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Blk EX Coupe.....

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    Blk EX Coupe.....

    hey i want to put this out into the open cause i think that others should know my badd.

    a while back this guy wanted a s2000 conversion antenna kit and i said i had it, well it was at my friends house. i finally got around to get it but then me and my friend isnt really cool ne more, shit happend more than i can explain...he is still my friend but really i cannot ask for the part any more. i still concider him a friend...just hope he comes around.

    so in the open im appologizing (for spelling too ) that i cannot get you that kit, though i found some on ebay.

    i never cashed your 20$$ check that you gave me for the fact i didnt want to cash it and then never get it to you.

    it was never my intention to NOT get it to you, though it was my stupidity that lead me to write this thread. i should of let you known but i have tried several times every week to get your part but its not i give up.

    i know your mad and all but im sorry. i wont cash your check and if there is anything i can do in anyway possible to make up for my stupidity just let me kno, ANYTHING...well within my power.

    i feel that since i let this one member down on this site i will be letting down others, and then you kno you may say that "oh accordztech is not co or is a rip" i dont want that rep even though i deserve it.

    for the last 4 months its been hell for me, i still have to ship eatruna or whatever his name is, i stil have to ship that manifold...but other people i shiped theirs fine.

    my business has been really holding me back off of people i care about (people of; detailing, side job as a mechanic repair man...etc. every damn day!...

    everyday im doing something but i lack the intelegence to get the things that were in my face out of the way, which is your antenna kit and eatruna manifold...

    this is why i want to put this in the open...i dont mind, id like people to know that im not perfect..but should TRY to be, and i truely do.

    i try to be the best of help to people, but sometimes i just cant. im sorrie, nothing makes up for my lagg. im human, and please anything let me know.

    and i know i will get flamed by you and by all means go for dont know how sorrie i feel when i let someone down. =/
    What makes me laugh about forums, is that no matter how much you try to help someone, they dont take the advice. Go ahead and do it the hard way.

    You got to respect what you drive, and appreciate what you have, making the best of what you got. and if that means putting CAI, HID's, a phat stereo system, and a idiot in the drivers seat...then so be it!



    I love nooBs...They make me look good

    Re: Blk EX Coupe.....

    Originally posted by accordztech
    hey i want to put this out into the open cause i think that others should know my badd.

    a while back this guy wanted a s2000 conversion antenna kit and i said i had it, well it was at my friends house. i finally got around to get it but then me and my friend isnt really cool ne more, shit happend more than i can explain...he is still my friend but really i cannot ask for the part any more. i still concider him a friend...just hope he comes around.

    so in the open im appologizing (for spelling too ) that i cannot get you that kit, though i found some on ebay.

    i never cashed your 20$$ check that you gave me for the fact i didnt want to cash it and then never get it to you.

    it was never my intention to NOT get it to you, though it was my stupidity that lead me to write this thread. i should of let you known but i have tried several times every week to get your part but its not i give up.

    i know your mad and all but im sorry. i wont cash your check and if there is anything i can do in anyway possible to make up for my stupidity just let me kno, ANYTHING...well within my power.

    i feel that since i let this one member down on this site i will be letting down others, and then you kno you may say that "oh accordztech is not co or is a rip" i dont want that rep even though i deserve it.

    for the last 4 months its been hell for me, i still have to ship eatruna or whatever his name is, i stil have to ship that manifold...but other people i shiped theirs fine.

    my business has been really holding me back off of people i care about (people of; detailing, side job as a mechanic repair man...etc. every damn day!...

    everyday im doing something but i lack the intelegence to get the things that were in my face out of the way, which is your antenna kit and eatruna manifold...

    this is why i want to put this in the open...i dont mind, id like people to know that im not perfect..but should TRY to be, and i truely do.

    i try to be the best of help to people, but sometimes i just cant. im sorrie, nothing makes up for my lagg. im human, and please anything let me know.

    and i know i will get flamed by you and by all means go for dont know how sorrie i feel when i let someone down. =/

    Honda-Tech Username: Lostcb7
    The OG.


      Geeze man... lighten up and don't take the whole life thing SO serious...

      Doesn't sound like you were out to rip anybody off or anything... shit happens and any halfway reasonable person will understand that I'm sure...
      RIP Lifsatrip7



        soo when i first read this thread last night when you pm'ed i just i still have that reciept? and damn man why didnt u just tell me whatsup before? instead of making me wait over a month...all i know is im going to cash it out and getting a money order for cb7tuner decals tomorrow

        btw this is my second personalized thread in cb7tuner off topic...i can thank maple for the other one

