ? So what im getting after is that well maybe its not street racing as the cause but off shoots of street racing. Say that .12% of deaths are kids that are street racing and one loses control thats one tally for street racing. And, I just started a sentence. So if two people are street racing and one of them skids off the road due to hydroplaning and the other one makes it out alive do they tally that as hazardous road conditions ?


            Wow I did read this. And that makes a lot of sense. And I would bet that most of those deaths from street racing happened on crowded roads, something that is VERY stupid.

            I wonder about the statistics on "aggressive" drivers. Often we are paying far more attention to whats going on around us then people just driving along.

            I love the fact that people driving under the speed limit police officers are more dangerous than those street racing.

            I'd like to see facts on accidents related to speeding... I bet thats actually a pretty high number. hmm.
            Click for my ride thread.


              i really dont think we'll EVER play down that movie...........or movies thereafter............
              "You don't have to be a Phi Beta Kappa to know not to strip-search a girl who is accused of stealing change,"

              I did gagoogity that girl. I gashmoigitied her gaflavity with my googis. And I am sorry.


                Originally posted by 10thcb7
                what about speeding does that make street racing? Or how bout road rage does that make street racing ? So what im getting after is that well maybe its not street racing as the cause but off shoots of street racing. Say that .12% of deaths are kids that are street racing and one loses control thats one tally for street racing. And, I just started a sentence. So if two people are street racing and one of them skids off the road due to hydroplaning and the other one makes it out alive do they tally that as hazardous road conditions ?
                The thing is, the Ontario government wants to count that 50km over the speed limit is racing, whether the road is completely empty or not. If two people were racing, and one lost control due to hydroplaning and died, it would still be considered street racing, assuming that the police got the whole story and there were witnesses. Street racing it out there, but what they are getting at is it's not the MAIN problem they should be focusing on.

                When I worked at a factory this summer almost everyone there had a story (plenty of stories actually) of them and their buddies drinking and driving, and brag about still doing it. Teenagers and young adults don't have money, yet seem to be the ones racing :S, so that's who they want to go after. No money = they can't fight it and in turn means they WILL have to pay.



                  i wouldnt stand next to the road waiting for the car to get realy close to me. Id rather be hiding behinda tree. with my dusty ass records.


                    Originally posted by NAiL05
                    I didnt read the article but the worst drivers in the world are old drivers amazingly.
                    I agree. The other day I was following one.....she was all over the road, off the road, into the other lane....I said fuck this shit and passed her and got the hell away from her.

                    Another time and old lady starting coming into my lane (right side lane) while I was RIGHT beside her. I looked over and she was staring ahead, didn't bother checking to see if anyone was there....i had to move to the right, kind of on another side street, hit the brakes, then floor it back around her and into the other lane so the traffic behind me wouldn't hit me....she didn't even look back or anything, had no idea what she did or could have done.



                      Oh she gave you the infamous no look lane change I have had that happen to me. Old people dont like to check. I give them a good honk and hope they get a heart attack LOL haha i keed but I give them I will kill your whole family look haha.

                      The New-ish Ride
                      My old Ride
                      Hear my Vtak!!!
                      MK3 Member #3
                      I piss off people for fun.
                      IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


                        dont mess with old folks its bad enough that little kids are already fucking us up worse


                          Originally posted by 10thcb7
                          what about speeding does that make street racing? Or how bout road rage does that make street racing ? So what im getting after is that well maybe its not street racing as the cause but off shoots of street racing. Say that .12% of deaths are kids that are street racing and one loses control thats one tally for street racing. And, I just started a sentence. So if two people are street racing and one of them skids off the road due to hydroplaning and the other one makes it out alive do they tally that as hazardous road conditions ?

                          Even if you combined road rage, and any other "offshoots" of street racing, it would STILL pale in comparison to drunk driving. Last year in the US, drunk driving killed 10X as many people as we have lost in Iraq since the beginning of the war, and that was only 1 year of drunkeness. So where is the outcry for that? Considering that it makes up almost half of all fatalities all by itself, I think if I were actually a person focused on making a difference, that is where I would start.

                          Interestingly, we as a nation are all up in arms over "needless" death in Iraq, when nearly 10x as many of our wives, children, parents, friends etc were killed last year alone. And yet, nobody is worried about it.

                          The problem is just like the author of the letter mentioned though. They won't do anything about it because it affects everyone. How do you get Ted Kennedy to support a law against drunk driving, when he himself is guilty of not only drunk driving, but of killing someone while drunk driving? Extend that down to the State, County, and Local level, and you will begin to see the uphill battle, especially when a lot of the big business people you hear getting caught have friends in high places.

                          He also brought up a good point with the speeding. Are Police officers going to be impounding fellow officers cars for speeding? Or are they going to be bending the law just a little bit? Traditionally, the answer is that it won't go with many changes.

                          How about cell phones? They cause countless problems daily, and statistically kill just as many people. Interestingly, I almost get hit daily due to inattention and cell phone usage, but not street racing. Which one is more of an epidemic?

                          Here is the problem. And this goes for just about everything the government tries to sell the public. It is common with Global Warming at the moment.

                          Crisis sells. Anytime there is an "epidemic" a "crisis" or a looming "catastrophe", the odds are pretty much spot on that some wacko nutjob is trying to sell you something you don't need. The problem is that most people don't put the time into actually looking at what is going on. It is easier for them to swallow the false sense of security that their town is safe because all of the street racers are off the road. At least until someone they know gets killed by a drunk driver.
                          The OFFICIAL how to add me to your ignore list thread!


                            I think we should all drive bumper cars and call it a day.

                            The New-ish Ride
                            My old Ride
                            Hear my Vtak!!!
                            MK3 Member #3
                            I piss off people for fun.
                            IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


                              I find this article very true.

                              i love it how cops define street racing very deadly game. in the past 6 years there has been no deaths in street racing in my area, but drunk driving and murders, pretty much everyday. they say ohh they were street racing, but dont tell what they actually did.

                              when your street racing down the street, bubbling the speed limit, you are so damm focused on the road then anyone else. every time i street race, i turn off the music, and pay attention.

                              drunk driving causes more deaths than street racing. that statement is 120% true. anyone could get drunk and go to party's, but how many of them you think actually own modded cars? about 10% or 5%. becuase most of them arnt intrested in cars, their more intrested in guys/girls.

                              if i or my team ever have to go in front of court, i would back myself up with facts from what everyday people write.

                              haha just thought about what was on the news 2 years ago about street racing. it was quite intresting how they were all talking shit, how street racing is bad and shit, but when i comes to drunk driving, they're less on the topic. i hope someday ill open their eyes.


                              btw i say lets all move to japan/germany and call it a day.
                              Last edited by quickangel93; 08-31-2007, 11:59 PM.
                              miss my turbo cb7
                              moved onto volvos. dont know how that happened, just did

